Ch. 14 Ghosts Don't Exist.

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*Elliot's P.O.V.*

I laughed at the suggestion, because a) Logical Alice was suggesting that ghosts existed, and b) ghosts don't exist. Slowly I stopped as I realized she didn't even change her expression. It was like her dark eyes were staring into the pits of my soul, and I could feel her annoyance wafting off of her, she didn't even need to change her expression to look pissed. "Alice, ghosts don't exist." She sighed, rubbing her face.

"That's what I thought too, but you know I can't draw, you also know that isn't my handwriting, I had dreams of these girls being tortured before I knew who they were, how do you explain that logically?" That gave me a pause, "Maybe you've heard of them before, it's your subconscious that still remembers, and people do weird things all the time when they're sleeping Alice." I insisted.

She looked at me, and let out a winded sigh.

*Alice's P.O.V.*

Even though Elliot was the only one I could trust, he was also the most skeptical person, ever. "Fine, don't believe me. But at least do what I ask." I said, he slowly relented. "I need you to watch me sleep," his brow arched up, "Didn't know you were into that." He teased, I glared at him, "I need someone to tell me what I do when I sleep. I draw Elliot, in my sleep I draw. That's all, you can sleep all of tomorrow if you want, just help me." I pleaded.

"Okay, I've seen you beg. My wishes have been granted. If it's just watching you sleep I don't care." Elliot teased, I rolled my eyes. "It's gonna be weird falling asleep with you in here." I commented as I laid down, and he sat at my desk with a smirk. "You asked for this princess." He teased, I looked at him.

"Thanks for helping Elliot. Honestly, thank you."

Before I could hear his response, the world went blurry, and I quickly fell asleep.

*Elliot's P.O.V.*

For the first hour, nothing happened. I got extremely bored. "Why'd she even ask for this?" I muttered to myself, but she'd looked so concerned, scared even. I couldn't turn a blind eye to that. But before I could further complain, Alice suddenly sat straight up, her hair had somehow come undone and fell all around her. I stared at her in surprise, "Alice?" I asked, she didn't respond, instead she got up, and her hair covered her face but as she faced me, I knew she was waiting for me to move.

Heart pounding, I got up from the chair, and she easily sat down. Sitting beside her, on her bed, since her bed was next to her desk, I watched her fluidly grab her journal and a pencil.

"Alice, is that you?" I asked unsurely, once more. "No." the voice the rang out from her lips didn't belong to her. It was another girl's voice. My heart nearly stopped as I completely went rigid. Finally I mustered the courage, "Who is it then?" My voice was shakey.

Her head snapped towards me, and her eyes were a pure milky white. I completely froze in horror.

"My name is Callie Monroe."

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