Ch. 9 Possession.

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*Elliot's P.O.V.*
    I knew it wasn't a fever that made me sick. It had something to do with what I saw in Alice's room when I snuck in. That bleeding blonde chick. After taking my shirt off of my torso earlier, I'd changed and laid down, I was unable to sleep, I laid in my bed until three in the morning and finally decided to go to the roof for a smoke. Then I sat there, until Alice found me. When she did it was like she sucked out all the bad feelings that prevented me from sleeping and it made me collapse. After experiencing that I wondered if that's how Alice felt everyday with her insomnia and headaches. Then I found her scribbling on a bed sheet with ink from a broken pen.

    It looked like she was possessed the way she arched her back, and scrawled everything down. Honestly, it was extremely unsettling. So this time I woke her up and she basically told me to fuck off. Which let me know that she was hiding something.

    Before I could think anything else, I heard a loud thud and the sound of something shattering come from Alice's room.

    Trying to open the door I scowled, "Fuck, she locked it!" I hissed, I heard a yelp of pain and knew she was right in front of the door.

*Alice's P.O.V.*

    Instead of Callie saying anything, I stumbled, vision blurring. Whilst fumbling for something to help me stand, I hit a picture frame, it shattered loudly, and I collapsed, on a pile of glass.

She was chasing me. "Your blood!" She cried, I saw the corpses of girls, all mutilated in different ways, they were watching me. I was standing in a terrifyingly long hallway. Blood seeped from the walls, and someone was whispering in my ear, "Never dead, always searching, never dead, always searching, murders of the recent, murders of the recent, save yourself, save yourself," It repeated and I felt the breath of whoever was whispering hit my ear but I saw no one. Slowly I started trembling in fear, turning I saw her. The old woman, she hefted the ceremonial dagger from my previous dreams. "Your blood honey!" She screeched, my eyes widened in horror, blood kept pouring from the cement hallway.

    Before I could thing I heard a glass shattering voice of a girl scream, "Run!" I flinched but the lady was gaining ground. I bolted, but the blood made the floor slick, I slipped, letting out a yelp of pain, my clothes were doused in blood. "Fuck!" I shouted, scrambling to get up. The old woman was after me, and she would kill me. Despite the pain radiating from my knees, I started running again.

*Elliot's P.O.V.*

    Turns out I didn't have to pick the lock to get into her room. She threw open the door, her eyes were a pure milky white, my own eyes widened in horror, blood seeped from small cuts she acquired. "Alice?" I asked, instead of answering, she bolted. And damn the girl could run. "Alice!" I exclaimed, she ignored me, and threw the front door open, bolting out of the cabin. I ran after her, she was running as if something was chasing her.

    As if someone was chasing her.

    Right into the woods.

*Ryder's P.O.V.*

    When we reached the house, the front door was hastily thrown open. Like someone ran out of it. Upon further inspecting I saw a shattered picture from and blood on the floor in Alice's room, also a bed sheet stained with ink. My heart started pounding in worry, what happened in here?

*Alice's P.O.V.*

She was merciless, completely and utterly merciless. Her maniacal laughter echoed through the hall. She was enjoying this chase. "Help!" I screamed, the corpses of the dead girls who'd gone missing were ghostly spectators. Blood poured, it was ankle high from the floor, and I had to do an awkward gallop to slosh through, blood flew everywhere as I hastily sprinted in fear. At this point my clothes and hair were soaked in it from tripping. My legs burned. The whispers still continued in my ear, unrelentless. Suddenly the end of the hallway was in front of me but instead of another girl's corpse, it was mine. There was a huge incision on my abdomen, and weird symbols with cut crudely into my body.

    Stumbling back, suddenly the blood was up to my knees, and I could never run fast enough. Suddenly the last whisper was different, "Stay and die or leave and cry." Suddenly I felt something dig into my back. The old woman's blade, I turned to look at her, and she grinned, ripping it out, I wasn't able to stand. She plunged the dagger into my chest, blood frothing from my mouth. Then I blacked out.

*Elliot's P.O.V.*

    Finally I caught up to her, she fell to her knees, and I kneeled in front of her. Grabbing her shoulders so she wouldn't fall. Her eyes were closed, she'd tripped a few times leaving her cut up and grimy. Suddenly her gaze snapped up to mine and it was milky white. Flinching in horror, she grasped my face with both hands. "Stay and die or leave and cry, stay and die or leave and cry." She repeated that a few times then suddenly she shuddered, blinked, and her eye color was normal again. When she looked up and saw me, her face contorted into a frown, and tears swelled up in her eyes.

    "Elliot," She said, and she pulled me into a hug. I paused in surprise, she sobbed on my shoulder, "I'm so sorry, I'm so scared, don't leave me. Don't let me die." She pleaded, her nails dug into my back as her grip tightened, and slowly I hugged her back, stroking her hair in a soothing way that my mother once did to me when I was scared. Alice's body was trembling with fear. "Don't worry Alice, I won't let that happen." Slowly I lifted her, lately she hasn't been eating much, it was showing in her weight. Bringing her back to the house, Ryder was standing outside.

    "What the hell happened?" He asked, taking her from me, and holding her against his chest. She'd sobbed on me, and I know she wanted to keep this a secret from the others.

    "She accidentally tripped and broke a picture frame. I got onto her about her clumsiness, it morphed into an argument, and she stormed off into the woods. When she didn't come back after a while, I went to look for her and I guess she tripped over a tree root and hit her head."

    I'd let the other's hate me, because I had a feeling Alice was going through a huge mental war with herself.

    Or with something else...

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