Chapter 18

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- Loki's Pov -

Dimitri wasn't at his company and if he had been, I don't think that I would have been allowed to walk through the front door. I had to think of something. I need to see Heimdall. Heimdall can see about 98% of everything. He didn't see The Frost Giants when I snuck them in, but I was always good at sneaking.
"Harold. Change course. Take me to the Bifrost." I said after I banged on the roof.
"Right away, sire,"

"Loki, I could see you coming," Heimdall announced the second I walked into the Bifrost. He had his back to me. I could tell by his stance that he had his arms crossed as he watched a dark wall intensely "I do not understand the Midgardian's obsession with cleaning rugs,"
"I'll never understand Midgardians." I mumbled and then shook my head, wanting to get back to my mission "Heimdall, I do have to ask. Do you ever blink or sleep?" I sighed as I walked up to Hiemdall.
"Though I know why you are here, my good prince, state your question?"
"Where is Dimwit Grimwood?"
"Lord Dimitri likes to spend his evenings in The Rag 'n' Bone," Heimdall pointed East "Go down Mill Lane and It's the third Inn on the right,"
"I am aware of where it is," I had been once. I didn't like it there, I thought it looked a bit seedy and so did the company that frequented "No wonder it was Dimitri's favourite club,"
"Does your wife know what you are doing?" Heimdall asked, looking over his shoulder. I bit on my bottom lip as I looked away "I thought so. Perhaps you should talk to Vesper first,"
"I'll take your advice into consideration," I said as I turned on my heel. I really should learn how to take advice. Might keep me out of trouble.

The carriage halted in front of Rag 'N' Bone. With a bee in my bonnet, I walked in and ordered an ale. I sort of wish that I had brought my brothers with me. Things could get ugly but then again, I could just freeze them. I looked around, I couldn't see Dimwit at first but after a solid thirty minutes of looking around, I saw him entering from the other room with three other men. I hid in the shadows as I watched them sit down.

I downed my drink and I headed right up to the men in question. I saw Dimwit's face twitch for a moment, but then it quickly hardened.
"Prince Loki, what an honour that you are here," Dimwit grinned. I could happily punch his face right now.
"You. Outside. Now," I growled but Dimwit did nothing.
"I'd rather not," he declined. I tapped my foot in annoyance.
"I'd rather not do this here, inside with all these people, to spare you the embarrassment. So, I'll give you the option... Either you go outside on your own initiative or I am going to drag you. It is up to you." I argued in a sharp tone.
"So aggressive... Does Vesper know about this unappealing characteristic of yours?" replied Dimwit with a mocking tone.
"I suggest that you take my wife's name out of your mouth" I sneered. Dimwit's face soured immediately.
"Fine," he said after a little pause "I'll be happy to take this conversation outside," he said.
"So would we," said one of Dimwit's friends.
"I have no issues with any of you," I spoke, and I pointed to Dimwit's friends "This is between me and this idiot but if you insist on joining him, go ahead," upon which all four men started to laugh.
"How foolish a man can be," mocked Dimitri.
"And what makes you think that?" I tilted my head.
"I think your education might have been severely lacking for I see math isn't your forte. The status quo now is four against one which means that you are outnumbered. Severely." Dimitri concluded. He started rolling up his sleeves. As did his friends.
"Oh, good. So you can count? Maybe the governess can teach you shapes next time," I mocked.
"You are still outnumbered" Dimwit's friend spoke up.
"Is he now?" I instantly recognized the voice. I turned slightly and I saw Baldur entering. Vali, Vidarr and Thor are in tow behind him. I didn't know Baldur was in Asgard. Dimwit grumbled.
"What on earth are you doing here?" Though I was a touch grateful for the backup.

- Thor's Pov -

"I honestly wanted an ale," Vali grinned and patted Loki on the back "Where do I know you from?" Vali asked as he looked at Dimitri's friends. Vali narrowed his eyes at the man "You do have one of those punchable faces,"
"After you left the palace earlier, Vali shouted code green. We spent 75% of the afternoon looking for you before we went to Heimdall," Baldur sighed, cracking his knuckles. We looked back to see the pillock's face drop immediately, and one could see he was getting nervous.
"Your Graces. The matter I would like to discuss with the Prince is none of your concern therefore there is no need for you to get involved." Dimwit straightened up.
"Ah. That is where you are wrong for this lanky piece of shit..." Baldur gestured to Loki "is our brother. Therefore this matter, as you put it is, of great concern to me," Baldur remarked. We all agreed. I held my hand out and summoned Mjölnir. It came crashing through the wall.
"Very nice. Massive improvement to this establishment," Vali cheered. Vidarr cracked his neck and loosened his shoulders.
"Shall we?" Baldur inquired while simultaneously rolling up his sleeves. Dimitri and his friends looked pensive and did not move from their seats.
"No. You were all for ganging up on my brother a moment ago," I spun my hammer around.
"I thought so... I think it's better if we leave it at that... Don't you think?" said Baldur after a short pause. Baldur headed over to Loki "Come on. We better go,"

As soon as we exited the Inn and walked up the street. Soon heavy footsteps could be heard.
"Oi! Frosty! I have one question for you," Dimitri shouted. Loki stopped in his tracks. My brothers and I were now three feet from Loki.
"And what could you possibly want to know?" Loki turned around.
"Do you enjoy having my sloppy seconds in your bed?" he inquired. A dark aura seemed to appear around Loki. I looked at my other brothers "How does it feel to know that I had her first?"
"Loki... he's doing this to get a rise out of you," I whispered in my brother's ear.
"Then he's going to get one," Loki snarled.
"Loki... no!" I went to grab my brother but it was too late. All hell had broken loose. Loki turned, ran to Dimitri and punched him hard in the stomach.
"Mewling quim!" Loki yelled. I ordered Vali and Vidarr to stop Dimitri's friends from getting involved.
"You are going to regret that," When Dimitri recuperated, he hit Loki clear on his jaw and Loki tumbled backwards but then attacked with renewed vigour.
"Bloody hell. That guy hits like a pro," I sighed. Watching Loki merely dodging a blow to his head.
"I think he is," shouted Loki before punching Dimitri in his chest rather roughly, so harsh that Dimitri nearly fell backwards. One of Dimitri's friends tried to get involved but I grabbed him by the scruff of his neck and yank him backwards.
"No. No. You stay there,"
"Oh, that's where I recognize you from! You two were at the fight that we went to watch last month," Vali shouted between avoiding and giving punches at the same.
"Vali, You could have shared that with me beforehand. It would have been useful NOT to be up against a professional fighter!" Loki shouted.
"You can fight too, brother. Just pretend you're trying to stab him!" Vali threw some air punches.
"Or I could actually stab him!" Loki sighed as he blocked another punch. Just then the Inn owner came running out.
"If you do not stop right now, I'll call the soldiers!" One of Dimitri's friends shouted. They stopped almost immediately, they had to because they had separated the fighting parties and they were now looking at each other threateningly from either side of the room.
"Dimwit, I am warning you, Don't go near Vesper," Loki asserted.
"Will someone please explain this!?" the owner of the Inn stated as calmly as possible. He waved over to his bar where somehow a window had got broken. Everyone looked at each other. Loki was the only one standing with an object in his hand.
"I didn't realise that..." He looked down at his hand and dropped what looked like a rock.
"I am sorry, My lord but this behaviour will not be tolerated, title or not,"
"You are absolutely right. We are so sorry for the inconvenience, allow me to compensate you fairly" Baldur replied to which Loki immediately said that he was the one who should be paying.
"Don't worry... I will submit the bill to one of you. I will be getting in touch soon," the owner spoke as he guided his patrons outside "Now. I would advise you to leave as soon as possible. I really don't want a repeat, not in front of my establishment," he warned and then left.
"Understood, sir. Again, We are so sorry for the inconvenience," I bowed my head. I grabbed Loki by the collar and walked away.

"Why did you three not get involved and throw some punches?" Loki demanded to know once we were out of sight.
"We were blocking the others from attacking you," Baldur sighed.
"You do realise that when Mother hears of this and we will all receive a bollocking of a lifetime. You two are fine since you don't live at the palace," Vali waved his finger at me and Loki "But Vidarr, Baldur and I are fucked!"
"Well, we technically didn't get involved. Mother might cut us some slack," Vidarr sighed.
"I will explain everything to Mother. It was my fault you guys were there," Loki looked at the ground.
"Let's just get home," I spoke, leading my brothers down the street.
"Do you mind if I crash in my old room? I highly doubt that Vesper will be home," Loki sighed.
"Of course not," Vidarr patted his shoulder.

- Vesper's Pov -

As I sat in my carriage, on the way to the palace, I read the newsletter over and over again. I could not believe that Loki and Dimitri had fought.
"I should not have spoken to Dimitri," I said. This was all my fault. If only I had waited for Vidarr before going in. If only I had told Dimitri to do one. The carriage quickly pulled up to the palace where someone was waiting for me.
"Lady Odinson, Her Majesty is in the drawing room, eagerly awaiting your arrival," I thanked them and ran into the palace.

- Queen Frigga's Pov -

If I was being honest, I felt quite annoyed, even slightly angry when I heard about what my sons had done. I had not spoken to my sons yet but I assume that Lord Grimwood had riled Loki up to. Loki was not the one who normally would start fights and given the fact that I heard Vali shout code green as he ran through the palace. But this was the third time that the family had been featured in a small but very influential gossip 'rag' concerning Vesper and I had hoped that this would be the last time.
"Mother, Vesper is here," Hela announced as she looked out the window.
"I thought she might be. Send word to your brother but allow us to speak to Vesper first. Tell him to arrive in an hour,"
"Very well Mother," Hela nodded as she left the room.

I sat on the sofa and waited for Vesper and Hela to come. Hela, of course, was back first. Accompanied by Sif. But not a minute later, Vesper came running in, Bowing clumsily.
"Do sit down, Vesper," I commanded as Vesper arrived. I patted the seat next to me and then sighed afterwards. I hated seeing my daughter-in-law crying so hard.
"Here," Hela said as she handed Vesper a handkerchief.
"Thank you, Hela," Vesper sniffed as she wiped her eyes "I'm so sorry. I do not belong in this family. I have brought nothing but shame on you all. I feel like it would be better if Loki divorced me," she said affirmatively, Hela and I looked at each other in confusion.
"Oh my, dear," I took Vesper's hand in mine "You do belong in this family. Now, it would be wise to not mention divorce to Loki, I don't think he will take it well at this moment,"
"But.. but,"
"No, but's, my dear. You are an Odinson and you will remain one. Also, I am fairly certain our family's reputation can take a punch or two," I jested.
"I mean, you heard the story of Thor and I. We certainly made people talk," Sif blushed. Hela rolled her eyes.
"You two were caught in the courtyard doing more than courting," Hela exclaimed. Sif smirked and whistled as she turned her head.
"Perhaps it would be wise if you Loki went away for a few weeks. Go on a Honeymoon, since you and Loki have not yet done so," I suggested. Sif agreed.
"Seems like a good plan indeed. They should go to Midgard," Hela added.
"I will speak to him about that," Vesper nodded.

- Hela's Pov -

A short while later. My brother Loki turned up. (Right on time might I add). He looked rather rough so I am guessing that he did not get a lot of sleep. I could see that he was sporting a few bruises on his face.
"Loki!" I said as I walked up to him and hugged him "We were just talking about you,"
"All bad things, I hope," he said while glancing in the direction of his wife, who still seemed to be quite distraught.
"Always," I grinned.
"Sister, can you distract Mother for me? I need to talk to Vesper," Loki whispered in my ear. I nodded and turned to focus my attention on my mother.
"Mother, Would you care to accompany me to lunch?"
"I was already going after we were finished here," Mother immediately stood up and we big Loki and Vesper "Fix this. I am getting tired of being your relationship tutor," Mother hissed in Loki's ear. I could see his face whitehen in fear "Vesper, I will see you later," Vesper nodded and Mother pushed me out the door.

- Loki's Pov -

Vesper had gone over to the other sofa, I was standing opposite her. We looked at each other and I could see a mixture of initial anger in her eyes that was replaced by sadness.
"Vesper... Let me explain. I... I..." Before I could explain anything else, Vesper flew towards me and fell into my arms crying. I put my arms around her and held her tight. It took a while for her to calm down and finally say something.
"Would you please never attempt such foolishness again?" she asked, hiding her face in my chest.
"I won't. I promise," I replied. Vesper placed her hands on my face "Ouch," I winced when she ran her fingers a little too roughly over a bruise.
"I'm sorry," she said looking ruefully.
"It's okay. I should be the one apologising for not believing you," I said as I took her hands in mine and placed little kisses on them "Will you forgive me, please? I assure you that I am no longer a... Oh, what was it that you called me... what animal did you call me?" I smirked.
"An inconsiderate and judgmental baboon," she laughed.
"It was a rather imaginative description I must say. My compliments," I smirked. Vesper chuckled.
"Why thank you. and you are forgiven by the way," Vesper replied. She then kissed my cheek.
"Just wanted to state, very innocently, mind you that I don't think my lips hurt, it is the oddest thing really," I grinned, licking my lips slowly.
"Is that so?" she teased. Vesper's hands ran down my arms.
"Indeed, it is so. If you want, we can put the theory to the theory to the test. You can kiss me and I'll tell you if it hurts,"
"Sounds fair to me," Vesper replied as I bent to place my lips on her. I deepened the kiss by exploring her mouth insistently and starting to put gentle caressing strokes on her body. Yet I was astutely aware of their surroundings, so I pulled back a moment later but let my forehead rest on hers.
"Shall we go home?"
"Yes, please," Vesper smiled. we walked away hand in hand "But if you don't mind... I have to stop by my parents to pick something up," suggested Vesper.
"Oh. I'll go with you if you like," I offered.
"No need. I won't be long." and she kissed me.
"Fine." I smiled.

- Vesper's Pov -

I wish I didn't lie to Loki but I needed to do this. I will tell him about this later. I knocked on the door. Since the doorman knew me, he let me in immediately.
"Is he where I think he will be?" I asked. The doorman nodded and I walked upstairs. I knocked on the door out of politeness but walked straight in without waiting for a response.

"WHO DARES ENTER WITHOUT PER... Vesper?" Dimitri asked. He wanted to get up from his chair but I shook my head.
"Stay seated. This won't take long," I snapped.
"Vesper... About what happened and what I..."
"No. The last time you spoke, I listened. Now the tables have turned and you will listen to me," Dimitri didn't argue, Which was a first. The last time I spoke back, I got backhanded. I took a deep breath, more to calm myself down "I have come here to inform you that after today I never hope to see you again."
"Vesper... What I said... It was wrong of me and I didn't mean it. You must know I am deeply sorry that I -"
"Did I say you could speak?" I frowned. Dimitri shook his head "Then shut up," I paced around "You thought that it would be a good idea to wind my husband up to the point he wanted you dead. Who are you? Did I ever really know you? Or did I seem to?" Dimitri took a short pause to answer and sighed.
"You know exactly who I am. I am still the same-"
"No, you are not," I interrupted "For the person who is sitting across me is not the person I thought I knew would not attempt to stain not only my virtue but also my reputation." He didn't say anything. He knew I was right "In a moment of pure lunacy, to trigger my husband, you lied! And you should know, That even if I were to divorce Loki, which is not happening, I will never forgive you,"
"Vesper..." I could see the anger in his eyes. He got out of his chair, fist clenched. I pushed him away, shoving him into his chair once more.
"I'm going to say this once and for all... Stay away from me but most of all. Most of all, Dimitri, stay away from my husband," I concluded. I walked out of the room and closed the door. I walked out of Dimitri's building and hopefully his life, for good.

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