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I stumbled out of bed, my heart racing and my breath coming in short, sharp gasps. I had just shown my vulnerability in front of Bella. I thought the nightmares had stopped, this was the first time I'd had them since Bella had been with me. I didn't know what to think, so I did the only thing I could think of: I fled the room, grabbed the door handle, yanked it open, and walked out of the room in haste. I didn't stop until I reached my study, where I leaned against the table, trying to catch my breath.

I picked up my phone and called Sylvia, she was a Doctor and like a mother to me, the only one who knew about my past and I could rely on at the moment. She picked up on the second ring. "Boy, can't you let the old woman have some sleep" she said as soon as she picked up. I didn't wait for her to say anything else as I continued. "Those Fuckin' nightmares are back again" The line went quiet then I heard her speak up. "Don't you think it's high time you see a Shrink? Listen to me son, it's for the best......."

"What do you mean by that?" I cut her off "I just said the nightmares began again, I've been okay for a while so what suddenly happened? Don't tell me that crap of going through a trauma cuz I'm done with that shit, that was ages ago.... whatever! I'm not meeting a fuckin' shrink, I'm not crazy Goddamn it, it was a fuckin' mistake calling you" I hung up.

I reached for a bottle of whiskey on the top shelf, my hands shaking slightly. I knew it was a bad idea to drink when I was already feeling so on edge, but I couldn't help myself. I unscrewed the cap and took a long gulp, relishing the burn as it slid down my throat. It was like a fire inside me, burning away all my fear and anxiety. I closed my eyes and took another drink.

As my eyes closed, I was plunged into a dark and terrible memory. I was a young boy, no more than eight years old, on my knees in front of a woman I had once trusted. I was begging her, tears streaming down my face, but she just laughed at me. She was cruel and mocking, and I felt utterly helpless. I could hear her voice in my head, even all these years later. "You're nothing but a burden," she said. "You're just a waste of space."

I took a deep breath, trying to push away the memory and the pain that came with it. I took another drink, letting the liquid burn my throat and wash away my thoughts. I knew that I was using the alcohol to numb myself, to avoid the pain. But at that moment, I didn't care. I just wanted to feel nothing. I wanted to forget everything. I wanted to be free.

I realized that I wouldn't be able to sleep, no matter how much alcohol I consumed. My mind was racing, and my body was still tense. I decided that the best thing to do would be to distract myself with some work. Maybe if I could focus on something productive, it would help me to relax. I pulled out my laptop and opened up a file I had been working on.

As I tried to focus on my work, my mind kept drifting to what Bella had told me earlier about Mateo. I thought about how she had been so terrified and vulnerable. I was furious at Mateo for what he had done to her, but I knew that I had to keep my emotions under control. I was supposed to be the rational one, the level-headed one. But it was so hard to stay calm when I felt so much rage bubbling up inside me.

I knew that I couldn't stay still, not with all these emotions swirling around inside me. I needed to do something, to take some sort of action. So I decided to watch Mateo in the meantime. I would observe him, study him. Maybe if I could figure out what he's up to, I'd know what to do about him, I can't just get rid of him because of Bella, we've both come a long way together, he probably thinks Bella is just like my other hoes I've let him taste after I was done with them. The sudden urge to protect Bella came over me, and I almost regretted it immediately.

I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach as I realized that my reaction to the situation was not like me at all. I was usually cold and detached, focused only on my goals. I didn't usually care about other people's feelings or problems. But for some reason, I was becoming emotionally invested in Bella's situation. I felt a sense of protectiveness towards her, and I didn't know why.

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