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WARNING: This chapter contains explicit content.


A week had passed since the incident with Moreno, and I hadn't seen him since that night. I had to admit, I was relieved. I was not interested in seeing him or even thinking about him. I had been attempting to clear my mind of everything and concentrate on myself. It was challenging, not when I was in this house, and occasionally the memories would sneak up, despite my best efforts.

At the very least, I felt a sense of freedom, finally being able to breathe again. Yet there was always a tense part of me that was prepared for him to come knocking on my door at any moment. I tried to suppress those thoughts, but they always seemed to come back. I was trapped and I was unsure of how to escape it.

Clara had become a sort of companion to me. She was always there, humming and bustling around the kitchen, creating delicious meals that I enjoyed. The library had become my sanctuary, a place where I could escape into the pages of a book and forget about my troubles for a while. But no matter how much I tried to escape, I couldn't find a way to escape from this place, this was my life now. I was completely detached from the world, I wondered every day if Dad was worried about me or even searching for me, I could only hope Moreno didn't hurt him.

I had reached a point of resignation, a feeling of defeat. I couldn't keep living like this, on edge and afraid all the time. I knew that I had to confront the situation, I had to find a way somehow. But what could I do? I was so powerless and trapped by my circumstances. It was a bleak feeling, one that I couldn't seem to shake.

I was in the library as usual reading a book I picked from the shelf when the door suddenly opened.

The devil was back! He looked at me with a smirk on his face. "Nice choice of book for someone as innocent as you". The book was about murder. A mystery novel to help keep my mind occupied rather than dwelling on my problems. I liked romance as much as the next girl but needed something darker and more compelling. Something more relatable to the state of my life.

I couldn't reply because I was still shocked to see him. I didn't anticipate him coming back anytime soon, nor did I know when he would come back. "Cat cut your tongue sweetheart?" He asked as he walked up to me. I stared at him without knowing what to say. It's not like we were close enough that I could say hello and you're back. I got up from the chair I sat in and attempted to move backward, but then I realized it was going to be the same as always I'll end up hitting the wall and he'll end up doing whatever it was he wanted to me.

I caught a glimpse of his green eyes and felt something different for the first time.
He looked tired and exhausted, but there was something dark beyond his eyes I couldn't comprehend. I felt like I needed to know this man, After the incident the previous night, I concluded that he was just putting up a facade to hide his true nature, he probably had a heart somewhere in there and I just needed to reach out to him.

"Follow me," he said pulling me out of my thoughts as he left the library. I don't know what he's planning but I decided to take Stella's advice she's been here longer than me and said that if I wanted to earn his trust I just had to please him and that was what I was going to do from now. I wouldn't let him know how scared I was of him. I walked into the room behind him.

"Close your eyes," he said and I looked at him confused. I didn't trust him, so I was scared of what he planned to do to me.

"Be an obedient little girl if you don't want me to punish you, now close those eyes" he said removing his belt. Was he going to hit me? I closed my eyes my heart racing listening to the little sounds around me to know what he was planning to do and prepare myself for the pain I was going to feel if he eventually hit me with the belt. I got the sense that he was furious but I didn't know why.

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