Ch. 35 H.T.R.

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Elliot's P.O.V.

Apparently the H.T.R. (hostage rescue team) was breaching the place right now to get Alice. But were they going to be fast enough?

Alice's P.O.V.

Every time I passed out from the pain, I went to the same field, and Elliot was there. He reassure me that I'd be alright, he'd keep me, me. It was honestly probably the only reason I'm capable of thoughts at this point. With my raw bloodied wrists shackled behind me, I stared at the floor. The blood had stained the cement where Nisha's corpse had been.

It was my fault.

My fault.

My fault.

Before I could keep thinking the door slammed open, but the pain pulsing through my whole body made my reaction delayed as I looked up slowly. She stood there, "It's time."

Time, time, time. Time, something I can't think about anymore. Time, a figment of our imagination. Time, I've lost track. Time, time I can never forget. Time is dead to me.

She hauled me up, and I stumbled. My legs no longer working. She held the ceremonial dagger I recognized from my visions.

I knew what it was time for.

Time for the end.

She hauled me to another room, that had a wooden altar on it. Helplessly, I let her harshly shove me on the altar, unable to protest. My mind was numb, pain was something that I was accustomed to. Pain, something I wish I could forget. I stared blankly forward as she harshly shackled me down to the altar.

Suddenly cold water was dumped on me, I barely even gasped in acknowledgement. She shoved my torn, blooded tank top up to where it was just below my breasts, and leaving my whole torso exposed to her. Fear trickled through me as I felt the tip of her blade touch my abdomen. She murmured something, pulling it back. I listened mutely as she traipsed off, and I heard shuffling as she grabbed a medieval looking goblet. She met my gaze and gave me a twisted smile, "You're the perfect sacrifice."

I saw a golden apparition behind her. It was the one I saw before I came in here. Her husband, a friendly spirit bound to the earth by her murders.

She positioned the goblet in between my thighs, "When the blood pours out, it'll go right into my goblet." She murmured to herself. Once more a bucket of ice water was thrown atop me, and I was shivering.

This was the end.

The end.

Suddenly the golden apparition appeared as she placed the dagger slight above my pelvic bone.

Pain stemmed through me as she dug the dagger into my abdomen, and then the golden apparition enveloped me.

As it did, all I felt was bliss.

The pain was no longer there.

My eyes closed, and my lips upturned ever so slightly in the corners.

I was ready for the end, the sweet, succulent release of death.

In fact, I was barely aware of her cutting me open, and the blood flowing from the wound. Out of nowhere, I heard a loud BANG! The old women jumped in fright, unevenly cutting me more. She muttered profanities, "They're here." She growled, picking up a pistol. Suddenly, the bliss vanished and I was left cold, soaking wet, and in extreme pain. Before I knew it I let out a cry for help.

"Shut up or I'll kill you!" The old woman shouted, backhanding me. She held her dagger in one hand and her gun in the other. The door exploded open and a fleet of armed men appeared, all guns aimed at her. She aimed the gun at me, "Drop it!"

I was quickly losing consciousness.

My breaths were shallow as their yelling became distorted.

Then I heard the loud explosion of a gun shot.

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