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Hello, just to say I've started an alternative account for non fan-fiction stories! It's more horror story based and it'd mean a lot if anyone wanted to read my new story, or follow my new account! A screenshot of the story is above and my new account is tangerinerin

enjoy the chapter!

Buggy and I talked for hours, or at least what had felt like hours, before I began to feel tired. As my voice slurred, Buggy recognised it. He had heard my sleepy voice about a thousand times by now, it made sense he had recognised it so quickly.

"You're sleepy," He teased, the smile clear in his voice.

With my eyes tightly shut tightly, I said, "No... I'm definitely not. Keep talking to me."

"Listen, Darling, I want more than anything to stay on the snail with you until you fall asleep but that's dangerous.

If the crew opens up the chest, finds you fast asleep with the snail in your ear then they'll know you've talked to me. Best case scenario, they'll sail somewhere I'll never find you, worse case scenario is that they'll just kill you."

I knew he was right. It was too big of a risk to take. For all I knew, they could keep me in this chest for days, so it might not matter. However, there was a higher chance they would want their coordinates sooner rather than later.

So, I begrudgingly had to agree with him. It broke my heart. It had been a very long time that I had been falling asleep with him, it felt alien to be so alone.

"You're right," I whispered, feeling myself get choked up. "I wish you weren't, but you are."

"Talk to me as soon as you can, okay? I'm going to drive myself crazy wondering what they're doing to you... if they're hurting you..."

"I'm going to play nice with them. It'll be hard to do, but I'll do it."

"That's my girl."

I could hear in his voice that he was sad, too. I cursed myself for getting tired. Why couldn't I just stay up all night talking to him?

"Alright." Part of me wanted to tell him that I loved him, but it didn't seem like the right time. I prayed I'd get that opportunity. "I'll talk to you when I can."

"Do me a favour," He asked, "Dream of me?"

I laughed at that. It was weird hearing him be so soft, so caring. I loved it, though. He always cheered me up, made me feel so much better. He did it so effortlessly, too.

"I always do."

He laughed. "Okay, goodbye for now, Boop."

"Goodbye for now."

Then, I slipped the snail out of my ear, placing it back into the golden case. I made sure it was firmly shut and hidden under my shirt. The last thing I wanted was anybody discovering it.

It seemed like it would have been hard to fall asleep like this, so cramped up and confined. But it was oddly comforting. It was like a hug almost, a suffocating hug. Within minutes, I was fast asleep, and dreaming of Buggy, just like I had promised him I would.

I was awoken to ice cold water being poured over me. For a horrible moment, in my sleepy haze, I had absolutely no idea where I was or what was happening.

But as I looked up at the leering clown faces, reality came crashing down on me. I felt like I could suffocate under the weight of the situation.

Then, I tried to remember that I had Buggy on my side. He had a plan, a good plan, and he was going to do absolutely everything in his power to come and rescue me.

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