Chapter 16

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- Thor's Pov -

As soon as Vesper closed the door behind her. I heard Loki sigh. A sigh that I have heard him do many times. Especially when he is about to stab someone.
"I believe it would be fair to give you a head start," said Loki matter-of-factly as he crossed his arms. I glanced at him in puzzlement. I was not going to let him know that I knew he was about to stab me.
"What are you on about?" Loki flung his arms out to the side and two daggers were now in his hands. Finally understanding the message, I backed away slowly. I did not want to be stabbed today. Magni had a tournament and if I missed that, Sif would kill me.
"This is the part where you run away," Loki bent forward. I sprinted towards the door and heard Loki counting in the background "1, 2, 3... Ten," he counted before he ran after me. As I reached the courtyard of Loki's house, I summoned Mjolnir and flew off. I didn't bother looking back to see if Loki had followed me.

- Loki's Pov -

What an idiot. The bumbling buffoon didn't even realise that I didn't even move to follow him. I do love having the power to create clones. Still, Thor vexed me so I guess that I will just have to stab him later but that will wait until after Magni's event. I do not want to face the wrath of Sif. Thor would be heading to the healers as we speak if it wasn't for the fact that Sif scared me.

- Vesper's Pov -

It had been about a week since Thor visited. I was heading to the museum. There was an exhibition of painters from Midgard. I was intent on going as she had missed it the last time. Loki refused to come with me and mentioned that he had stared at boring paintings to last him a lifetime. Therefore, I inquired if Vidarr would come with me since he liked to talk about art. But he never confirmed with me what time he was arriving. It was a common trait that he shared with Thor.

I didn't mind being alone, it meant I could linger as much as I wanted. I made my way through the place at a slow pace, marvelling at the beautiful work of a painter. I do not know the name of the painter as I didn't get a chance to look but he painted a vase of sunflowers.
"Hello, Vesper," said a voice from behind. I froze. Like a deer that had seen a fire. It was a voice which had once uttered sweet things to me. A voice that once said he loved me. A voice that had laughed as he battered me. It was unmistakably him. I turned slowly to face the person.
"Dimitri," My heart began to beat faster, more out of panic than anything else "What are you doing here?" I asked. I could slap myself for asking this question for it was a stupid question. He was obviously just as interested in the exhibition. His family was probably the beneficiary behind this exhibit. He stood across from me, nervous it seemed.
"This exhibition is the most comprehensive in Asgard, so I didn't want to miss it," he said as he pointed to the painting "And as you know, my family is a staunch supporter of the arts, among other things," he added with a little smile. I nodded politely.
"Ah yes of course... how could I have forgotten? Well, It was nice seeing you. I must- "
"Can we talk for a moment?" he asked as he took a step forward.
"I don't think that would be wise Dimitri, we might be seen," she said but the room was deserted at that moment.
"Only for a moment," Dimitri replied and pointed to the bench "Just five minutes of your time is all I ask,"
"Five minutes. No more. Maybe a lot less," I reluctantly walked over to the bench and sat down. He did the same, on the same bench as me.

An uncomfortable silence passed between us. I pretended to study the pieces hanging on the wall.
"You've probably heard about my... impending divorce," he spoke. My heart began to beat faster again. I swallowed the lump in my throat and nodded again but without looking at Dimitri.
"I did. I'm sorry for you and Lori. I am truly. Despite what we've been through I wouldn't want either you or her to be unhappy," I stated.
"You know, I had hoped to run into you here at one point. I have been here every day of the week," he said softly.
"It will take a few months for the procedures to be over," he began to explain. I could see out of the corner of my eye that Dimitri was looking at me.
"And I care because?" I huffed.
"In a few months, I will be a free man once more," he added. I rolled my eyes. I wondered if it had been five minutes yet "I wondered if that fact might mean something to you?" he pondered out loud. Finally, I turned my head.
"What do you mean?" I asked, even though I kind of knew what he meant.
"By that, I mean that I hope that by that time you will too be available," he said. My mouth flew open in astonishment.
"You are joking right?" When Dimitri shook his head, I stood up to leave.

I was a few metres from the exit when he grabbed my wrist.
"Don't you get it, Vesper? You must understand that I couldn't love her. Because I love you. Only you," he paused briefly before continuing. I tried to pull my hand away "I want to fix this. I want us to be together again. You can divorce Loki and we can get married as we planned," he argued with a shaken voice, sounding so desperate she noted.
"No. After everything that you put me through. You are mistaken," I tried to sound firm but was obviously failing "Let go of me, Dimitri," I commanded. A few months ago, I would have jumped at the chance to be with Dimitri. Despite what he put me through. But now, my heart belongs to someone else.
"She said to let go of her," We both spun around to see Vidarr standing behind us "Lord Grimwood... I have the pleasure of meeting you again I see," Vidarr cracked his knuckles. Dimitri glanced at me and Vidarr before letting go of my wrist.
"Nice to see you too Lord Odinson," and he had pronounced the name as if he had just eaten something he did not like. Vidarr nodded civilly. I rushed to his side.
"How are you today?" Vidarr followed up with, them to diffuse the situation. I could tell by his face that he really didn't care about Lord Grimwood's wellbeing. He just couldn't cause a scene in public.
"Well, thank you," Dimitri curtly replied.
"Ah... Good. Good." Vidarr said before looking at me "Vesper. My apologies. My previous appointment ran late. Would you mind terribly if we go back to the beginning and explore the museum together?"
"Of course not. I'd love to," I nodded. I suddenly felt like I was bursting into tears. My eyes stung as much as the pain in my wrist. This afternoon could not have ended worse.
"Fantastic... Well, Grimwood. It was nice running into you again," Vidarr remarked. He reached out an arm so I could grab it. He leaned down and whispered "Let's get out of here," I didn't argue with him.

- Vidarr's Pov -

The journey home in the carriage was painfully awkward for both of us. I may not have said anything, but I had shot Vesper one or two doubtful glances. Vesper pretended to look outside. "Vidarr... Please... Don't say anything to Loki. Please," she pleaded. I knew that my sister-in-law was about to burst into tears. I felt sorry for her. I liked Vesper. She was good to my brother; he had been happier than ever in the last few months as everyone had noticed that he was less likely to stab someone. Vesper got on well with our family members, played with the little ones, and chatted with the older ones. I sighed leaning forward.
"Loki needs to know and frankly, I do not want to be the one that tells him,"
"I know but how do I explain this? You just know that he will take it the wrong way,"
"That may be the case but you need to tell him before Dimwit does," I ran a hand over my hair.
"I will but please do not tell him," As I was about to speak and tell her that I would not say anything, the carriage's door flew open. Making both of us jump.
"What should he not tell me?" asked Loki. Vesper turned to him, startled, and I knew that this worried Loki. He looked at me who was sitting in the carriage but I avoided his gaze. This was not my fight. I just needed to make sure that Loki didn't go all Frost Giant and turn Dimwit into an ice cube.
"Loki..." Vesper stuttered.
"Vesper, what is wrong?" he asked as he stepped forward towards his wife.

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