Ch. 20 Wake Up.

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*Alice's P.O.V.*

Sitting up in my bed, I looked out of the window. The cabin seemed eerily quiet this morning. Moving the covers, I rubbed my eyes, and stood up. Stretching, I walked outside. Nisha was leaning outside her door. She looked up, and smiled. Nisha always did have a beautiful smile, why she was showing me it this morning was weird.

As I walked past her, I swear I heard her whisper, "Wake up."

Shaking off the feeling eery feeling those words left in me, I stepped into the kitchen, there was a slip of paper on the counter. It was written on in what was a completely foreign handwriting. "The dead that are lost, more lives they cost." Over and over, my brow drew in confusion, but before I could really inspect it, Ryder walked into the room. "Alice," He greeted me with a smile, pulling me towards him by the waist.

"Morning beautiful," he teased, bringing me in and kissing me. I pulled back quickly, but still had a grin plastered on my face, "Ryder, you can't kiss me right now, there's people around you know?" I hissed in embarrassment, my face flushed. He smiled, "No one's in the room right now," he whispered, wrapping his arms around my waist, and pulling me even closer. He pressed his supple lips against mine, my mouth slowly opening. Pulling back for a breath, he trailed kisses up my jawline, and as his lips brushed against my ear, I swear I heard him whisper,

"Wake up Alice."

Before I could fully process it, he pulled back, "There's one last thing I want to do," He whispered, sliding his hand to my hips. Still in confusion I looked up at him, and nodded slightly. He bit his lip in temptation, lifting me from the ground, I let out a small squeak of confusion, and then he placed me on the kitchen table, pulling me close. My legs were basically wrapped around his waist. He pulled me closer, my heart pounding in a mixture of temptation and... fear. Pressing his lips against me with ferocity, the world around me was drowned out, and he stuck his tongue in my mouth. My heart nearly exploded, and it wasn't from just attraction. Why was I so scared of him kissing me?

Before I could do anything, he pulled back, letting me down. As I landed on the ground I heard it again.

"Wake up."

Looking around in confusion, I sighed. No one was close enough to whisper that to me. "I made you breakfast," Ryder piped up, suddenly handing me a plate of scrambled eggs and toast. Where did he get these from? There's no dishes out that he could've cooked it with... My thought train was interrupted when he pulled out a chair, "M'lady?" He teased, gesturing to the seat. Chuckling softly, I sat down, and started eating.

After talking for a bit, and eating, I realized it was ten in the morning. "Where's Elliot?" I asked, Ryder shrugged. "I'm going to go check on him." I said, Ryder nodded, and I walked out of the kitchen.

Stepping out, I climbed the ladder, and saw Elliot smoking on the roof. Climbing up all the way, I closed the hatch making him turn to me. He extinguished his cigarette after exhaling a plume of smoke, and flicked it over the side of the roof. I always hated that he so easily littered but I didn't say anything, because at least he was being nice by not smoking in front of me. Walking over, I sat next to him, and swung my legs over the side of the roof.

"What's up?" I asked, he looked troubled. He glanced up at me, and then back at the sky, then stared steadily back at me. "Every night when I'm out here, I see that constellation you showed me." He murmurmed, I raised a brow, "I'm anxious Alice, I think you're right, I think something's happening." Elliot confessed. Chuckling a little, I smiled at him, "You're admitting I'm right? That's a first."

He smiled, "I know I'm supposed to hate you, but somehow you always wind up making me feel better in some weird way." Elliot admitted, I froze in surprise. I made him feel better when he was upset? Should I be flattered? "I guess it's the same with you. Thanks for helping me out these past few nights, and you know, not thinking I'm going fucking insane." I responded slowly. He smiled a little at me, surprising and dazzling me at the same time. A genuine smile, no matter how small, makes everyone beautiful.

"No problem Alice, like you said, I hate you anyway, how much worse could it get?" We both laughed a little. "Yeah..." I trailed off, staring at the flood of trees in the forest. Elliot let out a small sigh, "I think I'll quit smoking." He stated suddenly, my eyes widened in shock. "Seriously!?" I asked, staring at him. He laughed at me incredulousness. "Yeah, I'm serious... I really don't want to be like my father." He whispered the last part of his sentence, and I noticed his eyes getting watery.

Without thinking I rested my hand atop his. His father had a crippling addiction to cigarettes. "You will never be like your father Elliot, you're better than that. I have faith in you." I stated, his eyes widened in surprise, and I saw a solitary tear slip out from from his eye. "That means so much to me Alice." He responded in a shaky whisper. Slowly we both started leaning towards each other. I had no idea what was happening, not until it happened. His lips softly and gently pressed against mine. We kissed.

I pulled back in surprise, my lips parted. Elliot stared deeply into my eyes, and I felt my heart flutter. No, I like Ryder! But this time I couldn't stop feeling the attraction, but it was more than that. More than attraction, I actually cared for Elliot. My hand still rested atop his, and he glanced at our hands, then looked back at me.

"Alice, I think I'm in love with you."

My heart nearly stopped in surprise, "Elliot..." Before I could complete my sentence I noticed something, "When did your eyes turn green?" I asked in confusion, "What? My eyes aren't green." He responded, his brow drawing in confusion, as he blinked his eyes shifted from a dazzling green, to an alluring dark brown. I pulled back in confusion, and then heard it again.

"Wake up Alice."

Looking around in confusion, I turned back to Elliot, "Did you hear that?" I asked, his creased his brow in even more confusion, "Hear what?" I paused in horror.

"Something is wrong. Terribly wrong."

*Elliot's P.O.V.*

I sat at Alice's bedside, Ryder and Nisha just left to find help. It's now 4:30, she still isn't awake. Gently, I took her small, delicate hand and held it in mine. I hoped she wasn't in a coma or anything, she didn't deserve to be. A panicked tear slipped from my eye, and I was glad the others were gone so that I wouldn't have to make up an excuse for why I was crying. Alice always was a huge part of my life. She was something I could never be. Wholesome, good. She stood up for what was right, which is more than what most people can do.

I still remembered the first day I got drunk, I'd been depressed, and she actually was there for me. She was always there when no one else was.

I stumbled around at the park, the liquor bottle I had slipping from my numb fingertips. Barely catching myself on a nearby tree, I muttered profanities. Looking up, I saw Alice. She looked like an avenging god with all the livid fury on her face. I openly sneered, "Oh look, it's the bitch." I taunted in a drunken slur, before tripping over my own feet and stumbling. She ran up and caught me. "Decided to spare mercy on a poor soul? I don't need your pity." I growled, she still held me steady, forcing me to stare into her dark, nearly black eyes.
"Elliot, what's wrong?" She asked, I shook my head, before falling to my knees, and hurling. Instead of leaving me there, she patted my back reassuringly, and waited till I stopped. Afterwards, she helped me stand, "Come on, let's get out of here before you get yourself arrested again." She said, her voice soft, and gentle. When I looked at her, all I saw in her facial expression was tender care.
"What if I want to stay here?" I snapped, she laced her fingers through mine, "I'm not leaving you." I stared at her in surprise. She tugged softly on my arm, "Come on." Blindly, I stumbled after her. She lead me to her house, and took me into the bathroom. I threw open the toilet lid, hurling up even more. Looking up, I saw her close the door, and slide off her coat. "What are you doing?" I asked as she pulled out a bucket and filled it with cold water. "I'm going to help you." She stated.

That night she'd nursed me into feeling better, and even let me sleep in her bed. That's when I realized what a good person she was, and how horrible I was. She didn't deserve this.

Tightening my grip on her hand, I whispered, "Alice, please wake up."

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