Chapter 25

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- Vesper's Pov -

"You are doing that absentmindedly staring thing again," My cousin Jack remarked.
"Oh. Sorry. Sorry." I stuttered and pretended to read the same page again but then put the book away after a deep sigh "Perhaps I should choose another book. The author really doesn't know how to capture my attention,"
"Ah yes, of course, blame the author... That makes sense," Jack grinned as he brought his cup of tea to his mouth. It was good to be here with Jack. I had not seen Jack in about 300 years. Jack had married Elijah Maywaters, son of a well-known banking family.
"Thank you again for..." I began shyly.
"Vesper, please...stop saying thank you. I'm so glad you're here and so is Elijah; we hope you stay forever," Jack smiled as he took my hand and squeezed it. I squeezed back and smiled too and then let go and sat back leaning on the sofa. I let out a deep sigh shortly after and looked down at my lap "He's on your mind, isn't he?" Jack asked. I looked up for a moment and saw understanding eyes.
"I feel stupid for even thinking of him. God, I am such a fool," Even with the many miles that were between us, Loki plagued my mind. He was the main reason I had jumped at her father's suggestion to stay at Jack's. I wanted distance from him, but I soon found the endeavour futile. I missed Loki.
"Don't berate yourself like that Vesper. You are no fool and never will be one." Jack argued "It's normal to think of the one you love," he had stated softly. The moment he said that it was like my mind was struck by a lightning bolt of realization, something I did not yet want to admit. I loved Loki "I know that face. You love him, don't you?"
"Maybe but it doesn't do me any good to think about him, Jack. Especially since I was apparently the only one who felt attached. I'm a fool," I concluded in a trembling voice Jack took a short pause before answering.
"I really do not think your marriage is based on one-sided attraction. If the idiot did not love you, why did he track you down in Alfhiem then?" she reasoned.
"Because of his guilty conscience or, perhaps he doesn't want people to know that we have separated or he can't afford the scandal of a divorce," I knew my comment was absolutely pointless. Jack knew me better than most.
"He's a Prince. He can afford a divorce but I don't believe that Vesper and you don't either." Jack put his cup down "You are welcome to stay as long as you want. While you're here, take some time to think before you return to Asgard and when you do.... give him a chance perhaps? At least let him explain. I'm not saying you should divorce right away. It's not to be condoned what he did, but you don't know what happened. Maybe he is telling the truth, and nothing happened between them, maybe just maybe you could give him the benefit of the doubt." Jack leaned back in his seat "I am not going to tell you what to do. The final decision, of course, remains yours but I would advise you to at least listen to him. Hear his side of the story and then if you still want a least you'll know you won't regret it later," I was quiet for a moment to think about Jack's words and nodded.
"I will think about it," Maybe I should hear Loki out. I knew that he had spent the last however many weeks searching for me. Heimdall had told me so. I asked him to lie to Loki. I needed to clear my head and yet, my mind had never been so foggy. I pressed my fingers against my temples.
"Why don't we take a walk? Perhaps that will help to clear your head a little," Jack laughed. I agreed and soon we were walking in the forest.

The next day, Jack and Elijah had some appointments that they unfortunately couldn't get out of. I didn't mind since it gave me the opportunity to do some shopping in the main city. I wanted to buy some birthday presents for my father. I always enjoyed retail therapy. At least that's what Loki called it. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as I groaned. What will it take to get that man out of my head?! Was Jack right? Should I give my marriage another chance? I do miss him. Terribly. I miss rolling over and seeing his beautiful face. I missed how peaceful he looks as he sleeps. I miss watching him as he flips his hair over when Thor or Vali puts him on his arse during training. I miss how he would hold me during a thunderstorm. I miss him.

I was at the jewellery store to buy a gift, and a gold pocket watch caught my eye and I immediately thought of Loki again.
"He would love this," I smiled as I traced the fine detail. Honestly, I could see him using it as a slingshot when his siblings annoyed him.
"Something for your husband, perhaps?" the jeweller had asked, bringing me back to reality.
"No, no. Just a present for a friend. Thank you," I quickly stammered, then paid for the watch and hurried back to Jack's house.

I had just taken off my coat and intended to go upstairs to my room for a while but the butler stopped me.
"Lady Hawthrone, One moment please?" I stopped on the spot and turned to face the man.
"Yes? Is something wrong?"
"Not at all. A gentleman is waiting for you in the drawing room," the latter had informed me. A feeling of joy went through my body and without asking the butler who the visitor was, I ran to the drawing room, opened it, and saw him standing there.

At the window, with his hat in one hand, impeccable as ever, in suit. The gentleman turned as the door opened and faced her fully; I on the other hand stood as if petrified and stared at him in confusion.
"Dimitri... what are you doing here?" I wanted to know. I was hoping for Loki.
"I could ask you the same thing, Vesper," He got a little smirk on his lips, then tilted his head.

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