chapter 11

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I hate him, I hate him, I need to hate him, I should hate him, why don't I hate him?

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I hate him, I hate him, I need to hate him, I should hate him, why don't I hate him?

Fuck I'm crushing hard
~Cynthia R.

I sigh and scream into my pillow.  I get up and go into my closet to get changed. I go do my usual morning routine greet and make sure mom is fine and leave for school with Matteo.

"Miss have a great day." I smile thank him and walk into school Olivia is by her locker and she smiles when she sees me. "Hey, Livvy." She compliments my outfit and we both walk to class.

I feel out of it today, I don't know why, but something is going to happen I feel it in my gut. The twins walk in and I ignore them. I'm in that mood where everything is irritating to me and I just want to be left alone. this gut feeling and anxiety I have just worsens and I hope that nothing actually bad happens and it's all in my head.

They try talking to me but with one glare they shut up. Aleksandr is still trying to talk to me so I get up and sit by the empty seat near the window, fresh air will maybe do me good. I don't want to hurt his feelings by saying something hurtful. it's best I remove myself from their vicinities.

Annoying dick: what crawled up your ass this morning?

I left him on read, and when class was over I left immediately.

The smart twin: did we do something wrong?

I left him on read as well and headed to my locker. I stopped in my tracks seeing a boy standing there. I ignore him and walk over, I'm not sure who he is. He smiled at me and stood straighter.

"Hey Cynthia, I'm John I'm in your math class. You're Olivia's best friend right?" I nodded and now I'm realizing I don't really pay attention to people. I didn't know he was in my math class.

"she talks about you a lot,  so I was wondering if you..." My locker was slammed shut making both of us flinch. "Who are you?" Aleksandr is staring at John with this look that makes me want to run away and hide and it's not even directed towards me.

"John? I was just talking to Cynthia, I can just leave." I shook my head and was about to say no, I want to know what he wants. "Yeah you can run along, I need to talk to Cynthia." John nods and walks away. I glare at Aleksandr who's glaring at jhons back.

"What is your problem? you can't just talk to people like that." He shrugs his shoulders, "so she does speak. What did I do wrong that you're so pissed at me? At Dimitri!"

I shrug my shoulders, "Look I just want to be alone today, you don't consider me a friend so you don't have to worry about me"

I go to walk away but he grabs my wrist and pulls me towards him, he lifts my chin and makes me stare at him. "You're right I'm not your fucking friend." I'm taken aback by the way he said it so disgustingly. What's so wrong with me?

Cynthia Romani Where stories live. Discover now