Ch. 25 If It Makes You Feel Better...

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*Alice's P.O.V* 

It was a normal night, I was getting more used to touching Ryder. He could sling his arm around me, and now he could even kiss my cheek without me getting jumpy. So Elliot sat in the arm chair, sideways, his long legs thrown carelessly over one side, while his back rested against the arm rest, as if he was too good to sit like a normal person. Nisha sat on the couch, and Ryder and I sat on the love seat, I leaned against him, his arm wrapped around my waist. I'd told him why I was jumpy, I told him about that part of my nightmare, and he solemnly promised he'd never do that. I believed him. 

He kissed the top of my head, making me look up. "You look beautiful tonight," Before I could say anything, we all heard it. Four, loud gunshots that broke the blissful silence. Elliot was up in seconds. "What was that?" Nisha and I asked in fear at the same time. We looked at each other, and for once not one of us had malice in our gaze. "Gunshots, does anyone have a cellphone?" He asked, we all started searching for our phones. We made it a point to put them all in the kitchen so we wouldn't lose them, but they were gone. "Where are they?" Nisha asked in terror, I was silently shaking in fear. The old lady, it was her, I knew it was. Everyone looked at me. I looked calm, and I was usually the most logical. 

"There's a shotgun that's loaded in my room, my mother told me it was there for safety." I offered, "I know how to shoot." Ryder offered, I did too, but my hands were shaking too badly. "We need people to drive, obviously one of us has to stay," Elliot said to Ryder. "I want to go." I said quickly, making everyone turn in surprise. I needed to tell the police what was happening. Elliot stared at me, "Ryder you and Nisha stay in here, Alice and I will sneak outside, and try to drive off. To alert the police." Elliot ordered, everyone nodded, and Elliot and I started towards the truck. I stood by it, and he paused. "What?" I asked, he knelt down, "Something is leaking." He said, managing to look under the car. "Fuck Alice," he said, standing up again and brushing himself off. "Both the brake lines are cut clean through, we can't drive that," He explained. I stared at the car in horror. It was her, I knew it was. 

"Let's go tell the others we'll be walking." He said, I nodded, and we jogged back in. They nodded, Ryder actually looked intimidating holding that shotgun. Elliot grabbed his pocketknife, and I looked at him as we walked. "Ever heard never bring a knife to a gun fight?" I asked, he gave me a look. "Would you rather I bring nothing?" 


We started off, and after a while of walking down the road, I sighed. "Elliot, I think I'm seeing spirits." He gave me a look, "I think the spirits of the girls put me in that coma in an attempt to protect me from getting hurt, because I wouldn't be able to feel anything. I think they're trying to warn me." I continued, he looked down at me. "I wouldn't jump to that conclusion to fast." He responded slowly. "Elliot, I see dead people!" I exclaimed in exasperation. 

"What is this? The Sixth Sense. You can't see dead people Alice, even if you are seeing them, they seem hostile." He retorted, I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. Then I noticed it was lightly drizzling, "Great," I snapped sarcastically. I hate the rain. The last time I was in the rain, I was around 6 or 7 with a boy named Cole. He hated me, but I didn't know that. So he lead me into the forest in the rain, telling me he'd show me something. He left me there, lost in the forest, in the pouring rain. I was so scared, it was so dark, cold, and wet. My parents found me and I was sick for weeks afterwards. Ever since, I've hated the rain. 

Elliot inspected me, but it started raining harder. "Want my jacket?" He asked, knowing I hated the rain, and his jacket was good against it, mine was not. "No, let's just hurry -" Before I could finish, I felt a hand wrapped around my ankle, and went to a complete standstill. "Alice?" Elliot asked. "I can't move," I said, looking for something that could be holding me. The dirt road was quickly becoming a mud road. I tried to move but I couldn't. I looked up in horror, "Elliot, something is holding my ankle." I stated in surprise. He opened his mouth to respond but it was too late. 

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