Ch. 31 The Uncanny Trek.

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*Alice's P.O.V.* 

By the time she finished with me I was bloodied, cut, bruised, damp with sweat and water, and gasping for air. She harshly threw me onto the ground of the torture chamber, my head bouncing on the cement painfully. Guess she had confidence that I wouldn't try to escape. 

And honestly, she was right. 

I was in far too much pain to even think of running anywhere. 

*Elliot's P.O.V.* 

We walked for a long time, going at a slow pace, because Ryder's arms would burn or I'd get headaches and light headed, forcing us to stop and gather our bearings every once and a while. Also, to make sure the old lady wouldn't run into us, we'd walk on the road, but occasionally swerve into the trees on the opposite side and walk that way for a bit. Another reason slowing us down. 

I couldn't even imagine the horrors Alice was going through, or if she was even alive. Shaking off the thought, I reprimanded myself. I had to do this for her. Besides the fucking bitch usually tortured the girls for a couple days before she killed them. 

"Are you thinking about them too?" Ryder asked as we walked along the road. "Yeah, I keep hoping Alice is still alive." Somehow I felt her capture was my fault. That crazy bitch actually gained leverage on me in a fight, and I lost. Never in all my years had I been so disappointed in myself. Or so guilty. "I'm worried about Nisha, she's already been there a day or two. Who knows what's happening to her," he added. Then he went silent. Guess he was feeling the same way I felt about Alice. 

"I feel so fucking guilty. First I play Alice and then realize my mistake, that maybe I do have feelings for her, then I let Nisha go with that... that serial killer." He sighed, and I nodded along. "You think that's bad? I fucking got into a fight for Alice's life with that bitch and I lost. She knocked me unconscious." I added. We both lapsed into silence. Both completely defeated. I ignored the throbbing in my head. 

I wasn't going to stop walking, not now. 

Not knowing at any minute Alice could be killed. 


Sorry if I stop updating very frequently, school started up again I'm readjusting to a new schedule.


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