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I was completely taken aback by what I saw. Instead of the hospital room I was expecting, I found myself in a large, luxurious office. And sitting behind the desk was a woman who looked nothing like I had in mind. She was impeccably dressed, with perfectly coiffed hair and makeup. She could have been a model or a movie star, not a doctor.

Moreno sat on the chair across from her, he looked almost meek and mild sitting in front of this elegant woman. He was completely different from the cold and ruthless man I had met earlier.

I stood there, unsure of what to do as she got up from her desk and walked over to me looking at me with concern. Before I knew it, she had put her arms around me and was hugging me. I could smell her perfume, and it was intoxicatingly sweet. "Welcome to the family dear," she said hugging me again, I stood there confused.

As if on cue, I looked at Moreno and he gave me a warning look, I tried to play it cool, putting on my most convincing smile as I stepped back from her embrace. "Thanks," I said, with just the right amount of sincerity.

Her eyes searched mine as if she were trying to figure out if I was telling the truth. I held her gaze, making sure my smile didn't falter. After a moment, she nodded, looking satisfied with me. I just needed to act along, I would be leaving here soon, so I didn't want to complicate things.

"You're very beautiful my dear, I can't believe Moreno didn't do a big wedding to show you to the world, and on top of that he didn't even tell me he found someone he likes," she said hugging me again. What was I hearing? I looked at her shocked. I knew I was supposed to be playing along, but I was caught off guard, What was she talking about? What wedding? Or maybe she thought I and Moreno were a couple?

She pulled me away from my thoughts "Hope he's not giving you a hard time? He can be hard-headed at times" she said laughing. I guess he hasn't shown her his true colors if only she knew he was a beast in human form hiding behind his looks and money. I looked at Moreno and he gave me a warning look. "No ma'am" I immediately replied.

"Come and have a seat dear," she gestured for me to sit beside Moreno, while she sat on the other side of her desk.

I reluctantly took the seat next to him, my heart racing as I sank into the leather. I could feel his eyes on me, studying me, as I tried to keep my expression neutral.

"I hope the ride here was pleasant," Moreno spoke to me for the first time since I entered the room. his voice soft and gentle. I could feel my stomach churn as I fought to keep my composure.

"It was, thank you," I replied, my voice sounding too high-pitched and fake.

I cringed inwardly, hoping he hadn't noticed. But his expression remained unchanged, his eyes fixed on me. I felt like a bug under a microscope, every move being scrutinized.

"Moreno says you both are not ready to have kids yet? How old are you dear" she asked
"What?" I looked at her in shock, trying to figure out what was going on. I looked back at Moreno, he still looked composed and didn't try to correct the woman. "Is there an issue dear, Didn't he tell you before bringing you here?" she said looking at Moreno raising her brow at him.

He looked at me touching the back of my hair softly, "Bella dear, you don't remember our conversation? We already talked about this didn't we?" I almost cringed at how lovey-dovey he was acting towards me.

To the woman, it must have looked like an act of love, but I knew he was giving me a warning. I just wanted to walk out of here, my emotions were all over the place, I wanted to scream but I had to compose myself.

"No it's nothing like that, I remember now." I looked back at the woman, "I'm nineteen, I'll be turning twenty in a few months," I replied trying to look confident and I knew I must have failed.

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