Chapter 12

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- Loki's Pov -

When it came down to my family, you could count on many things, but silence was not one of them. Discussions were going on as usual and the subject had somehow come up again of marriage, one of Hela's heated topics that she was keen to discuss.
"If it was up to me, I'm never going to get married or at least much later than planned," Hela indicated nonchalantly.
"Oh really, Hela, So, you mean to live here until you're 3000," Mother admonished.
"That sounds like a wonderful idea, Mother. Think about it, the more I stay here, the more you can enjoy my wonderful company," grinned Hela, to which Mother shook her head.
"The Gods can only help me," Mother sighed.
"I mean... There are actually more advantages to marrying at a later age, aren't there Vesper?" asked Hela innocently. Vesper was startled by the direct question and suddenly felt all eyes on her.
"I suppose so, but to tell you the truth... I was intending to... um-" she began cautiously but didn't finish her sentence when she saw me staring angrily.
"She meant that she was going to marry sooner and with a certain Grimwood, had he not gone off with her cousin instead," I said suddenly, and at that moment the room fell into an extremely uncomfortable silence. Baldur looked judgementally at me. Vesper stared incredulously at her husband "What? I am not wrong here am I? I'm only stating the facts," and she looked at me in disbelief. She placed her spoon down, wiped her mouth and stood up.
"I just remembered that I was going to help my brother Killian study. He has a maths test tomorrow and he asked me if could help with studying. Apologies but I have to leave," Vesper argued. It was a blatant lie, Killian had no test and if he had, he wouldn't ask his sister for help for he was a gifted student and generally performed well at school. Feeling like a total ass, I stood up and wanted to follow her, but she held her hand up, stopping me in my tracks "No... You can stay. please, I'll go alone," Vesper demanded sternly.
"I will see you later," I sat back down and slowly realised what I had done and how big of an error it had been. I had called her out on her previous relationship and simultaneously hurt her by reminding her she had been traded in for her cousin and therefore implied that her cousin was better. Even worse, I did it in front of my family. I did regret it. I want to sort this out between us and yet I just embarrassed her in front of everyone. I hated my impulsiveness, a trait that has got me into trouble rather than solving things.
"Goodbye all," she said timidly before walking away without looking back at any of us. I didn't dare look at my family.

When she was gone, the yelling started, and it seemed that every member of my family had something to say. Vali started first.
"What was that about, Loki?" he asked accusingly with a frown. Vidarr slapped me around the back of the head.
"I want to know as well. What the fuck were you thinking to bring up her ex-fiancé like that in front of everyone and especially as brash and bluntly as you did? It is no wonder she couldn't leave the house fast enough," Baldur added.
"I agree with your brothers, Loki and I am disappointed in you. I thought I taught you better than to embarrass a lady and while there is company nonetheless." Mother asserted. we were all surprised that she didn't scold Baldur for his choice of curse words.
"I shouldn't have brought it up. It was a foolish thing to do," I admitted, hiding my face in my hands.
"Very, very foolish. You were an ass but the important thing is..." Vidarr pressed his fingers together "How are you going to make amends with her?" he asked. I clicked my tongue. Normally, I could talk my way out of trouble but this time, I had nothing.
"What do you think I should do? Should I go to the Hawthorne's?" I glanced at my mother and my brothers. He avoided asking Hela as she was glaring at me. Hela was the Goddess of Death. She could kill me, bring me back to life just to kill me again. I've been to Hell once. I do not want to go there again.
"If I were you, I wouldn't. Lady Hawthorne will rip your heart out. Personally, if I were in your oversized boots, I would wait for Vesper at home but make sure to buy a big bunch of her favourite flowers to say sorry. Maybe a ridiculously large box of fruit pastries as well," Vali suggested. It was strange, Vali was much younger than me but somehow knew how to assess these situations and how best to react to them. Not that I will ever say this to his face but I often admired my little brother for acting a lot older, and responsible, for his age.
"And you haven't got the just of what our brother is saying, you need to grovel. Get on your knees and beg for forgiveness," Vidarr smiled.
"I will," I said. I left a short while later. I think Mother wanted to rip me a new one but I didn't have time.

It was around seven, I had just finished setting the flowers up when I heard her come in and hurriedly try to take off her coat. I knew she would want to go upstairs as quickly as possible. I had planned for that. I opened the dining room door just as she was planning to go up the stairs. She tried her best to appear indifferent, but her eyes were filled with pain. And I knew it was pain that I had caused.
"Hello... I am glad to see you... Could we have a word ple-" but she didn't listen to me and started walking up the steps. I didn't follow her. I had no right to. Not after what I had said. I was going to leave her but I had to make it up to her. If I didn't then I would lose her forever and I absolutely did not want that to happen. I took a few breaths and followed her.

- Vesper's pov -

I did not want to speak to the man. How dare he speak to me that way. Erugh. He is so infuriating. If it wasn't for the fact my mother hates me, I would go back to my family home and stay there. I then hear a knock on my door.
"Vesper, let me apologise... Please open the door," He begged. My brain was telling me to ignore him. But my heart said otherwise. My body moved to the door and I flung it open, making Loki jump "Can we go downstairs to talk for a moment?" he asked me, a tad nervously.
"Whatever you have to say to me you can do here," I replied angrily.
"Can I come in then? It would be better to talk inside than in the corridor,"
"No. You can not enter," I said bluntly. Out in the hall, there were witnesses. and if I wanted I could slam the door in his face.
"Okay then," Loki knelt down, sitting on his heels "Vesper, I made a mistake, a terrible mistake. I have embarrassed you in front of my family. I am deeply regretful that I did and am deeply sorry that I have hurt your feelings," as he was trying to convey how much he meant those words. I stared at him angrily for a moment longer.
"Was that all?" I asked.
"Well, no I also wanted to know how you are doing. I-"
"Brilliant, thank you ever so much," I sneered sarcastically before slamming the door shut. He did not knock on my door again for the rest of the night.

- Loki's Pov -

That night, I could not sleep. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw Vesper's angry face. She was so angry with me and rightfully so. I felt terrible, but I couldn't blame her. I had messed up so badly that she was probably not going to speak to me for days, perhaps even weeks.

It was the middle of the night when I got up. I was sick of looking at the ceiling and thought that perhaps a glass of milk would help in getting some sleep. It used to help when I was a child so maybe it will help now. besides the last time I went to the kitchen late at night, Vesper had been there. Maybe she would be again. And as I walked into the kitchen, she was.

She looked up, startled, to see me standing at the door. I could tell she wanted to leave immediately, and my hope faded, and hopelessness took its place.
"You don't have to leave. I just wanted to get some milk. I am not going to bother you," I whispered. She looked at me for a long time in silence, opened a cupboard, picked up some milk and reached out to me. I smiled briefly and accepted it "Thank you," I said, and she nodded. I took a sip.
"Do you think I wanted this?" she asked me and there was aggravation echoing in her voice "Don't you think I would have preferred to be called Lady Grimwood rather than Odinson?"
"Pardon me?" I said, suddenly feeling really annoyed.
"What?" she said fearlessly, though she felt inside that she had opened a can of worms that would have been better left closed, but it was too late now "I'm just stating the facts," she said, using my own words against me.
"Thank you for confirming to me what I already knew but since we are being sincere. Don't you think I would rather have married Sigyn?" I snapped at her.
"Well, too bad Sigyn didn't want you. When you think about it though... She was a smart woman to leave you who wants to marry someone who makes them look like a fool," she sneered.
"You are right, Sigyn was a smart lady. Do you know who else is smart? Dimitri! No wonder he chose your cousin, who wants to marry someone with the personality of an iceberg?! Which is ironic since I am a Frost Giant!" I regretted the words the moment they left my lips. Vesper bit her lip to stop the tears from coming "Sorry. I am so sorry. I didn't mean it. I didn't. I am so sorry," I quickly moved closer towards to her, knowing she wanted to exit as soon as possible but I couldn't leave things between them like this so I stepped in front of her, effectively blocking her.
"Move out of my way. Now, Loki," she started fidgeting with her ring again.
"Don't!" I said in a stern voice "Don't you dare take that off," I demanded with a glare.

- Vesper's Pov -

I glared at him. Who does this man think he was telling me what to do? I went to walk away but he grabbed my right arm and pulled me towards him again. Only this time, I snatched my arm free. Thankfully he didn't reach for me again and let his expression speak for itself.
"That ring is not leaving your finger," Loki said through gritted teeth "I'll tell you when to remove it and it is not at this point in time," he added.
"Is that so? How dare you? Who are you to tell me what I should or should not do?" I demanded to know. He took a few steps towards me.
"I am your husband. That is who I am!"
"You never wanted to be my husband! You wanted someone else," This entire argument was fruitless. And once again, we were absolutely getting nowhere.
"I think we argued enough for tonight," he said dejectedly, and his initial anger had now nearly faded.
"I think so too," I replied softly, feeling just as bad as him at that moment "I'm going upstairs... It's too late now to pack my suitcase so I'll do it tomorrow," I informed him.
"Not this again..." he sighed, and he threw his arms in the air in aggravation.
"What do you mean? I'm still planning to go, I have not changed my mind," I thought I had made my point clear.
"If you are so set on leaving then why did you agree to marry me?" he exclaimed in exasperation "And please, give me a reason as to why you should go,"
"Only one reason? There are a million reasons, a million perfectly plausible reasons. You don't love me, Loki. This relationship is doomed. You were right... I have not given us a chance to get to know each other but look what happens when we do, we fight. When will you admit that this thing between us is not working,"
"I am so, very tired of you continuously bringing the same things up but since we're discussing this matter, the matter as to why this relationship is 'doomed' as you say. Can I please bring up one argument that will disprove your argument instantly? Allow me please," he asked.
"Please do. I am curious to hear this argument of yours,"
"The truth of the matter is, whether you want to admit it or not, yes while we just fought and yes while we perhaps should not have wed the point is... I am attracted to you and you..." and he pointed at me "Are attracted to me," he concluded, laying the truth bare between them.
"Am I hell! I am not attracted to you," He was right. I was attracted to him but I was never going to let him know.
"Oh, you're full of it. Do not lie," he accused.
"I am not!" I frowned.
"All right then. Prove that you're not attracted to me," he said as I stepped closer.
"What do you mean?" my brows quirked up in confusion.
"Let me kiss you again. Let me kiss you for longer than five minutes," and he pointed to the clock "Or let me hold you for longer than 5 minutes. You can choose one of those options but mind you I prefer option one if I am being honest,"
"I should not have to admit or prove anything. You should trust a lady on her word," I scolded him.
"Not if the lady is withholding the truth," he retorted "Don't shoot the messenger for reminding you what is obvious to everyone to see," he nonchalantly stated.
"Good God, you are so full of yourself aren't you?" I accused but he merely shrugged again."Perhaps, I have never been one with a lack of confidence," he smirked "So, what's it going to be, an embrace or kiss?" Loki wanted to know.
"Neither. I am going to bed. Goodnight,"
"too much of a coward to take on my challenge? I hear dwarves are braver," Loki taunted.
"Fine..." I hate being taunted. This man really pushes my buttons "If we embrace for five minutes and, I manage to resist you will that be enough to convince you that I am not attracted to you?" I offered.
"It will be," Loki answered. he opened his arms and smirked again. I had half a mind to slap the smirk off his beautif... of his face but I resisted. I sighed, positioned myself in his arms, nervously putting my hands on his back, and he placed his hands on my back. But they didn't they there for long. He started caressing my back.

This had to be the longest five minutes of my life, but I held still even though it was difficult not to react to his touch. I couldn't deny that his touch... those touches more fuel was added to the fire. We started to breathe heavily at around two minutes. I could hear Loki's heart beating faster.
"Has it been five minutes yet?" I barely managed to get out.
"No," he said, his voice a tad shakily.
"Are, are you sure?" I inquired.
"I am. We still have time," he remarked.

- Loki's Pov -

I felt as if I could combust at any moment. I was restraining the urge to touch her all over her body.
"Yes..." Her voice was shaky.
"Can I kiss you?" I pleaded. I need to feel her again. Vesper waited a little while to answer.
"Yes..." I didn't hesitate and practically lunged at her mouth. I was eager to taste her, to claim her. Now we both knew what had been right in front of us all along. That the attraction was there and we couldn't deny it any longer. The kiss seemed to go on and on, but eventually this time, I was the one that withdrew. Damn lungs.
"Loki..." Vesper licked her lips.
"Are you still going to deny that there is some sort of attraction between us?" I pulled Vesper closer "Your mind might deny everything but there is one thing that you cannot fake,"
"And that is?"
"Your heart beats in time with mine," I kissed Vesper again "I think you need to come with me," I took her hand and pulled her with me towards the doors. Out of the kitchen. Into the corridor.
"Where are we going?" she asked timidly.
"Where do you think?" I answered before walking slowly up the stairs with her.

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