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I was stunned by what Moreno said.

He called me sounding all tense and worried, now he was acting like a completely different person. I was tired of his cold and hot behavior I had to go and confront him right now.

I got up from the bed and headed towards his study, I opened the door without knocking. Thankfully he was alone.

"I need to speak with you," I said as I noticed he was ignoring my presence.

"Leave! I'm busy" he said and I scoffed. "I should just leave? I think you have some explaining to do, you called me today sounding all worried now you come back only to confiscate my phone and stop me from going to school, how does any of that make sense? Why do you care if I'm in danger anyway? Good for you, you could easily get rid of me, isn't that what you've always wanted?" I said out of breath.

For a second it looked like he was contemplating giving me a response. He took a deep breath and responded with difficulty "Please leave".

I felt my eyes beginning to well up with tears, but I refused to let them fall. I turned and left the study, not wanting to appear weak in front of him. I needed some fresh air and time to clear my head. I stepped outside, breathing in the crisp, cool air.

"You okay?" I heard Mateo ask from behind me. "Yeah," I said wiping my tears with the back of my palm.

"I understand how you feel," he said sitting on the bench beside me. "He's just trying to protect you, but his methods can be problematic, I understand exactly how you feel, I'll try to talk to him," he said taking my hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. "Thank you" I managed to say, the words barely audible. I was glad there was someone who understood me in this strange place, and that maybe Mateo wasn't as bad as I thought he was.

I felt a bit comforted after the little discussion with Mateo. And I was glad he was willing to help me. Tiger was still hovering around me but I ignored him and walked back in to the room.

I was too bored sitting in the room all by myself and I couldn't stay without doing anything. I didn't want to read. I found myself in front of Moreno's study, before I could get my thoughts together, I had already knocked on the door and entered after I heard him say come in.

He looked like he was in the middle of a serious discussion with Mateo. "Come back later," he said without looking up at me. "No, I need to say this now" I looked at him weighing his expression, he looked like he was trying to control himself.

"What is it? and it better be worth my time." he managed to say. My mind was completely blank and I didn't want to make a fool of myself before I could think of what next to say, I blurted out.

"I need a puppy," I said looking down at my entwined fingers and I heard Mateo laugh. "You interrupted my meeting to tell me that?" Moreno asked looking angry.

I stared at him unable to respond. "Leave and come back when I'm done," he said dismissing me.

I went back to the room, sat on the bed, and thought about what just happened, I don't know why I did that, maybe a pet wasn't such a bad idea, and maybe Moreno could learn to be tender with a pet in the house.

The door flung open and Moreno came in. "You're driving me crazy woman," he said as he walked up to me. I quickly got up from the bed before I could adjust my stance he pushed me back on the bed.

"You're a very bad girl, you know that. Don't you?" He said and I looked at him unable to respond. "Words cupcake," he said caressing my cheek and I shivered. All the boldness I had some hours ago was gone.

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