Chapter 26

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- Dimitri's Pov -

"I am surprised to see you in Alfhiem," I stated nonchalantly after Vesper asked me to take a seat. I needed to act as if I weren't aware that she had left Asgard. Since the buffoon made the fatal mistake of visiting Sigyn (Which I had organized) there was trouble in paradise that she calls her marriage. I figured that her family would come and stay on Alfhiem and that their cousin Jack and his flouncy partner would put them up for a few weeks.

And while I may look like I love Vesper. I don't. I can't stand the thought of her touching me. If Vesper divorced that idiot, we could try to get back together. A bitch like her needs controlling. I need to make her see that she needs me and only me. And now with the impending breakup, life has been handed to me on a silver platter once again.
"I wanted to stay a couple of days near the lake and thought I'd pay my cousin and his partner a visit as well," Vesper stammered. A trait of hers that I hate. Her voice grates on my nerves "I think that they'll be back shortly. So what brings you here?" Vesper inquired. I blinked in confusion. How dare she question me? I then smiled at her.
"Have you forgotten that my father's sister resides here?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Ah yes. I hope she is well?" Vesper replied nervously.
"She sends her regards and says you should drop by for tea if you have the time one day,"
"How kind of her," Vesper nervously answered. She picked at the beading of her dress "So, How is your little boy," Vesper inquired. I frowned and remained quiet for several minutes.
"He's not mine, Vesper. Lori lied to me," I explained after a long silence. It was hardly a lie. I was the one who went after the cousin. Upon Lady Hawthorne's request. She wanted to teach her daughter a lesson. I don't want children anyway. I can't stand the little crotch goblins. Vesper's jaw dropped "What she failed to mention was that she got knocked up by her ex-boyfriend and when he found out, he left. Ran off to Niflheim,"
"Dimitri. I am so sorry," Oh, I shall milk this for all it's worth. This has to be the best way to get in her knickers.
"Lori confessed the day she signed the divorce papers; saying she couldn't lie any longer, that it was getting too hard for her, that I was going to separate from her anyway and that she was going to notify you too and was going to send you a letter to explain and apologize. Did you not get it?"
"As you may have noticed. I haven't been back to Asgard. Been here for nearly six weeks," Vesper looked at the ground. Such a dramatic. Erugh. Why is her mother wanting me to be with her?
"I have made sure that Lori and her son will be comfortable and will have nothing to wish for financially. On paper, the child is still a Grimwood but without the associated privileges, until we find his father of course and then we will have to change his name," I added. The father will never be found. I made sure of that. I was the one who snapped his neck. It was ever so much fun "Vesper, I understand now what the consequences were of the error I committed. I wish things were different that I had never..." I began but then shook my head and sighed. Vesper didn't say anything in return.
"It is in the past,"
"Sorry for not inquiring earlier but how is Mr. Odinson? Is he here as well?" I inquired innocently.
"No, Loki is not here as he had some business to attend to in Asgard," she replied quickly. Another lie. Lying comes so easily to her. She lied about me. She told people that I beat her for no reason. Of course, I beat her for a reason. I fucking hate her. But her mother paid me a hefty amount. And I will get more money if I break her.
"Ah right of course," I replied. I couldn't stand to be in the same room as her any longer. I stood up "Well, I think I'd better be going... It was nice to see you again. Will you say hello to your cousin for me?" Dimitri asked cheerfully.
"I will," she smiled back. I was a bit glad the conversation was over. I relished the idea that I still had some sort of an effect on Vesper. That's when I had an idea.
"I have an idea but only if you are also so inclined, Vesper. If you're against it, I will gladly retract my suggestion, but would you mind terribly if I came by again tomorrow? I have some appointments in the morning but I am free in the afternoon. I would like to say hello to Jack... and his husband since I haven't seen them today," I explained again innocently. I hope I will avoid the faggots. They make me sick.
"Not at all, I'll tell them you'll visit us tomorrow," Vesper answered politely.
"Brilliant, I hope two o'clock will suffice?" I asked and Vesper nodded in response "Then I'll see you tomorrow," I said as I turned and walked away, struggling to suppress the urge to smile for my plan had succeeded. That was until I ran into Jack in the doorway.

"Dimitri... how wonderful to see you again," said Jack as he glanced doubtfully at Vesper. I backed away a little. I noticed that he mouthed something to Vesper and she nodded. Once she is back in my arms, I will put a stop to anyone having contact with her.
"Likewise, Jack. It is always nice to be in the company of good, old friends," I replied.
"Will you be staying here long... in Alfhiem I mean?" asked Jack innocently.
"As long as my aunt will have me," I smiled. Jack again looked at Vesper with a doubtful expression. Then Jack's... husband appeared.
"Is all good here?" He asked. Everyone nodded.
"It was a pleasure to have you," said Jack, eyeing me up.
"Dimitri... Come to dinner with us on Monday and you can talk about that new product idea of yours again. I don't think I quite understood what it entails," suggested Elijah. I saw that Jack rolled his eyes.
"Good idea darling but we are forgetting about his aunt? We wouldn't like to deprive her of your company again now, would we?" retorted Jack to which Elijah mumbled something of "Oh yes, of course, didn't think of it,"
"I am certain that she won't mind. I would love to come to dinner," I replied. He looked at Vesper and gave her a knowing look. I would be back. Soon she will be mine.
"Well see you soon then," Jack smiled before I made my way to the exit.

- Jack's Pov -

That night, I finally let my husband Elijah in on her doubts. He had just come back from walking the dog. I made sure Vesper was asleep before speaking.
"I wish you hadn't invited him." I sighed as I closed the bedroom door.
"Why darling? Dimitri has been our friend for many years," Elijah retorted as he began to undress.
"That might be true, but things are different now. Back then she was engaged to Dimitri. now she isn't any more. Thank the Gods," I said with a frown "I don't like the way he looks at her... Nor do I believe that he 'suddenly' went to visit his aunt. Those two have never got along. He clearly has ulterior motives, and is keen on getting Vesper back,"
"Even if he had ulterior motives as you say it wouldn't change things. After all, she's still married and as far as you've told me, Vesper hasn't initiated divorce proceedings yet," Elijah argued as he joined me in the bed.
"This is true, but something just doesn't sit right with me. I find it odd that he still seeks her out, he should know better and think of both their reputations," I concluded as I lay down. My husband soon pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead.
"If it will make you feel better then promise I won't invite him back after Monday. Alright?" he said, and I nodded.

- Vesper's Pov -

Friday afternoon proceeded somewhat awkwardly, as my cousin and Elijah did their best to keep the conversation going but uncomfortable stilted conversations fell here and there. I again said practically nothing; aside from politely answering how she was doing. I knew that I irritated Dimitri immensely, but he couldn't say anything about it, not in the company of my relatives.
"Why are you so quiet, Vesper? You haven't said much the past few days in general. especially not to me. Why? Is my presence making you uncomfortable?" Dimitri asked as soon as Jack and Elijah left to clean up. I looked up from my lap my gaze had previously been directed but then shyly looked down again.
"Of course not, it is just that it is a bit strange to... see you again," I said in a soft tone.
"How so?" he asked me with a curious expression.
"Nothing is the way it used to be," I said shaking my head, unable to utter the rest of her sentence. Dimitri bit his lip as he drummed his fingers on the table.
"I get it. You may have to get used to being in my company again. Perfectly understandable," he concluded. This was a strange reply. Why should I get used to us being in each other's company again?
"Why are you really here?" I asked him with bated breath. He said nothing and looked at me penetratingly for a while.
"Isn't that obvious?" he answered in a pitched, rough voice after several minutes "I'm here to see you." My eyes grew large as I immediately got up and wanted to walk away but before I could he had already grabbed me and held me firmly by the wrists. I forgot how fast he could move.
"Let go of me or I will scream,"
"Will you though? I just need you to listen to me?" he asked me somewhat pleadingly "If I loosen my grip, will you stay and listen to me?"
"I am married, Dimitri." His grip lessened but he still held on.
"Yes, for now, you are," he replied slightly annoyed.
"You know, don't, you," I said while gazing at my former fiancée in bewilderment.
"Yes, I am aware of your husband's tomfoolery and the way he has made an utter fool of himself in Asgard,"
"Don't talk about him like that," I warned suddenly feeling angry, but the admonishment had little effect on him. He smirked at me and squeezed my wrists tighter.
"I am rather annoyed that you had stood up for him. He cheated on you with her and you still protect him. I am disappointed," he growled.
"I think it is best that you would go now. Jack will be back any minute and-" I looked towards the door.
"I'm not with Lori anymore, and you, you're thinking about getting a divorce from that Prince,"
"Who told you that?" I sharply inquired.
"Word spreads when you are not seen together for a while. What matters is that there's an opportunity here, an opportunity to right the wrongs, Vesper," he said in a pleading tone "It was always supposed to be me you and me. You and me, and yes it will take a long time for you to trust me again. I am aware that things will be difficult at first, but I am willing to work on it. We can call this period in our lives for what it was, a big mistake and move on to carry out our plans, get married, have children and-"
"No," I replied. The colour drained from his face.
"No?" I pulled my wrists away.
"I love him, Dimitri. Not you. I don't think I ever did. I love him. I will always choose him," I held my head up. Dimitri's upper lip curled as he raised his hand. I flinched and moved back. I covered my face, bracing for the slap that never came.
"And I think that is your cue to leave," Jack grabbed Dimitri's arm and flung him towards the door. Dimitri remained silent for a long time, then blinked his eyes and nodded with a defeated expression on his face, a moment later he sighed and stood up and looked at me, opening his mouth to say something "No. You don't get to talk to her," Jack warned. Dimitri walked to the door, opened the door, and left.
"GOODBYE!" Elijah yelled as he slammed the front door shut. I then fell to my knees, sobbing.
"We got you," Jack spoke as he wrapped his arms around me. I shed a few tears and then went to bed extremely tired.

A few days later, I received a letter from an address in Asgard, addressed to me in a handwriting that I did not know. There was no sender on the back, this made me even more curious, and she tore open the envelope.
"Who is it from?" Elijah asked.
"Sigyn," I frowned in confusion.
"Read it out loud then," Jack spoke as he put his newsletter down. I shook my head. Jack sighed and ripped the letter out of my hand "Ow. Paper cut," He then scanned the letter.
"Well?" Elijah asked, leaning over to get a better look.
"Sigyn confirms that nothing happened between her and Loki. no inappropriate things happened. blah, blah, blah. They only spoke briefly and wished each other well. She also saw a man, who was very much in love with his wife yet committed a dumb, rash act. She also thinks that you should forgive him and wishes you all the happiness," He handed me the letter. I stared at the letter and reread it again and again.
"What are you doing to do?" Elijah asked. I wanted to say something but my hand flung to my mouth and I ran off to the bathroom.

- Jack's Pov -

"I'll go," I ran after Vesper. Elijah does not cope well with any type of sickness. I knocked on the bathroom door "Vesper?" I opened it and saw her sitting on the floor with a few wipes next to her.
"You don't need to see this," Vesper groaned. I sighed as I walked into the room.
"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly.
"Yes. believe so," She pressed a hand to her stomach "I don't know what it is but I've been feeling lousy for a few days now," she stated. I clicked my tongue as I tried to think.
"A few days already you say?" Vesper nodded. My jaw dropped open, ever so slightly "Is it mostly in the morning; that you feel nauseous?" Vesper nodded again "Do you feel like having to go to the bathroom often?" Vesper again wanted to answer in the affirmative until her eyes grew large and the realization dawned on her.
"I can't be... I cannot be pregnant," she whispered. I nodded as I walked over to her and helped Vesper to get off the cold floor.
"Cousin, You know I would prefer to have you here as long as possible, but I really think it would be wise for you to go back to Asgard,"
"Yes, I think so too," said Vesper after a while of contemplating. She had to go back to Asgard, to him and tell Loki that she was with child, but her miserable disposition precluded her from travelling back the same day, so she left the following.

- Loki's Pov -

"I have both good and some less pleasant news, Lord Odinson," said Skurge. I looked perplexed but indicated that the man could quickly continue "The good news is that I have located your wife. She is still in Alfhiem and staying with Jack Maywater and his husband,"
"That's fantastic. Then I'll arrangments to get there as quickly as possible," I grinned. I got up from my desk and moved to the door.
"Sorry to interrupt but you forgot the second part of my announcement, Lord Odinson," Skurge said while taking a brief pause later. I nodded "What my sources have told me is that Lord Grimwood visited there twice. Both visits within a few days of each other," It was as if someone a punched me in the stomach. I fell back against my desk.
"Right. Right, I see. Well, good work Skurge. Thank you... I'll write your check in a minute," Loki replied absentmindedly.

Once I knew Skruge had gone, I sank to the floor. I felt so defeated and somewhere also incredibly angry and jealous but I had lost. I had lost her. I was convinced that Dimitri had only given her more reasons to divorce me. It was pointless. What was I supposed to do now? Fight for her? No, there was no point. Those two were destined to be together? That's what Lady Hawthorne had been telling me. Fate had intervened, and Vesper had come into my life, but it wasn't supposed to be like this. All I could do now was step back and hope that she would be happy, Even though it broke my heart into a million pieces, it was the right thing to do and thus, with a heavy heart. I got up and headed to my solicitor.

- Vesper's Pov -

After a long journey, I arrived back at her parents' house. I had planned on telling them the news but I saw them both looking serious. Her mother shoved a thick large envelope into my hands. Cursed me and left. I immediately turned it over to look at the sender and read.
"ASGARD SOLLICITORS. On behalf of Loki Odinson," I did not need to look at the contents of the envelope as she knew immediately what was inside.
"I am sorry my dear," My father spoke.

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