Chapter 21

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It was Thursday already the week went by excruciating slow for me, I missed school the whole week and possibly the whole month now, I can't think of anything else

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It was Thursday already the week went by excruciating slow for me, I missed school the whole week and possibly the whole month now, I can't think of anything else.

My mother has gotten worse and worser over the nights, she won't stop crying because of the pain and usually she's sleeping because of medication. Aleksandr comes by everyday and just talks to her which she listens with a smile.

He brings me all sorts of food and sits in my room making sure I eat them. He claimed I looked skinnier than before, I did lose weight and I haven't been taking good care of myself I will admit to that.

Dad has locked himself up and I haven't been seeing him, but I always hear him late at night breaking down in his office. And I sit outside his door every night not wanting him to do something to himself.


It was night already Mom looked at me with sad eyes and patted the spot next to her. Dad walked in and sat on her other side. "I love you both, and I just wanted to thank you for giving me a life full of love and happiness." I knew what was happening. I looked at her and shook my head my lip started quivering.

She's saying goodbye, "Cynthia my love, you're my only child, and I love you so so much you're my pride and joy Cara ." She tears up and hugs me to her chest and I burst out crying my heart physically hurts.

"Dario thank you for loving me my whole life. You're my world Cara Mia" My dad tears up and hugs her his head resting on top of hers. "And you're mine grace." He says on shaky breath.

I wanted to sleep with them tonight I needed my parents. Mom was ecstatic to have a sleepover like the old days. I stayed awake the whole night hearing her breathing, but eventually I fell asleep.

By morning I woke up to commotion, I was in my bed confused as to who put me here. I ran to my dads office that was trashed and he was breathing heavy and my heart dropped.

No, no, god please,

I ran to my parents room and mom was laying there I went to feel her pulse but there was none. I was hyperventilating and then dropped to my knees and let out the sob that I have been holding back.

"Mommy, mom wake up. Please. per favore mamma, ho ancora bisogno di te" I'm crying hysterically shaking her but she was gone forever. I heard my fathers sobs and cried as I hugged my mothers lifeless body.

(Translation: please mom I still need you.)

I stayed holding her for What felt like hours until someone came and tried separating me from her. "Stop leave me alone don't take her from me yet.... Please." I was yanked back by my father and started trashing around watching as they took her.

I turned to my dad and pushed him away from me. He looked at me with his sad eyes, and then i walked into his arms breaking down. I let out a cry mourning my dead mother.

"I saw her take her last breath as she held your hand." My father spoke up and he eventually cried his whole body shaking.

"I don't think I can live without her." My father has been in love with my mom since they were five they were childhood friends and eventually began dating each other in middle school. He has loved her his whole life. My heart is hurting for my father.

I was in dads office hearing him make phone calls. I had calmed down but then start crying every now and then. I guess this is how grief works it comes and goes.

I retreated to my room not being able to bare hearing about the funeral preparations. I grabbed my shoes and went outside and into the trash room and began hitting and throwing everything I could put my hands on.

I couldn't stop crying for the life of me. My body is exhausted and I sat down pulling my knees up to my chest. "Mom I miss you already." I spoke up hoping wherever she was she could hear me. I couldn't stop the loud sobs that came out of me, I heard someone open the door and I looked up through my watery eyes.

Aleksandr. "Baby, Cynthia I came as soon as I heard." He picked me up into his lap hugging me tightly "She's gone." My voice cracked and he hugged me tighter. I cried soaking his shirt up with my tears, and all he did was whisper sweet words into my ears calming me down a little.

"You're going to get through this Cynthia, you're stronger than you believe." I looked up at him and scrunched my eyebrows shaking my head.

"How do I live without my mother." He kissed my forehead and just held me. "Have you eaten?" I shook my head I'm not hungry.

Eventually he took me inside and I see my dad talking with Mr. Ivanov and Dimitri. Dad looked so broken down, I can't imagine how I look like right now. "Cynthia." He nodded at me and I smiled at him, well I hope it looked like a smile.

"Cynthia you need to eat." Dad said to me as he walked over, I shook my head already walking to the stairs but then stopped and turned around. Everyone was looking at me.

"Where did they take her?" My voice was shaky and I looked at dad waiting for an answer. "She's okay Cynthia." That didn't answer my question so I just walked upstairs going into her room.

Her belongings where here and I went into her closet and looked for her sage green dress she loved so much. When I found it I teared up a little and I walked to my room and placed the dress in my closet.

grabbing Luna who was meowing at me as if she knew that her owner was gone.

That's what did me again, I bursted out crying because of Luna, she wouldn't ever be cuddled by mom every morning. "I know Luna, it hurts " That night I cried myself to sleep longing for my mother.
Authors note: I'm bawling my eyes out. Thank you for the love

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