Ch. 37 Expelled.

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Elliot's P.O.V.

When I reached the hospital, the first thing I saw were Alice's parents. They held each other with tears and gaunt faces. We made eye contact, and Alice's mother attempted to smile at me. But looking at them, all I could remember was my failure. They wouldn't be holding each other in tears if I'd been smarter. Ryder and I exchanged a look, and sat next to each other across the room from her parents.

If I hadn't been so cocky about my physical prowess I wouldn't be here now. The brain will always beat the brawn.

Somehow, sitting here, I felt like we were all completely different people. Glancing around, I saw my reflection. The guy who stared back at me looked the same. With dark blonde hair, lanky body, dark eyes, and tanned skin. But he was different. And I wish he wasn't. Glancing at Ryder, he was different too. His eyes were haunted, his body language was defeated.

Leaning back in my chair, my last moments with Alice kept replaying through my mind. All those words left unspoken, all those feelings pent up. All my regrets. Everything I wish I'd done differently kept permeating my mind like a self inflicted illness. I should've told Alice how I felt. I should have told her.

A sigh escaped my lips as I anxiously leaned forward, resting my hands in front of my mouth and staring at the floor.

After a couple hours of shifting in my seat, and glancing around. Finally a doctor stepped out.

He inspected us, I felt my anxiety level and heart race quickening with each second he didn't speak. "The surgery is complete," my pulse sky rocketed, "it was successful. With some recovery time she'll be alright."

Suddenly it was like everything was expelled from me at once. My body sagged down, and my face was buried in my hands. My whole body was just shaking.

She was alive.


Thank god.

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