Chapter 12

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I craved those days where I walked out of the house with no sense of fear or worry but had the thriving hope that I would find a footing in the area that I just moved in and find some people that I would call my friends. I missed the smell of coffee and muffins that would be graced to me after my dad made a quick stop at a café nearby so that he could get his daily energizers and I would get the breakfast that I managed to skip daily. It was the sense of serene and comfort that I missed greatly as I stood in front of the boutique with an entourage of females that were the kin of the Shin family and some bodyguards that were assigned to protect us the rest of the day.

I was astonished at the beautiful boutique that was rented out for me. It wasn't as extravagant as the others that were around but seemed to catch my sense of style from where I stood from the door, a plan that I was sure was made by Mia. She obviously knew my favourite bridal dress store from the countless mood boards that we would show each other after each weekend and although the thought was wonderful, I still hadn't wanted to waste it on this loveless marriage.

"Let's go. We don't have a lot of time," Mia said as she circled her hands around my right arm and led me into the beautiful bridal boutique. As she led me into the shop, I watched quietly as our bodyguards rushed to stand by the door, taking notice of every civilian that walked past them as if they were all people who planned to kill us in a split second.

I knew that trying to run at this very minute would be idiotic due to the many Shin family members that surrounded me and the bodyguards that were given strict orders to never let me out of their sight, as per order of my dear husband. I knew that the only way that I could taste freedom was when I would be allowed to come out alone from the house and could make a run for it. I knew that my husband would never allow me to leave the house alone since I would be tempted to run away so he would most likely send two bodyguards with me. I should just get my hands on a weapon that I could use to injure the bodyguards so that I could make a run for it and leave all of this behind.

I wanted it to all end before the wedding that I was informed would be on the 26 April, exactly 2 weeks away from now. It was much too soon to execute any solid plan, but I hoped that listening blindly to his orders would allow me some mercy from his side. I just needed one opportunity and I would gladly utilise it to the best of my ability.

"This should be the very lucky bride," a woman who I assumed was the owner of the boutique said as she approached us after we had just entered the store. She was a very pretty women who had catlike features that made her seem to be someone around my age, but I knew better since I took note of the unnatural features such as her full lips and extremely pronounced cheekbones that were a result from plastic surgery. Although I had preservations about plastic surgery because of the extremeness of some of the features but she made it look so good, she was one of the few who could gift her doctor flowers for the job well done. "You look gorgeous, any man would be lucky to have you as their bride."

"Thank you," I said as I rocked between my feet, wishing that this interaction could come to its end.

"Do you have any ideas of what you want?" she asked as she passed me a large smile.

"I have no idea but hopefully we can find something beautiful," I said as I wrung my fingers together as my nerves settled in. I hated when people's attention is focused on me for a long time as it made me want to cocoon myself away from peoples gazes as my social anxiety settles in.

"We should start right away then," she said and paused when her employee came over with a tray covered with champagne filled glasses. "Please do take a glass." I hurriedly grabbed a glass, happy that I found some substance that would provide the easiness that I craved for. "Elena, please lead them to their room."

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