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Engfa POV

It's been weeks since I've seen Charlotte now. Last I saw her was when we dropped her off at her lady friend's place during a night out, which she told us it was her friend Lisa that was her current love interest. I can't tell if it was the alcohol speaking but the doubts that I had to encounter throughout the week following showed me that clearly there was something more than platonic friendship that I was feeling towards Charlotte.

However, the last few weeks following, not seeing Charlotte has given me a clearer head space especially when I'm with Nick, I feel drawn to him. He is everything I used to ask for in a guy. The type that I would've prayed about as a kid for a great future boyfriend. He's loving, attentive, and at any situation he always manages to put me as his utmost priority.

Nick takes me out to a dinner date after work today. We meet at the train platform after work and he brings me to a nice western place since I mentioned I wanted some steak a few days ago. Reservations at this restaurant was known to be hard and usually requires months in advance bookings, so just the thought of him wanting to feed me the best foods and his efforts was warming.

Nick: Sweetie, how did you like your steak? Did this place help your cravings?

Engfa: It was so~ good! Thanks for all this, I'm so happy

Nick: Order some dessert too, their tiramisu is apparently to die for

We were having yet again another great dinner date. From stepping into this restaurant till ordering dessert, Nick has been nothing but great. He ordered everything to my liking, even his own food was to my preference because he thought of sharing some to me so I can have a bit of everything. I was having a great night until he brought up Charlotte.

Nick: It's been a while since we saw Char right?

Engfa: Yeah...

Nick: I've asked her to join us for dinner a few times now but she's been busy with Lisa! I think they're finally developing into something, I'm happy for her

Engfa: Oh... has she been with Lisa? Are they dating now?

Nick: I don't think they are yet, but should be close to right? She's been with her everytime I texted her. Char really likes her!

Engfa: Mhmm

Nick: You know what, we should ask Char to bring Lisa for dinner next week! Meet this special girl!

Engfa: *silent*

Nick: We could also play cupid if Lisa still hasn't reciprocated Char's feelings *laughing* What do you think?

Engfa: Sorry Nick, I don't think I can have dessert, I kind of want to leave

Nick: Oh what's wrong sweetie? Speaking of, you don't look so great. Are you feeling sick?

Engfa: It's nothing, maybe just ate a little too quickly just now. I want to go home and rest

Nick: Of course, I'll get the bill now. Let's go!

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