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Charlotte POV

I was getting off work one evening and on the way home I passed by Central World Mall to meet some friends for dinner. When dinner ended, I make my way to the train station and with some friends going the same way we chatted on the platform waiting for our train to arrive. I look across to the platform that was going the other direction and see a familiar face. It was Engfa. 

It has been almost a half year since our trip to Sydney and after the whole situation between Engfa and I we have lost contact unable to resolve anything. I did have a few sudden urges to reach out to her, stalk her on social media or even reach out to Nick and see if he knows how she was doing. But everytime these thoughts came to me, I refused to believe that us reconnecting and resolving what happened on our last day of the trip could do any good. I was saving myself from further potential heartbreak. 

She was on her phone with music playing in her ears, wearing what looks like attire for work. For a moment I froze. What if she looked up and spotted me standing across, do I wave? Do I say hi? Or will she pretend not to see me and I too the same? 

I dismissed all these thoughts in my head and just chose to pretend that I didn't see her, focusing my attention back on my friends. I admit, the next week following spotting Engfa, I wanted to reach out to her. Not necessarily because I had feelings for her still, but just the way we left things was so terrible. 

Fast forward to New Years, all our Phuket friends were flying to Bangkok for a quick trip to visit me. Although I offered to fly back to Phuket to save everyone from buying a ticket, they insisted they wanted to come to Bangkok instead. This time with Chompu also able to take a few days off work, the whole crew was finally whole again. Aside from Nick who was in far away Sydney, of course. 

It was finally time for me to get off work, I rush to the restaurant where we were all going to have dinner. They came to Bangkok in two different groups, taking two different flight times for their own convenience, but around 4pm they all texted the group saying they have all arrived the villa that we booked for this long weekend just located 20 minutes away from the city. 

As I walk in the restaurant, everyone was already sat and waiting for me. It was also obvious it was my friends because you could hear them even by the entrance. I run towards the large group when suddenly I spot Nick sitting there with them. 

Char: Nick! What?! Why are you here?? I know Chompu could finally make it this time but I didn't think you could too! OMG!

Nick: Surprise!

Tina: We literally were just surprised by him too! Only Folke knew he was coming

Char: Come on, give me a hug you guys! (going around hugging everyone)

Heidi: We have so much to catch up on, sit! sit! 

Champ: Let's order food and drinks first, I know this is going to be a long night

Heidi: Yeah, I'm starving~

(Took 10 years to finally place an order)

Nudee: So~ Char! Give us all a thorough update of life here, don't leave out anything juicy

Char: Nothing happened, I swear~ 

Nick: I don't believe you

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