Ch. 2 Arrival.

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*Alice's P.O.V.*
That morning when everyone else finally woke up at eight, I realized how long I'd been awake. I could not drive this tired. Thank god Ryder offered to drive. Just so people wouldn't get suspicious, I pretended like I was asleep and Nisha started shaking me to wake me up. Blinking, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I didn't need to pretend to be tired, I was exhausted. Unwillingly, I got up, Elliot was giving me an odd look, and I went to my room to get my bags. Once I was alone, I closed the door to my room, and lifted my shirt. The pink mark was still there, and it still throbbed a little. I've gotten these before but never this bad. Usually they disappear over night.

Sighing, I changed, and grabbed my suitcase. We'd be staying there for a couple weeks. Rolling it out, I saw Nisha inspect my face, she pulled me to the side, "Did you have nightmares again?" She asked in a quiet voice. I nodded, she sighed, but didn't say anything else. Soon we had all our bags loaded into the trunk of the car, thank god it's the summer after our senior year, so we're old enough to be out and about by ourselves. Elliot and Ryder were in the front, Nisha and I sat in the back, and mostly I looked out of the window while the others talked. I wasn't in the mood to think or anything.

Slowly my eyes drooped shut, and I realized I was about to fall asleep, but before I did, I took Nisha's hand in mine. Hoping that would stop the nightmares. But it didn't.

Walking into the cutesy little cabin, I was excited. The old couple here was paying me to just do some quick chores. When I stepped in, the wife stood there. She smiled, her hair was black with grey strands, she had nude lipstick on, and dressed nicely. "Hello." I greeted, she grinned even more widely. "You're a very pretty girl." I smiled, "Thank you ma'am. What do you want me to do first?" I asked. She gestured to the kitchen, "Sweep." I looked and saw how dusty the floors were, and she was preparing something to eat. I stared enviously, and she noticed, giving me a soft smile. "Hungry dear?" She asked teasingly, I nodded with a sheepish smile. "I'll make you a little something." She turned to the fridge and poured me a glass of icy lemonade, and made me a sandwich. I ate it happily, but soon afterwards I started feeling sick. "Oh dear are you alright?" She asked, I shook my head, and she started walking me to the back of the cabin. No, this wasn't right. Why can't I stop her? "Where are you taking me?" I slurred, she chuckled warmly, "To the back honey. Where you'll stay." That was wrong. In an effort to get away, I stumbled into a room, and what I saw nearly made me puke.

A guy sat on the bed, except he was long dead. He skin was sunken in, maggots were in his eye sockets, it was disgusting. She wrenched me from the room. "Don't look at my husband without asking permission!" She screamed, slamming the door. I flinched, and before I got do anything else, she hit me over the head with something hard, knocking me unconscious.

I jumped so high when I woke up, I hit my head, and everyone looked. Nisha looked extremely concerned, my head throbbed, badly. And I knew it wasn't because I hit it on the ceiling of the car. "You alright?" Ryder asked in concern, Nisha still held my hand. That's how I knew nothing could prevent the dreams. I realized Elliot was driving now, and he also didn't bother to turn around in concern. What an asshole, he could at least pretend to be worried, he saw what happened to me last night!

"My head hurts from hitting the ceiling." I half-truthed with a sheepish grin. Ryder gave me a small smile, Nisha was a little on the suspicious side but still mainly was convinced my head wasn't hurting me because I was having a headache. If possible, I'd like to pretend that I didn't have these headaches, maybe try to have a little fun.

The car ride was quiet, but the pain in my head still hurt. Like someone hit me with something and the after pain was coursing through my skull. Nisha and Ryder were both asleep, and Elliot was focused on the road not me. So I pulled out my phone camera and snapped a picture of where the pain was. When I saw the picture I was frozen in horror, a bloody wound ripped open the skin on my head, and stained my hair. The grotesque image made my heart hammer, and I reached up, to see if there really was that much blood, but my head was completely dry. Blinking a couple times, the picture went back to being a normal picture of my head, and I let out a sigh of relief.

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