Chapter 10

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I sat across from Cynthia, I'm trying so hard not to stare at her so I keep myself distracted by talking to Nikolai

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I sat across from Cynthia, I'm trying so hard not to stare at her so I keep myself distracted by talking to Nikolai. She looks gorgeous and I take pride in the fact I didn't burn her hair off.

Our fathers are having a business meeting after this dinner, about what? I have no idea. Cynthia sat next to her mom who looked tired. But she still had a small smile on her face. She's a brave woman, I know where Cynthia got that from. I eat my food but accidentally make eye contact with Cynthia.

She glares at me making me smile, I love her glares she looks adorable. "Thank you for having us, I hope my kids aren't so much of a bother." I smile and look at Dad who narrowed his eyes at me.

"Oh they're the best, you guys are welcome here anytime," Grace speaks up and her husband agrees with her. I'm an angel all the parents love me.

"Yes I noticed Cynthia is a lot more cheerful these days, lord knows she needs to get rid of her brooding." Cynthia gives her dad a look and I conceal my grin by taking a sip of my drink. I hope it's because of me she's happy.

"Well, I'm glad to hear my sons are not giving any trouble. Yet." Dimitri smiles as he sips his drink, making me clear mt throat. Dinner went on good and I wondered if this is what it felt like to have a big family.

All my uncles and aunts are back in Russia, and no family relatives from my deceased mother tried being in contact. I stare at Cynthia and her mother talking to each other, the loving look of adoration never leaving Grace's face as she looks at Cynthia.

A feeling of longing washed over me. I wonder how it feels, to have a mother who loves me unconditionally. My father is enough but still, that thought comes and goes once in a while.

After our parents went upstairs to discuss business I helped gather the dishes and walked to the kitchen. "What are you doing?" I look at Cynthia who's next to me with more plates. "Washing the dishes?" She scrunched up her brows in confusion.

"But you're a guest, how about I wash and you dry." I shook my head and after much arguing she ended up drying the plates. She stood next to me as she dried them while Dimitri and Nikolai watched us from the kitchen island. Weridos.

"about yesterday I'm sorry I almost attacked you dimitri I was drunk and thought a random man stole my purse." I laugh remembering that, Dimitri smiles and looks at Nikolai who's staring at Cynthia. I'm this close to gauging his eyes out.

"You have a boyfriend?" Nikolai speaks up making Cynthia pause, what the fuck is he saying?

"No why?" She looks up at me and I shrug my shoulders in confusion. "Then can I take you out? like on a date." Dimitri chokes on his water and Cynthia's jaw drops.

"no thanks."

"You won't be taking her anywhere."

I and Cynthia speak up at the same time. Everyone stays quiet about what I said. "Why not?" Nikolai is smiling And this little shit is three seconds away from getting his eyes gauged out and tongue chopped off. He now confirmed I have a crush on cynthia.

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