Chapter 10

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I watched silently at the blood that traveled slowly from my wound to the white sheets, completely staining it. I wanted to cry and scream at the man that stacked the dishes away and was making his way to the door. He was an evil man, I knew he was from the way he held himself after he seen me scream at him for the knife that he threw. The complete satisfaction when I sat on the floor, crying at the pain that he caused and the small smile he had when he heard me beg for his assistance.

His actions were disgusting but what left me at the pit of despair was my lack of strength to overcome my pain and run away. I hated that I was weak enough to let the small action become the reason that I stayed, I'm sure my ancestors looked down at me with disappointed faces at the lack of determination to leave a situation that could lead me to my death.

My breath hitched when his loud steps came to a sudden halt and looked up to see him slightly turned towards me, smiling. "Your phone is charging in the bathroom," he said before he continued walking towards the door.

I ran towards the bathroom, ignoring the pain that shot through my legs and had me on the brink of collapsing. I wanted to thank my ancestors when I saw my phone on the vanity, the way that it glowed from the messages that came in almost every minute made me want to break down in prayer.

I quickly unlocked the phone, slowly going through all the contacts and landed on my father's number. He was the only contact that could bring solutions to my problem. My dad was a man who had many creative plans that would get anybody out of any situation so I knew that he would be the most useful in this situation.

"Hello," I smiled widely when I heard the soft tone of my father's. "Minnie..."

"Dad," I interjected as tears began to brim in my eyes. "The Shin brother," I said as I settled onto the toilet seat, tired from the weakness in my legs. "The Shin brother is forcing me to be his bride. I can't be his bride. Daddy, I can't do that at all, especially when I'm so young."

Marriages in teens were a nightmare to most. My mother always warned me to never make the mistake of marrying in my teens. She always said that it were a painful journey because both partners were too naive and had too much ego.

I would believe her since she was married when she was 16, to a man named Logan, her highschool sweetheart. My mother always spoke lovingly about him, how he was the reason that she came out of her awkward shell and was her everything for her whole highschool life. She even showed me small photographs of him and it was fair to say that my mother's taste in men were great.

He was a handsome man who had features most similar to actors who were loved in the romantic movies. He seemed much similar to my dad though, with his shirts, Jerseys and khaki pants that made him seem a little too uptight. My mother always told me that she loved the way his outfits always consisted of the pin that she made for him from when they were younger. I was surprised that he wore such an item because it was hideous and seemed like an art piece that was made by a toddler.

She informed me that the day of her graduation, he took her out to one of the best restaurants in town and proposed to her with a ring that was quite expensive. She thought that marriage with him would be perfect and it was for the first few years.

It was only after their 3rd year of marriage did he show his true nature. It was that year that he was unfortunately fired from his job which was also the time that my mother had to take in 2 jobs in order to keep up with their lifestyle which she failed at doing so due to the minimum wage that was provided to her in her previous jobs.

He had believed that my mother was in secretive relationships because she came home from work extremely late due to the many late night shifts she took so that she could cover the many bills that they had as well as his new found interest, alcohol. Due to this he began to abuse her emotionally and physically until after 2 years did my mother finally filed for divorce. Even though I was just 3 years old at that time, it still pained me to hear about him act like that.

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