Ch. 26 You're Just Sorry You Got Caught.

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*Alice's P.O.V.* 

After changing into warmer clothes and wiping my face off, Elliot sat me down and knelt in front of me. "Let me grab my laptop, I need to get a picture of this," I insisted, he raised a brow. "Why?" He asked, "Evidence." Reluctantly he helped me snap a picture, and then he started tenderly bandaging my ankle. I let out a hiss of pain as the gauze made contact with my raw bloodied skin. My glasses were cracked now, I'm surprised I didn't lose them. Elliot dutifully kept bandaging, and I stared down at him. His expression was docile, his eyes naturally narrowed at he looked down, his lips parted slightly, a habit of his whenever he was focusing on something. 

"See something you like?" He teased, noticing my staring. "Thanks Elliot," I responded, he gave me a small smile. "You helped me through multiple hangovers, I'm sure I owe you this." He stated. Chuckling a little, I rubbed my face. "After that attack today, I'm scared to fall asleep." I admitted, Elliot nodded empathetically, and looked up. 

"If you want I'll stay with you," He said, suddenly it was like the world around us dissolved as I stared into those enticing brown eyes of his. Before I could tell what was happening, we were both leaning in, just as his face was about an inch from mine, I whispered, "That would be nice," he smiled at my response. "It's good to know you don't mind getting close to me now." He teased, I smiled a little too. "Is it really?" I asked, before he could say anything, there was a knock on the door, and he pulled back. "I got it." He said, walking over to the door. Opening it, he sighed, exchanging some hushed words with Nisha before walking back. 

"She said she wanted to talk with you, I told her to fuck off." He explained easily. I chuckled a little, looking down. Running some fingers through my hair, I was surprised by the tears brewing in my eyes. Before they could slip out of my eyes and fall down my face, Elliot wrapped me up in hug. My eyes widened in surprise. His warmth was intoxicating, I slowly wrapped my arms around his waist, not wanting to let go. "You didn't deserve this Alice," he murmured. I just buried my face in his chest, and let him comfort me. Let his warmth melt my icy exterior. Gently, he lifted me, and rested me on the bed. 

"If you want me to stay with you Alice, I'll stay," he said, staring down at me. I nodded, "Please stay." I pleaded, he wordlessly laid down next to me. Slowly I fell asleep. 

*Elliot's P.O.V.* 

When we'd leaned in, I wanted to kiss her so badly it hurt. Her jet black eyes holding a world of hurt. Those plush lips so close to mine. This was a new side to Alice I'd never seen. Vulnerability. And I loved that side too. Laying next to her, I felt her hand next to mine, and looked over. She was asleep. I guess something about me soothed her. I wanted to kiss her now, but I had a feeling that'd be slightly pervy. Kissing a girl in her sleep. If I kiss Alice, I want her to be awake to remember it. 

Slowly, after listening to her gentle breaths, I fell asleep. 

*Ryder's P.O.V.*

It was six in the morning, and I was awake. Usually I got up at around 8:30 or 9:00. Not six in the morning, never six in the morning. Thinking of how hurt Alice looked sent nausea through my stomach. This was the first time I was feeling that after playing a girl. Why was I feeling this way? What was making her different from all the girls before? 

Thinking of her beautiful smile and how I shattered it, how I stole that innocence of her's, I felt sick to my very core. Getting up and rubbing my face, I looked in the mirror. Was it possible I was feeling... regret? Letting out a small sigh, I stepped outside, and went to climb out onto the roof. Opening the hatch, I froze. Alice sat there, staring out at the tree filled horizon. This could be my opportunity to apologize. 

"Alice," I said, stepping out onto the roof. She scrambled up quickly, despite the bloodied bandage wrapped around her ankle. "What do you want?" I'd seen her give her terrifying, ice-queen glare to other people, but I'd never been on the receiving end. Until now. It made me feel even worse. She'd never seemed so distant to me. "I wanted to apologize," I answered, trying not to let her hear the falter in my voice. Yes, staring at her, I felt like I was about to cry. She shook her head, "Move so I can leave," she snapped, limping over a little before noticing I didn't budge. 

"Alice, I'm sorry -" 

"You're not fucking sorry, don't fucking lie to me." She growled. 

"I'm not, Alice I really am sorry." 

"YOU'RE ONLY SORRY BECAUSE YOU GOT CAUGHT!" She shouted, and I flinched away. The words hung in between us as she glared at me. I stared back with my eyes widened in hurt, and she stared back with tears brewing in her hardened expression. The silence permeated the air between us, and she just shook her head, going back inside, leaving me standing there. 

I'd been caught before, and I never felt as bad as I do now. 

I wasn't doing this to save face. 

I actually cared about Alice. 

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