Chapter 1

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- Queen Frigga's POV -

"This meeting had to succeed," I paced around. My son, Loki had already turned down several ladies, and if this too failed... No, I cannot think about it. I know that deep down he was still attached to that woman. Sigyn. Daughter to the Lord Nikolai Hellstrand. With Thor, I have never seen so many suiters for my son. But with Loki, There was hardly anyone. It was clear to them that the Prince had no serious intention of marrying any of their daughters and therefore invitations for afternoon tea were always denied.
"Frigga, the boy is not ready to marry," My husband spoke. He was on the bed, reading some book that was from Midgard.
"My dear, We both know that this is Loki's last chance before society deems him too old," I sighed and shook my head.
"No one will ever think that. That boy has looked the same since he was 50 years old," I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. Another wrinkle had appeared on my face, One of many that have been added to my face and I was adamant it was because of Loki's antics "Frigga, please be calm. It will work out in the end," Odin relaxed on the bed. He took his glasses off and laid his book on the bedside table. Feeding a nut to Huggin "Now, will you try and get some sleep,"

- Loki's Pov -

I do not understand why my family (especially my mother) wants me to marry. Just because Thor wanted to get married doesn't mean that I want to. This whole thing is an unnecessary waste of my precious time. But to please my mother, I would drop in on a potential candidate, say there was no chemistry between us and move on to the next candidate. It's not that I hate the idea of marriage, it is quite the opposite. I am just not allowed to marry the one I love, so what was the point of marriage? I was content with my position as the Second Prince, an older brother to a stupid unknown number of siblings as my father, Odin couldn't keep it in his trousers. And now I was an uncle (Thanks Thor, It's your fault mother wants more grandchildren), so I was super busy being a terrible influence on my brother's children and the last thing I needed was a wife. And there was the matter of that I wasn't over... her yet. as much as I wanted to be. I couldn't let go of her, she was married now. It hurt me as much as it made me happy. Sig... Sigyn was just as beautiful, maybe even more so now met her long curly hair, her expressive eyes, and that beautiful mouth I had loved kissing so much. I still had needs of course and made sure they were met by visiting a few ex-lovers of mine but I made a point of never kissing them. I just wanted to kiss her. It wasn't like I tried to kiss them. It just that every time I did, my thoughts wandered off to a certain Asgardian and just like everytime, it felt like someone had put a dagger into my heart. Every time I have seen her at some ball my parents had thrown, I feel the same conflict again because I had seen her and was so sad that she could not be mine. So no, if it were up to me, I would never get married, especially not some boring, generic bourgeois bint. What I knew about Vesper Hawthorne was that she was 2100. Only 400 years younger than myself. As far as I was aware, She has no interests or hobbies and is the daughter of the Alfhiem Navy general. Well, former General. Mr Hawthorne had now retired. I heard that he now bided his time with running a trading company with his brother. According to my brother, Vali, The Hawthorne family had suffered a financial hit a few years ago when deals fell through because of certain conflicts caused by the Dark Elves but now business was booming again. I knew that Lord Hawthorne and his wife had 3 children, Vesper was the eldest at 2100, Killian was 1500 and Tallulah was 600. He had one thing in common with Vesper which was a dismay of getting married.
"Time to deal with another wasted suitor," I thought, smiling. It was brilliant for now as I had even more reasons to turn her down.
"Loki! Time to go!" My mother called. Sighing, I got into the carriage with my mother and mocked that she was nervous, Perhaps a joke might ease her nerves.
"What do you think, mother? I'm going for a record of 10 minutes this time," I grinned. The strategy had worked briefly because I could see a smile creeping on her face which she quickly changed after she saw me looking at her. Mother removed her glove and hit me with it, quite hard on my arm but it didn't phase Loki (although I did pretend) "Ouch, Mother. Go easy on me, please", I grinned but Mother gave him a stern glance.
"For the love of God, Loki. Please. Please take this seriously. You have nearly no options left," Tears formulating in her eyes. As much as I was against this idea, I did not like to see my mother hurt. It would not be worth the beating that either Thor or my mother would give me. I had seen her cry plenty of times. I took a deep breath, glanced at my mother, and nodded.
"I will try,"

We soon arrived at the Hawthorne's, a large house with white limestone and black frames, an impressive building to see, that was for sure. Though given the gothic names, I half expected to be walking into the Grim Reaper's liar. Mother and I reported to the butler and soon Lady Lilith Hawthorne and Lord Dorian Hawthorne arrived.
"Welcome, welcome," both said, Lady Hawthorne kissing my mother on each cheek and Lord Hawthorne holding his hand out for me to shake "How lovely that you found our address," A nervous Lilith Hawthorne stuttered and mother and I looked at each other briefly, struggling to hold back our laughter.
"It is a lovely home," Mother smiled. I agreed and cast my gaze over at the flower beds.
"Black roses?" I thought to myself. Maybe this is Dracula's lair instead. That reminds me, I really should go visit him. His castle is amazing and the tapestries never get old. And his red velvet cake is to die for.
"Well, let us not just stand around, If you may follow us to the drawing room," Lilith said which we dutifully did. To my displeasure, there was no sign of Vesper yet because I just wanted to have this thing over with rather quickly.

After arriving at the drawing room, Lady Hawthorne looked apologetically at us. Lord Hawthorne sighed heavily and announced that he would be back.
"Is something wrong?" My mother spoke.
"My daughter should be here," Lord Hawthorne sighed.
"Please forgive my daughter. She is not in the best of moods today," she said, a little anxiously, Mother and I exchanged glances, this time of curiosity.
"I cannot imagine why," I mumbled. Mother elbowed me in the ribs. I rolled my eyes and went to look at a painting. I could hear shouting and stamping along the floor above.

Soon, the door opened. I spun around and there she stood, Vesper Hawthorne. She wasn't very tall. I could easily lean my arm on her head. Black hair that just reached her shoulders. Honey eyes and a look on her face that spoke volumes. I could tell she was not amused by the whole scenario.
"Ah, Vesper. There you are," her mother threw Vesper a menacing look. Vesper bowed politely and smiled briefly at the guests but refrained from further movement.
"My apologies for being late. I had my head in a book and did not want to leave until I had finished the chapter,"
"That is quite alright my dear," Mother smiled. So she likes books too. Interesting.
"Vesper dear, come a little closer," Vesper's eye twitched a little as she walked forward with difficulty, kissing her mother's cheek briefly and bowing again to Loki "My dear, allow me to introduce Queen Frigga and her son, Prince Loki,"
"Pleased to meet you, Your Highness," she said gruffly to which Mother replied the same "And the same to you, Prince Loki" I could tell she wanted to say other things but was holding her tongue. Lady Hawthorne "Now that we have become acquainted. Your majesty, I have heard that you are a big fan have the books of Brionnary Brojrson... I would like to show you my collection in the library,"
"Oh," my mother said coyly "Yes, that's right. I would love to see your collection but," she looked at Vesper and to me "but perhaps another time," she replied a tad anxious. I cannot say I blame her.
"Oh really... But I was so looking forward to it," Lilith stated faking her disappointment "Please, I would so like to discuss these wonderful books with you," to which Lilith could do nothing but politely say.
"Very well," Mother replied as she reluctantly walked out of the room, leaving Vesper and Loki alone. This is going to go swimmingly.

- Vesper's Pov -

Once my mother and the Queen left the room, An awkward silence followed which was finally broken by me.
"Would you like some tea, my lord?" I asked somewhat politely, to which Loki replied that he would. I pointed to the sofa so that Loki could sit down and took the teapot from a table, poured it, walked up to Loki, and handed the cup to him without looking at him. I then went back to the table to put some delicacies on a plate and poured myself a cup of tea. I sat down opposite Loki and handed him the plate of sweets. Then uncomfortable silence but this time Loki did something about it.
"I understand you're new to Asgard. How do you like it so far?" Loki wanted to know. I thought for a moment and replied.
"Asgard is an exciting realm, my lord. How else can I describe my experience here as anything other than very pleasant", I lied. I lied to the God of Mischief.
"Right" was all he could say. I guess he didn't know what subjects to bring up next, and neither did I apparently but I did glance at him from time to time. Though, I suppose that I should get this meeting over and done with. I need to make him leave.
"I hear the opera isn't what it used to be any more in Asgard. What a pity," she stated sarcastically, and Loki's mouth flew open. I think I hit a nerve.

- Loki's Pov -

My mouth hung open. She knew. She knew about my ex. How she knew was beyond me. Only a select few knew about Sigyn and myself. Didn't matter for the insinuation alone had made me suddenly truly angry. Who the hell was she, to question him about his past relationships while she was a spinster?
"I assure you the opera in Asgard is wonderful, Miss Hawthorne, but of course, it is no fun to visit these wonderful performances alone, as you might presume. Unless the company is highly unpleasant of course," I sarcastically stated, making sure she got the message. Her face turned red because she did get the message, It may have been a low blow for me to call her out for her spinsterhood and simultaneously implying her personality was unpleasant. (Which it was) For a second I could see a flare of irritation in her eyes.
"Well, you would know everything about visiting the opera alone wouldn't you, my lord," she accused. I didn't know what to answer to that. Instead, I downed the tea and then put down the cup and got up from the sofa.
"Thank you for tea, Miss Hawthorne. I apologize but I just remembered I have an appointment I am running late for. If you'll excuse me," I said before curtsying and walking out of the room without looking back. I asked the butler where the library was.
"Down the hall and it is the second left," The man bowed his head. I thanked him and went on my way.

I quickly entered the room, I found my mother dying of boredom as Lady Hawthorne continued her tour of the library.
"And here is the complete works of Harley Fjord," Lady Hawthorne spoke. I stifled a laugh as I saw my mother suppress a yawn. she then looked around and spotted me. Smiling, she moved towards me.
"My son. Is everything alright?"
"Mother, I am deeply sorry, but we have to go," I spoke as I placed my hands behind my back.
"So soon, My Prince? You only just got here," Vesper's mother anxiously asked.
"Silly old me, I had forgotten about the appointment," I half smiled. Mother looked at me and tilted my head. I nodded ever so slightly.
"You would forget your head if it wasn't screwed on," Mother turned to Lady Hawthorne "Apologies, My Lady Hawthorne. We must be going," My mother awkwardly apologized and we were accompanied to the hallway by Lord Hawthorne. Only this time, we took the exit from the back for whatever reason.

- Queen Frigga's POV -

I wanted to ask my son what on earth had just occurred but decided to leave discussing it when we were both in the carriage but the carriage was late. Though not unusual, The Hawthornes were not here to wish us goodbye and all that.
"I wonder where---"
"Have you lost your damn mind child!!?" We heard Lady Hawthorne shout. Loki spun around towards the shouting. He walked over to the window and looked in. While frowning, he beckoned me over and pressed a finger to his lips.
"Lilith, stop. What do you expect? It is not her fault, she-" Lord Hawthorne started before being interrupted by his wife.
"This was your last chance! Your last chance! There will be no other suitors, we haven't had any in ages. How can you throw an opportunity away like this, you fool? He is handsome and rich. Most importantly, he is a Prince!" Lilith stated angrily.
"Mother..." Vesper sighed heavily.
"What is your problem, Vesper?" Lady Hawthorne demanded to know. Vesper's hands dropped to her side "Is this about him?" Lady Hawthorne demanded to know. She raised her hand to smack Vesper but her husband stopped her.
"Lilith, The Odinsons are still nearby," He warned. Lady Hawthorne snatched her hand away.
"Vesper, You are so stupid. He has married someone else. Dimitri has moved on! He married your cousin. He might have promised you all sorts of things but that was when he was supposed to fulfil his promises. It's all your fault, I told you not to introduce her to Lori! I do not blame him. She is stunning and you are overweight and plain", she spewed. I looked at my son, visibly shocked at what we heard Lady Hawthorne say to her daughter.
"Lilith-" Lord Hawthorn tried to calm his wife by reaching for her but she smacked his hand away.
"I did not want to tell you this, Vesper but your Aunt Pandora sent me a letter the other day. She is over the moon, rubbing it in my face that she will soon become a grandmother." Lilith mentioned, "How come she gets to be a grandmother while I have a spinster for a daughter?"
"I am only a spinster in your eyes. I am still of age here," Vesper snapped back.
"And who is going to want you? You are overweight and ugly. It is no wonder Dimitri left you. Hardly marriage material but for the sake of the family and mainly to get you out of my sight, you will be married. Even if it is too a dog. Such a disappointment," We soon heard sounds of crying and saw Vesper running out of the room. Loki and I backed slowly away from the window.
"And you want me to marry into this family?" Loki sighed. I was about to respond but we heard someone behind us. We spun around and saw our carriage.
"Your carriage, my Queen," The footman bowed. The carriage eventually came and the two of us got on and sat in silence until the end of the journey.

As soon as the Hawthorne Estate was out of sight, Loki turned to face me.
"Mother, what are you thinking? You have a strange look on your face," I smiled softly at him.
"Loki, I am not going to ask you what happened. I am sure you had your reasons for storming out like that and I will respect your decision," I let out a sigh as I gazed out of the carriage "But that being said. Would you mind it if I invited Vesper for tea these days? I feel like she could use some company", I asked my son. I mainly wanted to get Vesper away from her mother.
"Of course," Loki gave me an understanding glance while he nodded. He too had a strange look on his face. I wonder what he is plotting?

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