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Buggy was still fading in and out of consciousness. So far, he hadn't said a word. It was weird having him be so silent. I didn't want to push him, though. I just held onto his hand tightly and cried as quietly as I could, not wanting to disturb him.

This whole experience had been the worst of my life. I had really thought that he was going to die. I had so many regrets about how we had spent the last couple of months. I wished now that I had just allowed myself to fall for him freely.

"You're not going to hurt anybody, are you?" Asked Henrik suddenly, startling me. I had forgotten he was even there. "I've saved your boyfriend. All I ask in return is that you don't hurt anyone."

"Do I really seem capable of hurting someone?"

"You did when you were wielding that knife."

A wave of guilt washed over me when he had said that. The person that I became when I thought Buggy was going to die was somebody I didn't recognise. I was like a monster. I was like Buggy, like his crew.

It made me understand why Buggy had threatened the doctor when I had been slashed. In that moment, when I thought Henrik wouldn't help him, I was willing to do absolutely anything to save Buggy.

"I've never hurt anyone in my life. I'm harmless. I promise."

"Is your boyfriend?"

That I couldn't answer honestly. The best I could muster was, "He'll be grateful that you saved him. You won't be harmed."

"I don't care about myself. I care about my townspeople. My family."

Now, I felt even more guilty. I hadn't considered the possibility that he had a family. I wanted to believe I wouldn't have really hurt him - but I wasn't sure.

"I'll talk to him when he's fully awake. I'll try to convince him to leave as soon as he's able to."

Henrik seemed to consider this. "Swear on his life."

"I swear I'll try. That's all I can do."

He nodded. "I'm going to go now. My wife will be wondering where I am. When he finally regains consciousness, he'll be pretty out of it. Slurred speech and clumsiness, that sort of thing."

"But he'll be okay?"

"I'm sure of it."

Without thinking, I jumped to my feet and wrapped him up in a tight hug. He seemed shocked but eventually leaned in to it. I hoped this gesture would ease his worries, make him see me as a nicer person.

"Thank you so much for saving his life."

"Don't let me regret it," was all he said.

Then, he left. It was just me and Buggy. I sat back down next to him, taking a hold of his hand again. We had wrapped him up on blankets for heat. His make-up had completely washed off.

It was the first time that I had ever seen him bare faced. He was so beautiful that I couldn't believe he was so insecure.

His nose was still red even without make-up. That shocked me. I had always assumed that it was paint - very strong paint that never seemed to budge. Somehow, it didn't lessen my attraction to him. I doubted anything could.

I gently ran my fingers through his long hair. I had done my best to dry it after we had wrapped him up. My worry had been that the wet hair would keep him colder. Still, it was slightly damp. It was just too long to dry completely.

I almost jumped out my skin when I heard him speak. "That feels so good."

"Bug?" I asked softly, moving closer to him. His eyes were still firmly shut. For a moment, I thought I might have imagined him speaking. "Did you really just speak, or am I going crazy? Please have really talked."

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