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I sat in the back seat of the car, with Moreno sitting beside me. Antonio was driving, while Mateo sat in the front passenger seat. The huge bodyguard followed behind us in one of the other cars, accompanied by his fellow bodyguards. I couldn't help but wonder why Moreno felt the need for such heavy security. There was no way this was just about protecting me. There had to be more to it.

We arrived at the private jet, and Mateo and Moreno got out to check the surroundings before I was allowed to get out of the car. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at how ridiculous the whole thing seemed. With all these bodyguards around, what was the point of going through such elaborate security checks?

As we walked to the private jet, Moreno's eyes darted around, scanning the area as if he were expecting an attack at any moment.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized that Moreno's paranoia seemed to be making things more dangerous, not less. If he truly thought I was in danger, then wouldn't it have made more sense to leave me at home, where I'd be safe? But then, I realized that I was giving him too much credit for rational thought. I couldn't make sense of how he thought, or what he thought about at all.

I walked alongside Moreno until we finally reached the private jet. Even though I'd flown in it before, I was still in awe of its luxury and grandeur. Everything inside was sleek and modern, with elegant lines and high-tech features.

I took a seat by the window, gazing out at the tarmac as we prepared for takeoff. Mateo sat down next to me, and I could feel his gaze on me like he was trying to gauge my reaction. A flight attendant approached us, and my heart sank. I remembered my last experience with a flight attendant, and how it had ended in disaster.

I looked out the window before she got to where we sat. "Would you like you to have anything Mr. Moreno?" she asked in a flirty tone and I scoffed. "No, but my wife here might need something," he said and I turned "No I'm okay" I responded placing my hands on Moreno's lap.

I really don't know what got into me. Moreno introduced me as his wife, I could as well act like one, even if it was just an act to chase the dirty bitch away.

I unknowingly took a deep breath after she left. Moreno turned to me and asked, "What was that about?" "What was what?" I asked shrugging my shoulders.

"You looked like you were trying to show her I belonged to you," he said smiling. "You're wrong, you introduced me as your wife and I was just trying to act like one, we were both acting weren't we? It's not like this is a happy marriage or something" I said waving my hands. I looked at him and saw a flash of emotions in his eyes. Before I could identify what it was, he masked it up with a smirk.

He moved towards me, licking and sucking my ear and I let out a stifled moan. "You know I could take her right here in front of you, and you won't do a thing," he said now licking my neck. I didn't pay attention to what he said next as I was distracted by what he was doing to me.

He stopped abruptly and I looked away shamefully, I didn't realize we had taken off as I was distracted by Moreno's seduction.

The flight attendant came back and Moreno ordered some snacks for me and wine for himself. The flight attendant tried to flirt with Moreno again but failed abruptly.

I didn't realize I had slept off and only woke up when Mateo came in "We're about to land," Moreno nodded. "What are your orders?" he asked as Moreno got up and walked away with him.

I looked at my position and noticed that my chair had been adjusted to make me sleep comfortably and I had a blanket covering me. I smiled as I thought of Moreno covering me and adjusting my seat as I was asleep.

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