Ch. 34 Waiting Game.

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*Elliot's P.O.V.*

Ryder and I sat silently in a small room together. They thought it'd be a good idea to let us talk for a while, but there was nothing to say. Nothing we could say. They sent a group out to go to get Alice, and now we were stuck in this demented waiting room. Waiting to be told whether or not our friends were alive.

Those last moments I saw Alice were replaying in my mind.

My failure.

I prayed that she was alive, but torture changes people.

Would it really be good for her to be alive?

Sighing, I exasperatedly ran my fingers through my hair.

*Alice's P.O.V.*

The pain is too much...

*Elliot's P.O.V.*

It'd been more than a couple hours, and I refused to fall asleep. So I resorted to pacing around the room like a caged lion.

Suddenly the door open, and Ryder and I both snapping our heads in that direction. A receptionist lady looked inside, "They've breached the basement, it's only a matter of time now." She stated before abruptly leaving, closing the door quietly behind her.

Every time I imagined Alice, my heart thumped violently in my chest. I still remember the time when I started gaining feelings for her but denied it. I denied my feelings for her for years. But that day was glued to my mind forever, and sometimes when I was upset, I'd think about it and smile.

Alice and I's families were at a summer house together, in the winter, our families are weird. They'd all left to celebrate my father's birthday but Alice and I couldn't go because they were going out for drinks. Something sixteen year-olds can't join them for. It's been an hour of me sitting on the couch, bouncing a rubber ball off the floor, against the wall and back in my hand. Before I knew it, I heard footsteps just as I tossed the rubber ball, so it smacked against the wall and then smacked me in the face. I heard the accompanying giggle and saw Alice. She had her hair pinned up with some loose wavy jet blacks strands framing her face, a long fuzzy pink sweater, and leggings. She looked good. "Once again, you've shown your amazing smarts." She commented sarcastically.

"Thanks for noticing princess." I smirked at her, knowing it'd annoy her, and she rolled her eyes. "Whatever brat." She muttered, stepping into the kitchen. I heard some pans moving, and then an odd silence before Alice poked her head out again. She stared at me and I arched a brow. "Yes?" I asked, she smiled, "Come on, and let's go make smores," my heart shook in surprise. But I expertly disguised it, lazily tossing the ball again. "And why are you inviting me to do this?" I asked, she smiled a little despite my cold exterior. "Because I don't want to gain weight alone, besides it's better and tastier than tossing a ball around." She stated, I shrugged, catching and tossing the ball again. She let out an annoyed sigh, easily marching over, and catching the ball, and grabbing my hand. Startling me. "Come on Elliot, I will drag you through the snow." She said, pulling on my arm, she was too small to really drag me anywhere. Letting out a small smile, I got up, catching her as I threw her balance off.

"Fine." I sounded begrudging, but I genuinely wanted to be with her.

We walked out to a small porch, snowing falling outside the closed in porch. There was a fire pit in the center which Alice expertly ignited. She always sat at a distance from me, as if I had a contagious disease. We started making smores, and she glanced up at me and did a double take. "Are you alright Elliot?" She asked, I looked up in surprise.


"You seem upset."

Sighing, I rubbed my face. "Well my mom and dad got into another argument," She gave me a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry Elliot." She said, I stared at the fire. Surprisingly she was the only one who truly knew what happened at my house, she was the only one I told. A tear slipped out from my eye as I gazed as the fire. I thought she was just going to let me cry, but suddenly I felt arms around me and stiffened in surprise.

It was Alice. She was hugging me from behind, my heart started beating faster. Her chin rested on my shoulder. "I'm sorry Elliot. I may not like you that much but no one deserves to be put through that. And honestly, you have potential to be great, and I have faith you will be. And if your parents keep arguing, my bedroom window's always open." She said, referencing that time my parents got into such a bad argument I broke into her bedroom through her window. Slowly I rested my hand on her's.

She cared.

She really cared.

Reluctantly I collapsed back into a chair, glancing at Ryder, then at my trembling hands.

Please don't let her be dead.

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