Ch. 22 From Dreams.

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*Elliot's P.O.V.*

I held Alice's hand so tightly my knuckles were white. My anxiety was definitely getting the best of me. Suddenly she sucked in a breath, and stopped breathing for a few seconds. Out of no where I noticed her hair was completely damp, like she'd been submerged in water, as well as droplets of water on her skin. Before I could full process it, her eyes snapped open, surprising me. She stared at the ceiling, her eyes were completely bloodshot and she let out a shaky breath. 

"Alice...?" I asked, she sat up looking over and as she saw me, tears swelled up in her eyes. "Oh Elliot," She breathed, and she pulled me into a hug. Which is what surprised me the most. She was crying, but she held me tightly, and slowly I wrapped my arms around her. "I'll never give up on you, and I never have. Despite my hatred all these years, I know one day you're going to do something amazing, and prove everyone who ever doubted you wrong. I believe in you, I believe in you, I believe in you so damn fucking much it hurts, so don't let anyone tell you otherwise." She whispered as she held me. The words shocked me, but suddenly it was like the hard stone casing wrapped around my heart finally cracked, and some of my true self was let through. 

My whole life I was told how much of a mess I was. Most of my life I had no one. Alice was always there but I thought she was like everyone else. But this whole time she was angry at me because she knew I could be better when I didn't know that myself. My arms tightened around her, and my eyes widened in surprise. I actually cried. Not as much as her, but the tears slipped out. "I..." I tried to think of something to say, and she pulled back, resting her hands on my shoulders, she stared into me. "You've sacrificed so much, more than you know yourself," she brushed a lock of my hair back affectionately, "It took me so long to realize this, but Elliot, you are such a beautiful person, and I'm not talking about your appearance," she rested a hand on my chest, and absently I rested my hand atop her's. Completely enthralled by her gaze. "You're beautiful on the inside." 

We both heard the front door open, but she didn't move back until Ryder and Nisha walked in. 

"You're alright!" Ryder exclaimed, smiling widely, Alice gave him a somewhat sullen smile back. "Yeah, I'm fine." I even saw Nisha smile a little. "Guess we got help for nothing." Nisha muttered, and suddenly a smiling older woman stepped into the door way. She looked completely normal, but I noticed Alice freeze up in terror. 

"It's her." Alice whispered in sheer horror, she wasn't even masking it. Quickly I took to action, "Hey guys, maybe you should wait outside, Alice told me she's feeling really weak, she didn't want you guys to see her like this." I lied easily, they all nodded in understanding, Ryder giving me a lingering look before leaving, closing the door after him. 

"Alice, what's wrong?" I asked in concern, she slowly looked back at me. Her eyes widened in horror, "It's her, the woman from my dreams, the one who killed those girls. Elliot you have to get her out, don't leave her alone with Nisha, please Elliot, please!" Alice begged. I saw the raw terror on her face, and I hardened my exterior once more. 

"Don't worry Alice, I'll deal with it." I said, sucking in a breath to collect myself. 

At that, I stepped into the room. 

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