Ch. 12 Help.

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*Alice's P.O.V.*
When I woke up, my heart nearly exploded, because I was staring right into Ryder's face, except he was asleep as well. I was surprised I didn't have nightmares, and as I looked down, I noticed we were still holding hands. Sitting up, I realized how late it was. And that I was starving. As gently as possible, I shook Ryder into wakeness. He blinked a coupled times as he sat up, then smiled at me. It was a soft smile, "You feeling better?"

I nodded, "Thanks Ryder."

"No problem Alice. I think I'm just going to go to my room now though." He smiled at me one last time as he exited. Right when the door clicked shut, I was up. Grabbing my journal, I opened it. I barely remembered my theories I was writing down. I was delirious last night. Honestly the whole time I was lapsing in and out of consciousness. I could tell, because the writing alternated between my handwriting and the scratchy, messy handwriting I wrote with in my dreams. Sighing, I noticed my writing quickly lapsed into nonsense, and there was a realistic drawing, depicting an eye getting stabbed with the same ceremonial dagger that's been reoccurring in my dreams. As I read through it, I realized I couldn't do this by myself. I'd lapse into writing nonsense, at least someone could record me freaking out.

Getting up, I grabbed the ink stained bed sheet, and unraveled it. It looked terrifying. Running a hand through my hair, I knew there was only one person I could talk to about this. Stepping out, everyone was asleep. I checked the star gazing place, and around the house, but I knew I'd have to wake him up.

As I stood outside of his room, I let out a small sigh, glancing around to make sure no one could see, I knocked on his door. No response, but this couldn't wait. The dreams were getting more intense, my freak-outs becoming more and more frequent.

So I opened his door, wincing as it creaked slightly, and stepped into Elliot's room.

*Elliot's P.O.V.*
I woke to light, and someone shaking me. "What?" I asked tiredly, blinking away the fuzziness from my vision. When the world came into focus, I was staring into the face of Alice.

"Elliot," She breathed, "I need your help."

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