Chapter 15

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- Vesper's Pov -

I sat in the drawing room, feeling greatly disturbed, as my eyes passed over the newsletter again and again. Dimitri was getting a divorce. I didn't know what to think about it. I wasn't sure how I felt about it. In reality, I should not care about Dimitri's life in the first place since I moved on. However, I was engaged to the backstabber for years. How could I claim that he meant nothing to me anymore? Dimitri had been an important part of my life. At one point, he was going to be my husband, the father of my children but it didn't turn out that way. I felt bad for him, really I did and I knew that divorce is something no one desires. My thoughts went to my cousin Lori, who was going to face difficulties as a woman alone, especially with a newborn son. I know that I should hate the bitch for she had done the most horrible form of betrayal that has ever done to a single soul but that didn't change the fact that she was part of my family. And yes, their betrayal had been great for me, it led me to Loki. I was happy (Overjoyed) that my cousin was practically, for now at least, condemned to a life alone.

But knowing that the pair was getting a divorce made me question my own marriage. Of course, I had doubts. Because I learnt how to be a wife from my parents and they hated each other. I wasn't the easiest person to be in a relationship with. With time, I knew I could be better. I still didn't quite believe that Loki wanted me. Compared to the women of Asgard and many other realms, I was plain in comparison, introverted and uninteresting. I often wondered what possibly he could have seen in me and I told him just as such. I told him that he could do much better to which he laughed and called me silly. Ensuring that I was enough for him and that he didn't need someone else. That he was happy with me and only me. It still didn't stop me from questioning the relationship for most of the time.

Last night was the worst. I dreamt that Loki was getting bored with me. He was sick of me constantly wishing for validation. But he laughed still, calling me silly. Last night, Loki's face changed. He had been replaced with Dimitri. I still searched for validation but Dimitri was not kind. He scolded me and warned me to stop pestering him. It was condescending of him to keep validating the relationship and that I should be grateful for what I have and I pointed that out to him, that he could be condescending. Dimitri would just tell me that I could be annoyingly insecure and fickle at times.

The morning after I dreamt of Dimitri, I remembered our relationship. I often tried to break up with him when the slightest of arguments or misunderstandings occurred and accused him of not actually loving me in the process. I would scream and cry. As my mother said, I can be a tad dramatic but it never helped when Dimitri told me to calm down and get over myself. I was his and only his. And that if I was half the woman my mother was then I would have made an excellent wife and he wouldn't have to stray and find a new woman every week. That was the day I slapped him. Till now our arguments were mostly about the wedding that he kept postponing and postponing each time. Spring became Summer, Summer became Fall and Fall became Winter but the status quo remained the same.

I do not regret it. I see now that our relationship was toxic. I had no idea of knowing that for he assured me that he intended to make me his wife. That was the first time he beat me while my mother watched. But I believed that I was in love with him and he loved me. I did not see the trees through the fog.

In hindsight, I knew that he could be quite selfish and persistent. It was why he had strung along our engagement for so long. At first, I had to wait for him to finish school. Then I waited until he got properly instructed to take over his father's business. Then for him to return from going to Midgard to set up offices of the Grimwood firm there. I didn't realise that he would be gone for months in the process.

Then the fatal day came when I introduced him to my cousin at a family gathering. How I wished that I noticed the approving gleam in his eyes. That's when I caught them in an embrace in the gardens. I threw Dimitri's ring at him and he told me that I had to watch how a real woman pleases her man and how I would have to live with the fact that I was second best.

Dimitri had strung me along for years. Promising me that things would get better and he would do better. That's how I knew Loki was different. Within a week of meeting me, He wanted to marry me. I smiled at the memory of how that unfortunate meeting outside in the garden had led to me becoming his wife. It was a feeling that I grew to care for more and more each day. Instead of fear or regret when I thought of him, I cherished his smile and his lack of ability to make cupcakes.

I was smitten with my husband. The last couple of weeks had been lovely as we had spent time together. Going to plays and going out to dinner or visiting our friends. It was all so contradictory because as much as I started to banish Dimitri from my life. The slimy toad wiggled his way back in.

I was reading the newsletter again and was so indulged by it that I hadn't realized that the door had opened.

- Loki's Pov -

I had stepped inside the drawing minute to find Vesper, staring blankly at what I can assume is the daily newsletter.
"What are you reading?" I asked. Vesper shot up and was looking very startled, quickly hiding something behind her back. I tilted my head and leaned on the doorframe "What was that?" I asked.
"What do you mean?" she replied innocently. I knew her lying face all too well.
"You just hid something behind your back I believe," I elaborated, pointing behind her back.
"I did not," she lied blatantly.
"Yes, you did. May I please see it?" I asked in a slightly stern tone upon which she took a deep breath.
"I rather you did not," Vesper nervously retorted and even took a step back from me. This was however the wrong thing to do.
"Cleary the news has distressed you and I want to read it," I stepped towards her, grabbed her arm, snatched the leaflet from her hand and started reading it.

A brief second later, the newsletter was crumpled up in my hand. I had a feeling a sudden rush of rage and jealousy ran through me.
"And why is this in your possession if I may inquire?" I inquired rather soft-spoken. I couldn't let Vesper see me mad. Not when we had just started to be on decent terms with each other.
"I always read the news. How could I have known she was going to write about-" Vesper started calmly.
"You could not have but perhaps that is where the problem lies-" I angrily exclaimed, waving the leaflet "That you read drivel like this!" I started tearing up the leaflet and scattering the remains on the floor a move that only angered her.
"Do I get this right? I should ask you permission to read something?" she said, raising her. Her calm demeanour was so gone. I moved my head in agreeance to confirm and this made her even more angry. Now I remember why Vali warned me against pissing an Elf off "Let me be clear," she said sternly "You cannot tell me what I should or should not read for that would be utterly ridiculous," she spat.
"I can if it influences our marriage negatively because look at us... Screaming our heads off at each other!" I retorted. Vesper's gaze softened "This is not how I planned to spend the afternoon with you," I said after a little while and Vesper gave me a defeated nod.
"We argue too much sometimes," Vesper remarked with a sigh.
"That we do," I admitted, a bit concerned at first but then my expression changed as I realised something "One would think we're like every other married couple," I smirked.
"I believe we are just like every other husband and wife," she answered, after a little pause and she even smiled. Smiling back, I shortened the distance between us by pulling her towards me. I sighed as I rested my hands on her waist. Vesper then wrapped her arms around me; as usual; I melted. I hate to admit that Vesper has me wrapped around her little finger and it became more evident every day. Deep down, I would do or get anything for her, acquire anything she wanted. Vesper could ask me to go catch the moon and bring it to her and I would find a way to do it.
"How do you feel about Dimitri's divorce?" I immediately got a sour taste in my mouth, but I needed to address the elephant in the room. for my own sanity and to satisfy my curiosity "You can tell me. I won't get cross with you, promise," I asked with a soft tone of voice.
"I... I feel a tad confused if I am honest," she stated. It wasn't the answer I wanted to hear but, in all fairness, I couldn't blame her. I had felt the same way when I read that Sigyn had married some man.
"That is understandable..." I sighed, heavily "Do you still- " I said without finishing the sentence, but thankfully, Vesper understood what I was trying to say. Smiling softly, She placed her hands on either side of my face and stared at me.
"Nothing is going to change, Loki. I am with you now. You are the one I want to be with," and to prove her statement further she leaned forward to kiss him. Like a teenager, I smiled against her face and sighed in relief as I deepened the kiss.
"Well, I better mark what is mine," I smirked. I pulled her towards me and started walking backwards towards the sofa but then we heard a knock at the door "Please go away," I shouted, hoping that would be enough to sway to person from entering but there was a second knock "We don't need anything, thank you; Edward" I said assuming it was the butler. It was about now when he would ask if we needed refreshments.
"It's me... Thor," I heard and this time, Vesper froze completely and startled, placed her hands on my shoulders.
"The same applies to you as well... GO AWAY," I replied eager to continue but Vesper pushed me away in an instant, causing him to fall. I quickly got up from the sofa and Vesper readjusted her dress. I growled and had no option other than to admit defeat.
"You better let him in," Vesper smiled. She then bent down, kissing me "We can continue later," Thor better have a good reason for interrupting this golden moment. I stormed over to the door. As I placed my hand on the door handle, Vesper wrapped her arms around me "Easy. Calm your storm," I closed my eyes and counted to ten.
"I will stab him later," I smirked. Vesper let go of me and I opened the door.

- Thor's Pov -

I hope I had not interrupted anything as Loki flung the door open. Given the flushed expression on his face, I had interrupted something.
"Brother," I grinned as Loki rolled his eyes and walked back to the sofa "How nice to see you," I said as I walked in.
"I wish I could say the same..." Loki sarcastically retorted which amused me even more.
"Why? Am I interrupting anything??" I asked innocently. I acted as if I hadn't realised what the two of them had been doing; after all, the evidence was clear. Loki was not exactly someone who would put on red rouge on his lips of his own accord.
"Of course, you aren't, Thor. Welcome, it is lovely to have you here," Vesper said quickly before standing up "I'll leave you two alone. We were just about to have some lunch. Thor would you like some?" she smiled knowing I was always hungry.
"Yes, thank you," I smiled. Vesper nodded kindly and both me and Loki and then left. Loki gestured to me to take a seat and took one across from him.

We sat in silence for a moment. But I could not help myself.
"Brother, I must say... Red is not your colour... No, not at all. You should try pink. It would suit you better," I chuckled, pointing to my brother's face. Immediately Loki brushed his fingers across his lips to find rouge on his hand. He took a handkerchief from his jacket and wiped it off.
"May I ask what the reason is for this lovely visit?" he asked me in an annoyed manner.
"Do I need a reason to see my favourite brother?" I retorted. Loki crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.
"I take it then that Vidarr is not at home?"
"Obviously not," The tea and sandwiches arrived shortly "If you really must know... I'm here to invite you and Vesper to dinner... Tonight at the palace. About sunset," I answered just after I had eaten two sandwiches. Loki frowned as Vesper sat next to him.
"Bit last minute, is it not?" Vesper asked. Loki shuffled in his seat.
"Brother, Am I correct in assuming that Mother has read the latest publication and sent you here to see how we are doing?" Loki sighed and I nodded.
"Mother meant well. She was worried but I will gladly inform Mother that you both are taking the news well," I said with a cheeky smile.
"Indeed, there isn't a cause to be. Now was that all? I wouldn't want to take up more of your precious time nor do I want you to take up more of mine." Loki stated impatiently. I think he was hoping that he would be soon rid of me. I glanced down at my brother's hand. No dagger yet.
"Now, That is not very hospitable of you but judging by your dagger in your left hand, perhaps you're right and I should be on my way," I said, and Loki glanced at the tray of sandwiches and saw there was none left.
"That would be wise," Loki smiled. But there was no joy in his eyes.
"Oh, Vesper, another thing," I continued. Loki looked at me in curiosity as he wondered what I was going to say "Your parents came to tea the other day and I finally got to meet Tallulah. Such a lovely young lady; so sweet. A joy to have around," I said, and Vesper confirmed that she certainly was "All she could talk about was you and how much she missed you," I continued.
"I see, well then it might be a good idea to pay them a visit this afternoon before we go to the palace," Vesper suggested as she looked at Loki.
"That is a good idea, dearest, for we can't leave Talluah without your presence for too long. I wouldn't want her to start disliking me." Loki answered happily.
"You can come along if you want," she offered him.
"Oh no... He has some work to do, you said that Loki, didn't you?" I casually mentioned as an excuse as he grinned once more. Loki did not like his mother-in-law. He has confessed that to me more than once. Nor did Tallulah or Killian. Lady Hawthorne can be a little cruel to her children. There had been times that Loki had felt completely drained after a visit.
"Do I?" Loki frowned at me.
"Pretty sure you said that Vali needed dagger training or something?" I shrugged.
"No, what I said was that I needed target practice and needed to stab him," Loki rolled his eyes.
"It's fine. I'll go annoy my siblings," she said as Loki got her coat. He smiled as Vesper stuck her arms in the long sleeves.
"I will come pick you up later in the evening," Loki smiled as Vesper turned and gave him a peck on the cheek.
"Very well," Vesper sighed. She then turned to me "Thor, I will see you later,"
"Say hello to your siblings for me," I nodded my head. Vesper agreed and then called for her carriage. Leaving Loki and me alone.

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