Ch. 6 A Recent Murder.

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*Alice's P.O.V.*
There was blood everywhere. With her hands shackled, her stomach shurned, and she was barely able to lean over and avoid vomiting on herself. At this point coherent thought was impossible. Everyday she just kept repeating, I am Callie, I am real. It's the only thing that's kept her sort of sane. But Callie was like the other girls in the hell, moaning in constant pain. Weeks of torture, why haven't the authorities found her? As her head lolled, the old lady unshackled her, and hoisted her up. As Callie walked, suddenly time in the dream froze, her head turning at an unnatural angle, suddenly she was looking directly at Alice. "The murders of recent, the murders of recent. Save yourself, save yourself." She repeated it over and over, and slowly a slit appeared across her throat and bled profusely, blood frothing and foaming from her lips, she still kept repeating herself.

I woke up, my body drenched in sweat. Except, I wasn't in my bed. Blinking away the disorientation, I was sitting at the desk in my room, my diary open, a pencil in my hand. My whole forearm was smeared with pencil lead, and I stared in horror at my journal. In my sleep I'd drawn a girl, shackled to a post, tears poured from her eyes, her skin was grotesquely torn, her wrists bleeding, her hair wet. It was Callie, the girl from her recent dreams. Surrounding the drawing in a jerky, scratchy handwriting that didn't belong to Alice, were the same words, the murders of recent, the murders of recent, save yourself, save yourself. I was not an artist, but the drawing was extremely realistic, and all I could do was stare in surprise. I knew it was me who drew it, but how?

Annoyed, horrified, and nauseous, I knew this couldn't be just dreams. I did not believe in ghosts, but maybe this was a warning. Sighing, I knew I wasn't supposed to bring my laptop, but I'd brought it anyway. And I needed to do some research. Getting up I realized if I skipped breakfast that everyone would know I was either upset or up to something, and I was upset at Nisha's extreme moodswing, but I shoved that out of my mind. Stepping towards the door, I paused. The prospect of having an oddly tense breakfast with all four of us made me even more nauseous. Gripping the handle, I just locked it, and pulled out my laptop. Sitting on my bed, I turned it on, and googled the name and location of our cabin, and recent murders. While there was no official murders documented; something oddly suspicious occurred here over twenty years ago, and there was just a bunch of missing girls. That came here before they went missing.

    Looking at other links, I saw a murder theory for the cabin, and clicked the link. The pictures of the numerous abducted girls were shown to me and I had to clamp my hand over my mouth to stop from yelling in surprise. Callie, the blonde girl who was drugged, the one from my dreams, she was one of the girls missing. How could I be having dreams about her? I didn't know her before now. Could this be more than I thought it was? No bodies were found and as I read the theory it said the old lady, Ms. Raziel, had grandson who was a satanist, and he abducted girls who worked for Ms. Raziel, and killed them. But according to my dreams it was the old lady...

    Before I could continue my thoughts, there was a loud knock on my bedroom door, and I jumped in surprise. "Um... hello?" I sounded convincingly tired and nauseous. "Alice? It's Ryder, why aren't you out for breakfast?" He asked, "Slept in late," I lied, "let me change." Slowly, I slid my laptop underneath my bed, and then hurriedly changed, opening the door. Ryder's mouth quirked into a lopsided smile. "Morning." I smiled back and walked into the kitchen. Elliot was out having his smoke, Nisha wasn't there. Making myself cereal, I sat down. What I recently learned was still running through my head. Ryder was talking about something, and usually I'd pay attention but this morning I was too distracted. Slowly I focused back on what he was saying, something about college. Finishing off my cereal, I interjected, "That shirt looks really nice on you." He raised a brow, the shirt was a tight red tee, and it did, in fact, look nice on him.

Though I doubted anything could make him look bad.

    Putting my cereal into the sink, I abruptly announced, "I'm going on a walk." Before I could make it out of the kitchen, Ryder asked, "Want me to go with you?" I paused, staring into his eyes. I considered telling him everything, but realized he'd probably think I was insane. "Nah, I'm good. Be back in a few." At that I slipped out of the house before he could protest. As I walked, I heard Elliot call, "Don't have another emotional breakdown princess, we get tired of dragging you out of the woods." Glaring at him, I made sure no one was around when I flipped him off and walked into the woods. Ignoring his laughter. Still, not even Elliot being a fucking asshole would derail my thoughts.

    I was having dreams about a dead girl, and she was actually once living.

    There was definitely something more sinister going than I originally thought...

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