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Hello readers, thank you for following the story so. The plot is about to take a dark and intense turn. I made an effort to incorporate the elements of a dark romance, danger, suspense, and maybe a bit of romance. Keep in mind that the title of this book is "TAINTED LOVE" (A Dark Mafia Romance). What is the first thing that comes to your mind?
If you believed the book was dark in the previous chapters, well, it has just intensified. LOL.
This is not the type of happily ever after you've read in other books, at least not yet, the action has just started.
I urge you to keep an open mind as you read, Bella's suffering is just about to begin with this chapter as Moreno will turn into a completely different person, blaming Bella for his change, and as the Dominant control freak he is, he'll try to put Bella in her place.
I had to do a lot of research on psychopaths and the mafia to be able to portray this next part of the book, so please don't hate any of the characters.
Remember to keep an open mind and tell me what you think about the book in the comments, it would be much appreciated.


I texted Mateo to help me order takeout for Bella. She was right, I hadn't done it before. I had people to assist me with anything I needed, so there was no need for it.

I got into my car and drove to the warehouse, not wanting to waste any time. Antonio was left behind to protect Bella since he was both my driver and someone I trusted implicitly. He was also highly skilled and well-trained, which made me confident that she would be safe in his care.

I was aware that Tiger was watching over Bella, and there were other security measures in place. But I couldn't shake the feeling that something might still go wrong. My need to keep her safe was overwhelming, and I wasn't willing to take any chances.

The car pulled up to the warehouse, and Mateo escorted me to a room where the captured spies were being held.

There were three of them, all tied up and clearly terrified. Alvaro may be cunning and clever, but I was determined to outsmart him. I was determined to prove that I was the superior strategist.

I had to admit that Alvaro was clever, managing to infiltrate my organization with three spies.

I had to give him credit for his cunning. But that only made me more determined to outwit him and come out on top.

"What is Alvaro planning? " I asked none of them in particular. "They've remained tight-lipped, refusing to give up any information," Mateo replied. His tone was grim, and it was clear that he shared my frustration.

"I'll make them talk," I said as I walked up to them. "Do you know who I am?" I asked, not waiting for a response.

"If you could provide me with the information I'm looking for, I could keep you safe," I said, tapping the barrel of my gun on my jaw leisurely.

"Alvaro will get you, and he'll kill you," one of the men said, and I shot him between his eyes and signaled my men to take him away.

The other man shivered in fear, "Please don't kill me, I have a family." he said shaking.

I scoffed "A family? I could order my men to bring them in and they'll die along with you. You think I'll let you or your family go Scot-free after what you've done, I don't forgive betrayals or snitches, but I'm offering you a chance to make a deal."

"Just tell me what the hell your boss is planning," I said cocking my gun and aiming at him.

"You won't talk?" I asked. "Untie him" I ordered Mateo.

"I'll give you a choice then." I smirked, "But boss we have to kill them both". Mateo argued. "I just gave an order!" I frowned, I hated it when he was getting in the way of my decision-making.

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