Chapter 20

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- Loki's Pov -

Sigyn was going to be on Midgard. That was it. Maybe... maybe if I could see her, I could put the past to rest. I hadn't ended it well with her. I had ignored the last thing that she told me to do, which was jump up my own arse and die. I still felt guilty. I was the one that had caused her tears. I had broken the promises that I had made to her.

I had to see Sigyn one more time. I need to end it properly. I need to do this in order to move on. I knew that Vesper would never forgive me if she found out that I was going to see her again. I was also aware that highly hypocritical once more because I had accused her of deliberately seeking out her quim of an ex when I was about to do the same.

On the day of Sigyn's performance, I had sent Vesper to look around the city of London, Heimdall would watch her for me and if there was trouble call for him. But then I also made arrangements for Vesper's sister, Tallulah to come to Midgard. I made out to Tallulah that I had a surprise for Vesper. I would make sure I arrived with something amazing for her.
I had arrived at the theatre just as the show had ended. I asked the stagehand to let me see her.
"My Lady, A gentleman to see you," the stagehand spoke. as she was combing her hair and Sigyn frowned. She was not used to visitors. Not even when we were courting.
"Hello Sigyn," he said timidly, and her mouth fell open in surprise, but she did not move.
"What are you doing here?" she asked after a few minutes of gawking at me. I took my hat off and placed it under my arm.
"Heimdall informed me that this last time performing in London because you are leaving. I felt compelled to come here," She stood up and walked briefly in my direction but stayed at a sufficient distance.
"And now you have seen me for reasons I don't understand. But I would ask you to leave as we both are married and this meeting, to the unknown eye, might appear to be inappropriate." She calmly stated.
"I am fully aware of my marital status, Sigyn as I am of yours, but I needed to talk to you," I stated, annoyed. Sigyn said nothing, just stared at me inquisitively "I feel like I did you a massive grievance, I might have perhaps even led you on before and therefore I believe that I must make amends. If you leave without me having to properly apologise it will not sit right by me... ever."
"Lord Odinson..." Sigyn spoke.
"You called me Loki once, remember?" I said slightly annoyed. I never cared for titles.
"Loki... While I appreciate the gesture, I must assure you. You have nothing to make amends for and as far as I recall I was the one who sent you away, remember?" she reminded me.
"I do recall but I should have approached things differently perhaps. Should have put up a fight. I failed you Sigyn," I stated. Listening to my own voice, it was almost as if I was begging. Which I was. Sigyn looked at me with compassion.
"Loki, Yes, You could have put up a fight, but it has been a battle without a victor. But it would have been for nothing. What we had together was like a dream. A beautiful dream that would never come true, we were too different. We weren't going to make it, not in this society and it would have ended in misery. Whether you would want to or not, you might have resented me for the scandal that would have ensued or the lack of status," she concluded.
"That wouldn't have happened. We could have gone away and-" but Sigyn shook her head.
"Why are you here? I don't understand why, you have a wife. I saw you and her at The Torvill's ball. I will admit that seeing you two together was painful, to say the least. I will admit to seeing you with her, hurt" Sigyn said before pausing briefly "However Loki, that doesn't mean that I do not love my husband. He is a good man, the kindest you'll ever meet. Theoric knows how much I like singing and allowed me to continue even if some people don't find it proper for married ladies to do so. He has been a wonderful husband since the start. We are leaving his home realm soon. We need to so we can start a new life, he is going to take over his family's business and maybe, hopefully, we'll be blessed to have children one day," she concluded with a smile then remained silent for several moments "Leaving you was one of the most difficult things I have ever done but after a couple of months, I met Theoric and the pain lessened as each day I got to know him and ultimately love him. I am certain that you can relate. It was clear that night, at Torvill's ball that your eyes sought no one else but her," and she stated this with a sad smile.
"Therefore, I think that it would be wise for you to go now Loki. Before anyone finds out you are here. Before your wife finds out," she suggested. Sigyn was right. I needed to go. If Vesper ever found out, she would never trust me again, never. It had taken an awkward meeting with my ex to finally understand that I, Loki Odinson was madly in love with my wife and that I was a massive fool for coming over here, endangering my marriage.
"You're right... I am so sorry. I.. I shouldn't have come..." I put my hat on and turned to walk away but suddenly halted. I turned "I wish you all the best and all the happiness in the world, Sigyn," I earnestly stated. I knew Sigyn was watching me. Watching as I walked out of her life for good. I ran to the nearest flower shop and purchased the biggest bunch of red roses I could. I heard a loud rumble outside but when I looked up at the sky, I saw no clouds.

- Tallulah's Pov -

I was lost in this town. Why could Heimdall not have dropped me off where my sister was staying? Still, London is a beautiful town.
"I have no idea where I am," I approached a member of the public and asked him where to go. Thankfully he pointed the way and I ended up passing by this threate that was famous for some reason. Loki would. He is a nerd when it comes to Midgard.

I stopped to look at the building, fascinated by the whole. But something at the entrance of the theatre something had caught my attention, the was a poster that featured Sigyn Hellstrand and something clicked in my mind.
"Sigyn... That's Loki's former girlfriend!" I started to worry. Why is she on Midgard? Surely Loki wouldn't come to see Sigyn now that he was married. I snuck closer to the door and I swear I saw Loki. Hoping that my mind was playing tricks on me, I hid behind a pole. But no, my mind was clear. There he was. Waiting outside the stage door. He takes his hat off as he enters the room.

Covering my mouth in shock, I backed away from my hiding spot. My hands shaking from anger.
"Oh my Gods, what do I do now?" Should I be quiet or tell Vesper? No. I can't think like that. I can't hide this from my sister. After ripping a poster from the wall, I started running towards whatever street she was on.

I found her sitting on the bay window, happily reading. She smiled as she saw me. Placing her book down, she stands.
"Sister! Oh, how glad I am that you are here!" She goes to hug me but as she moves closer, her face drops "What is wrong? Is it father? Killian? Has the stupid bitch died?"
"I would be smiling if the news was about our mother dying. But no, It's not about them," I sighed. I then grabbed her hands and made her sit "I need to tell you something," I then told her everything that I saw and showed her the poster. She stays quiet and her face is blank, ripping the poster to shreds "Sister, What do we do now?"
"We don't have long. Help me back a bag," She stands up and throws everything in a bag.

It does not take long and once we finish, We head outside. Vesper holds my hand and looks to the next.
"HEIMDALL!" The Bifrost opens up and teleports us home.

- Loki's Pov -

When I came back to the room, Vesper was not there. I knew she was with her sister and that Hiemdall would be looking out for her. But it got quite late and I was still not worried. I placed the flowers in a vase and placed the chocolates on the table. This was not the first time that she had spent the night out with her sister. Thor once found them singing by the river, drunk. Vesper took two days to sleep that hangover off. I went to bed. Knowing Vesper, she would come back in the middle of the night and cuddle up to me, like she has done many times.

But when I woke up in the morning, Vesper still wasn't there, which surprised me slightly. Hours... went by and she just didn't come home. And I did not know why she didn't.
"Maybe Heimdall has seen her?" He had just sat on the sofa, ready to contact Heimdall when the doorbell rang "That must be her," I ran to open the door with a smile on my face but... instead of my wife, My mother was standing there.
"Loki," She spoke.
"Mother... What a lovely surprise! Come in, Vesper isn't back from her time with her sister just yet," I said cheerfully but my mother did not answer and looked sad. She walked in and then turned to Loki who was standing at the door.
"What have you done, Loki?" I asked him.
"I do not understand,"
"Why did Heimdall call me to the Bifrost?" And then it was as if someone had punched me hard in the stomach because I knew two things then, very very clearly. Vesper had found out about my meeting with Sigyn and two, I knew why she had not returned, Vesper was gone.

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