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"You've stolen my pillow, darling," a husky voice whispered.

In my sleepy haze, my brain didn't even register who it was speaking to me. In fact, my mind didn't even attempt to figure it out. All I thought was 'what a beautiful voice he has'.

Slowly, my eyes fluttered open. I was met with nothing but black, pure darkness. It was nighttime, I realised. How long had I been asleep?

The same deep voice spoke to me again, "Are you awake? Your eyes are open. Please don't tell me you're one of those people who sleeps with their eyes open."

The second that this mystery voice cracked his little joke, I knew who it was. Buggy. I felt myself relax slightly knowing he was here with me. Strangely enough, despite being his hostage, I felt a lot safer in his company.

I realised I should speak. Reply to him, rather than leaving him in uncomfortable silence. My mind went back to his first comment, about the pillow.

"Your pillow?" I muttered out in a slurred voice. My sleepy voice definitely wasn't as sexy as his was.

"You must have thrown your pillow on the floor, and you've stolen mine."

I remembered suddenly. "Mine was wet from my tears."

Jokingly, he teased, "That doesn't change the fact that you've still stolen my pillow. Do you seriously expect your captain to sleep without a pillow?"

I thought for a moment. If he was in a joking mood, I would join in, I decided. "We could just share."

I had said it as a complete joke. He, however, did not take it as a joke.

I was going to move to hand him back his pillow but, before I got the chance to move an inch, I felt Buggy's weight on the mattress shift closer to me. My breath hitched in my throat as I felt him pres up close to me, resting his head beside mine on the pillow.

In that moment, it felt as if an entire bucket of ice-cold water was dumped on me. I was entirely awake. My eyes wide with shock. Sure, we had been sharing a bed for weeks, but never this close. We both kept to opposite sides of the bed.

Luckily for me, I was facing away from him, so there was no way for him to see my reaction. He was only about an inch off of touching me.

I knew it was my own fault for suggesting it, but I hadn't really thought he'd accept the offer to share. I tried to control my breathing, feeling blood rushing to my face from embarrassment.

A part of me screamed to get the hell away from him, to jump out of bed and demand him to return to his side. But I didn't do that. I liked the warmth, the company. It had been so long since I had slept this close to someone.

I was ashamed of myself for allowing it, but I reminded myself that this still wasn't sexual. As long as I didn't cross that line, it was okay. That's the lie I told myself, anyhow.

"I kept my promise," He told me suddenly. I could literally feel the heat of his breath against my neck. It made all the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. "I came back in less than an hour."

I was so tired that it took me a minute to think of what he meant when he said that. When it hit me, I felt even more embarrassed. This meant I would have to tell him about the rumours. The rumours about us being an item.

That would have been awkward under any circumstance, but with him so close to me it felt a thousand times worse.

I tried my luck. "I'll tell you in the morning."

"Come on, sweetheart, don't break our deal."

"I never said when I'd tell you. If I tell you tomorrow, I've still kept the deal."

Crazy In Love | Buggy Where stories live. Discover now