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It took us less than a day to reach Tanzanite Bay. I spent that day wracked in guilt about what I had done. I had led this group of maniacs to this innocent town, to rob them of something they didn't even possess. I knew that when they tried to explain that to the pirates, they wouldn't believe them.

These people would be harmed, or even killed. Their town would be pillaged and ripped apart. Until the clowns figured out that I had completely lied. All I could do was pray that Buggy would arrive here sooner rather than later.

On the boat, Bozo had surprisingly kept his word to treat me well. Well as could ever be hoped, I supposed.

They had tied me to a bed down in the underbelly of the ship, where they all slept. I was tied tight, to avoid my escape. I had no plans of escaping.

There was no point. Even if I did manage to wiggle free of my constraints, I'd still still have to either fight the entire crew single handedly, or manage to sneak past them without them realising. I'd have to swim wherever I wanted to escape to. The only town close enough to even attempt that with would be the town they were heading to.

Again, a pointless idea. I didn't even entertain it. Tied to the bed I had nothing better to do than drown myself in worry.

I was shocked when I was informed we had docked. It was Dilly who had retrieved me. She had shackled my hands together, but left my feet unshackled.

Once we were on the stone shore of the town, I got a good look at the water around it. It was definitely a striking shade of blue - dark and deep, almost a navy colour.

I bit down on my lip as I saw the clowns come off the ship, each with some horrible weapon ready to use on the poor villagers. Bats, knives, guns, sledge hammers, the list was endless.

Dilly seemed to notice the worry on my face. "Don't worry," she attempted to reassure me. "If they just give us what we want, we won't have to hurt them."

That only made me worry more. The town couldn't give them what they wanted; they didn't have it to give.

If my family ever found out about this, would they ever be able to look at me again?

I pushed those thoughts aside. What was done was done.

The next hour was bad, both for me and for the people of Tanzanite Bay. The clowns had rounded everyone up, making them kneel in the town square.

Bozo had given a speech, about how he knew that they had gems here worth thousands. All they had to do was surrender them, along with any extra money or treasure they had. If they did that, they would be free to continue with their lives.

"Gems?" Questioned the mayor, an old man with a large bushy grey beard. He looked sweet, harmless. "I don't understand what you mean."

Bozo rolled his eyes, then quickly made his way towards the old man. He grabbed his collar, yanking him onto his feet.

"Don't play stupid with me, old man. The tanzanite! That's what we're here for."

The old man tilted his head to the side. "Our town has no tanzanite. Our name comes from the water, not -"


Everyone flinched as Bozo smacked the old man so hard that he knocked him clean out. I gasped, turning away.

I couldn't face looking at this, at what I had caused. Was my life worth this? Definitely not.

Buggy please, I thought to myself. Get here soon. Before anyone dies, at least.

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