Chapter 6

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- Vesper's Pov -

He was ten minutes early, much to my dismay. I didn't feel ready at all, in fact when the door rang prematurely I thought my chest was going to leap right out of my chest. I swallowed the lump in her throat as I exited my room. Nervously, I took a few steps towards the staircase when Lilith popped up from nowhere.
"Ah there you are," she said with a reassuring glance on her face. It was her best-lying face, "He is waiting for you," I just nervously nodded. I know why Loki asked me to marry him but why did he even want me? I am a nobody.

- Loki's Pov -

Ever since I met, Vesper. I wondered if I had been genuinely attracted to her. And as she walked down the stairs, I was now provided with the perfect proof. She was wearing a Midnight blue dress. She had her striking black hair up, in a messy bun but with hair locks falling on either side of her face. I was attracted to her alright. A lot more than I originally thought. I quickly internally tried to push these feelings away. Furthermore, Dimitri Grimwood was an idiot. Vesper is too good for him.
"Shall we?" I helped her with getting her coat on and then she turned around to glance at her mother, who reassuringly smiled at her.
"See you later, my dear," Her mother spoke. We hopped into the carriage and then we were off. Sitting in silence as neither of us knew what to say to each other.

When we finally arrived at our destination, I took Vesper's hand and helped her disembark. I didn't remove my hand from hers. It wasn't that I meant to be impertinent. I had simply forgotten until she had nervously looked at me. I quickly let go. How could I forget to let go of her hand?

- Vesper's Pov -

The owner of the bar greeted us and without trepidation guided them through the establishment and seated us in the garden, without asking where we wanted to sit. At first, I was surprised but then I remembered that the owner knew Loki and therefore knew where he wanted to sit because Loki had come here with Sigyn before.
"How many times has he been here with her?" I wondered. We ordered afternoon tea and waited for it to arrive, drinking tea in the meantime "This is so, so awkward," How else could it not be though for we hardly knew each other, yet at the same time we were to wed "I need to talk to you about an issue that has been weighing on my mind," I said, staring at my lap, Loki's eyebrows rising in surprise. I took a deep breath.
"Are you certain you are truly okay... with... what happened between me and Dim- Lord Grimwood? My point is that I don't want to disgrace you or your family if the matter gets out or something. I also would not want to be reminded of... what I did later... by you when we for some instance perhaps, disagree on something." I took my time saying what I had to say. The words that came out of my mouth made me afraid of what the consequences could be. I leaned forward and leaned on the table "I wanted to make this clear to you, again. You do not have to marry me, nor do you need to feel sorry for me. I meant what I said when I was at your house the other day. I'll be fine regardless of what happens." I looked up and Loki and he was smiling at me. He placed a gentle hand on my forearm.
"Vesper, Nobody is without flaws," he began cautiously "Who would I be to judge you for your behaviour? I cannot, especially since I can relate. I mean, I can relate to doing things that might not have been the best for me but sometimes the heart overrules the mind and any logical thinking flies out the window. One can only hope to learn from their oversights and I for one intend to do so. I cannot speak for you of course and do correct me if I am overstepping my boundaries by giving you unsolicited advice... But I believe It might be better for you to no longer give the incident any more thought. What's done is done." Loki adjusts his jacket "And by the way. No need to worry about my family's reputation, it wouldn't be the first storm we endured. You have met Thor after all," he concluded with a smile. He was talking about the whole Sif-Thor situation. I was not in Asgard at the time but even in Alfhiem, I heard the story.
"Okay..." I was still not certain of this.
"You can be certain that I will, at least not for the considerable future, bring Lord Grimwood up in any type of conversation. To me, at least, that matter has been dealt with," he concluded. I was relieved to hear this "For what it is worth... I don't feel sorry for you, not at all. In fact, for some reason.. I am glad things went about this way," he remarked, softly, genuinely and it had surprised me. For a moment, there was a very brief flicker of understanding between us or was it mutual attraction perhaps?

Soon, our platters came and we started eating.
"I hope you don't mind but I have taken the liberty of taking matters into my own hands without consulting you but since we will likely get married soon, there is haste to be made. I went ahead and contacted the church and even though they are booked for the week, they were kind enough to help us out and have squeezed us in for next Friday, early morning around eight o'clock," he stated with a cheerful disposition. I noticed that Loki had the loveliest of smiles, sweet and endearing. But then my brain cells kicked in.
"NEXT FRIDAY?!" I choked on my food. A week from now I would be getting married and it felt unreal.
"I believe my mother will be in contact with you about the appointment at the modiste... I have to regretfully inform you that I am not able to take you on a honeymoon now because of my responsibilities but perhaps we could go later?" he started.
"That is fine. Your responsibilities to your house come first," Wasn't like I could say anything else. I was still getting over the shock that I was to be married next week.
"I have also found suitable accommodation for us. It is on the North side of the palace," he remarked. I nodded. At least I would be away from Lilith "I have inspected the house and it is not the biggest, but it is comfortable and furnished, and has all the other amenities. There is a small dining parlour on the first floor and a nicely sized drawing room. There are three chambers on the second floor. I intend to use one of them as a study. Perhaps you could use another for your own study/ small library or..." and he stopped talking because mid-conversation, my mouth had dropped open "What's wrong?" he asked, concerned.
"If you are to use one room as your study and the other for a library for instance. Where will we be?" I stuttered. Thankfully, Loki knew what I was trying to say.
"Uhm... Well, I presumed..." he began, uneasily but I interjected.
"It is custom for married people to retire to their own chambers after some point, is it not?" I argued, I could feel my face possibly burning. I didn't know for sure. My parents had their own room. But they hated each other.
"That is custom in Alfhiem for arranged marriages until the pair have gathered enough information about each other but I am not sure about Asgard. I had imagined we would not sleep separately," he countered and felt embarrassment slowly creeping up his face.
"I see," I gulped.
"However, if you want you could have your own room, you can," he quickly mentioned.
"I would like that," she relievedly answered. I poured myself another cup of tea and sipped it quietly.

After a short silent moment. Loki coughed.
"That is all I have to share with you for today, I will drop by when I can to discuss the rest, as much as I can." Loki said after we had not spoken for a while "Do you have any questions at this point, perhaps? I would be glad to answer them," he said earnestly wishing to be helpful. Of course, I had many, many questions going through my head. Questions like; Are you sure you want to go ahead with this? Do you even like me? You do know you can do better right? What will our life be like? Will you and I get along? Should we have children? If so when? Soon after we're married OR can we wait? What about the wedding night? She knew what the bride and groom would do. I had heard stories from my married friends, but did that mean that we should do what is obligated of married couples too?
"No further questions, my lord," I smiled. I will figure things out as I go. Loki paid for lunch and then they went back, the ride back even more uncomfortable than it had been on the ride here.

- Loki's Pov -

It was safe to say that I was in a sullen mood for the rest of the afternoon and felt the same when evening arrived. I had gone to a bar that I frequented. I quickly moved to the more shady area of the bar, sat down and ordered a whiskey. I thought about the meeting with Vesper in the afternoon. I was beginning to think if I had bitten off more than I could chew. Maybe my mother was right... This was not going to be an easy marriage. Maybe we could figure things out. I mean... if Thor can make a marriage work then surely I could.

At least I was attracted to her for sure and I could swear that something occurred between us today when she looked me in the eyes. Yet, her panicked stance at possibly, possibly sharing a bed with me did not bode well. I really should learn to heed my mother's advice more instead of acting impulsively.
"Don't tell me there is trouble in paradise already?" I heard a voice in front of me. I looked up and saw Thor standing there and then shortly after taking place across from him. Naturally, I did not answer the question but still was lost in thought, staring into oblivion, which worried Thor a little "Are you alright, Brother?" he asked.
"Vesper doesn't want to share her bed with me," I started. I should not have said anything but Thor was my brother. I trusted him enough that whatever was being said between us would remain between them "And yes, I am aware that sounded petty,"
"I see... Well, I am sure that will change later," he tried to reassure me but I could tell that even he wasn't so sure.
"I am beginning to think that I should not have acted so hastily. I mean. In wanting to do the right thing I might have-" I didn't finish my sentence because of Thor's interjection.
"She barely knows you, brother. You and her only met a week ago. You can't possibly fault her for not jumping in the bed with you immediately. You both need to get to know each other first. It's completely normal for her to perhaps not be as loving to you in the beginning." Thor explained.
"I am aware that it would be unreasonable to want her to immediately jump into bed with me. But Thor, what if she doesn't want to.. ever... you know..." I couldn't bring myself to speak the whole sentence. Thor cleared his throat.
"If you are really having doubts about this union. As your brother, I would want to remind you. It is not too late to cancel. maybe you and her can stay engaged for a while. See if things work out. Maybe there is an underlying foundation for something more?" Thor suggested. I didn't say anything but instead looked away "That being said... Something tells me that you don't want to wait, do you? Nor do you want to end things with her?" Thor slyly inquired while smiling. I did not provide a verbal answer. My face apparently said it all. And I couldn't fool Thor, even if I wanted to.
"Enough with the chitchat. Drink up, you are getting the next one," I commanded with a smile.

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