Ch. 30 The Beginning of Hell.

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*Elliot's P.O.V.*

When I woke up my mouth was completely dry, and I was sore all over. My head throbbed, and my vision was blurry. My arm was burning in pain but the blood was dried and crusted on my arm and shirt. Stumbling up, I cupped my hand over the gash in my arm. Blinking, my head throbbed and I stumbled through the woods and back to the cabin. Ryder was laying on the ground. Kneeling next to him, I could barely form words with how dry my mouth was, "Are you dead?" He let out a groan, "I wish I was." He muttered back.

"She got Alice," I answered, he opened his eyes and inspected me. "Fuck!" He exclaimed but his voice was weak. "One second, I'll drag you back into the house, just wait." He nodded, and I walked back into the house. Sliding off my shirt, I looked in the mirror, I needed a shower but I wasn't focusing on that right now. Hissing in pain, I cleaned out the gash, and tightly wrapped in gauze, grabbing another shirt and sliding it on. Walking back out, Ryder still laid on the ground, I sighed, "This might hurt a little, man," I said, grabbing him, getting a grip by standing behind him, and wrapping my hands under his armpits. "Just get me into the house." He muttered darkly. Lifting him, my injured arm burned and my head throbbed at the effort it took to even get his upper torso off the ground.



Letting out a breath of effort I started dragging him. He hissed in pain when it got to the steps and I had to drag him up, but eventually I got him onto the couch. He was letting out short breaths of pain, and I was doubled over, lightheaded. I'm pretty sure I got a concussion or something. My first priority was getting painkillers for the both of us and some water and food. Which I did, after that Ryder looked at me. "What are we going to do?" He asked. I shrugged, "We need to tell the police, but the brake lines are cut on the car so I don't want to drive it, she stole our cellphones, and I don't want to leave you here cause that would put you in danger." Ryder swallowed, rubbing his head, and sighed, closing his eyes.

"This trip sucks."

I chuckled a little, and after a few minutes thought of an idea. "I have an idea but you might not like it." I said, he let out a growl of frustration, "It doesn't matter what I like, what matters is getting to the police in time." I nodded, "Okay, we'll both walk, I'm going to have to make a splint and reset your leg for you." Ryder looked at me with wide eyes. "My mother's a nurse, my father's a doctor, they're both amazing at what they do. It's how my family's wealthy. They've shown me how incase of emergency. This is an emergency." Ryder nodded, "Okay, just make it as quick as possible." He said, I nodded.

Grabbing the materials to make a make-shift splint, I looked at him, "Do you want to be knocked unconscious? I have Alice's sleeping pills." He shook his head, "We have to start walking as quick as possible, you can't carry me in your condition." I stared at him before grabbing a rag, "Then let me shove this in your mouth, it'll muffle your screams." I said, he nodded, and I wadded up the dishrag, putting it in his mouth. He placed a hand on my thigh and gave me a look of pure desperation. He may have played Alice but he genuinely regretted it, he'd learned his lesson. At the end of the day he was never that bad of a guy, he didn't deserve this.

Sighing, I slid off his jeans, leaving him in his boxers. Looking at the injury, it was truly disgusting but at least the bone wasn't poking through. Trying not to gag, I started focusing. Getting ready, I started resetting his bone. His hand clamped down tightly on my thigh and it was extremely painful. His screams were muffled but all the veins on his neck and arms bulged. His back arching in pain.

When I finished he looked feverish and sweaty from screaming, and I removed the rag, giving him some water. Then I made wrapped the splint tightly around his leg before sliding his jeans back on. He was panting and I gave him some more food and water. "Just...give me a few minutes." He breathed, I nodded, and started gathering things for the walk, it was more than a couple miles. Getting Alice's messenger bag, I put some necessities in it, and it all took a few minutes. I made sure to bring her laptop, evidence.

Grabbing the crutches, I helped Ryder up, and he hobbled along well enough. He looked at me.

"Okay, let's go."

*Alice's P.O.V.*

When I woke up, I was shackled to a post in a room, the floor was cement. I could feel it, but I couldn't see, not well. Also, my face was soaked in something, that had a peculiar smell. My vision in my one eye was blurry because of the fact I can't see at all well without my glasses that and the pain, and pain pulsated from my empty eye socket, where it had been harshly bandaged. The room was dimly lit but one candle, and I heard a moan of pain emanate from across the room. My eye widened in surprise.

"Nisha?" I asked in a whisper.


She let out another garbled groan, and I hear footsteps approaching. Quickly I made my body go limp and my eye close. But as the footsteps kept getting closer, my heart was picking up speed. The door eerily creaked open, "Sleeping beauty, sleeping beauty." She teased in a raspy voice. I heard the footsteps pass by me, and it took all of my might to keep breathing like I was sleeping and not just stop breathing in general. Even though I was pretending to be limp, my body was completely tensed.

Listening, I heard shuffling, and then her footsteps stopped in front of me.

I felt the heat of the candle as she knelt in front of me. "I wonder if my little sleeping beauty is perhaps pretending." The heat of the candle neared and I struggled to keep my breath normal, until the flames hit my face. As the flames lapped up my jaw bone I realized that the liquid I woke up with on my face was gasoline. My eyes shot open and yelled out in pain, struggling to move. It burned so bad. She splashed water on my face, before grabbing me by my bloodied chin and making me face her.

A demonic smile spread across her face.

"Ready to start dear?"

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