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Charlotte POV

I was rushing over to Lisa's place after meeting with Nick, continuing the momentum. I felt like I didn't want to break this spurt of sudden bravery to come clean about my true feelings. I text Lisa when I left the restaurant and she agreed to meet me. So here I am, close to midnight making my way over, having less than 10 minutes to reconstruct my thoughts and planning out what I was going to say to Lisa. While I was frantically trying to place words to express my feelings, I was already let out of the taxi making my way up to her apartment. At this point, Lisa was already peeping her head out the door, waiting for me to get out the lift.

Lisa: Are you going to stay the night?

Char: Uh... I won't be.

Lisa: Come on in, you want something to drink?

(walks straight to the couch)

Char: Lisa, have a seat. I need to talk to you

Lisa: Okay... what's this about (reaches out to hold Char's hands)

Char: (looks at Lisa's hands) This isn't going to be easy, but I don't think we can be seeing each other anymore

Lisa: Oh? (retracts hands)

Char: I've come at this hour to say this, sorry for not giving you a heads up

Lisa: What's wrong, I thought we were starting to develop something here

Char: I am in love with Engfa

Lisa: Engfa? Like your good friend, Nick's girlfriend

Char: EX-girlfriend

Lisa: So you're telling me, Nick who is one of your best friends and you're pursuing her ex-girlfriend.

Char: I know what you're trying to do and it's not working

Lisa: What, Charlotte. What am I trying to do HUH?! You come here without any notice after spending so much time with these few months pursuing me to tell me you actually have feelings for someone else?!

Char: I'm sorry, that's all I can say

Lisa: You're not going to win her over, you know that right?!

Char: Whatever the outcome may be, I need to try.

Lisa: You've just lost me, you're going to lose your best friend, and you're never going to get the girl

Char: Why are you so sure... Also, Nick knows.

Lisa: Nick knows. Like he's OKAY with it?!

Char: He's the one that told me to be honest with my feelings, so here I am. Being honest.

Lisa: You guys are a unhealthy bunch. Who would let their best friend pursue their ex? And for you to actually do it, are you listening to how ridiculous you sound right now?!

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