Chapter 13

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Where are we going?" I asked as I followed him towards the elevator. I wanted to cry out in frustration when he hadn't paid any attention to my question and constantly checked his watch. "If you were so busy then you shouldn't have called me in." I knew that my snarky comments infuriated him from the sight of his eyebrows glitching and the consistent side eyes that he gave whenever I crossed my arms. I hadn't cared for his infuriation because I was beyond exhausted and needed to know when this test would run its cause.

"Do you know how to use a sword?" he asked as we reached the last floor of the building. I was confused at the odd question that was asked. Although I knew my way around swords, as was instructed by my father, it took me by surprise to hear of such.

"I do, why?" I asked as I rushed to keep up with his hurried steps towards the vintage Rollce Royce that was parked at the middle of the parking lot. When we had reached the car, he gently led me to my seats and closed the door after he had made sure that I had fastened my seatbelt. I watched as he sprinted towards the driver's seat and climbed in.

"You have a job for me today, Minnie," he said after he had stopped the car in front of a red traffic light. "There's a man who's been a prick at my side and I need to get rid of him." I hadn't liked where this conversation turned towards. The way he said his words as he tightened his fists around the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white, his eyes turned dark and the slight shift of his of his lips that turned into a revengeful smile.

"Take care of him?"

"I want you to kill him." My tongue felt heavy in my mouth as I tried to express my concerns about the murder that I hadn't wanted to execute but the thoughts of the repercussions forced me to keep quiet. "Benny McGregor is his name. Remember it because I won't be able to remind you about his name when we're there." Other instructions soon followed but my mind was filled with the thoughts that they had wanted me to become a murderer in order to have the family name to even care to listen to any of it. It was a cruel test that I wasn't sure I would be able to execute due to the many morale codes that was instilled within me since I was a child.

"Where is this murder going to happen?" I asked as I scratched the back of my palm, an action I loved to do whenever I was terrified. I knew that asking to give me another chance that hadn't involved the killing of people would lead me to severe bruises or death as some people had warned me of several times. So, I had to find a way, any way that could make me less like them.

"By the annual banquet." It was exciting that the murder was planned to happen at such a busy place as it would make it easier for me to lose him and find my way out of this horrid family. It was the perfect place for my escape, so I have to plan this nicely extremely well if I wish to continue living the life that was meant for me.

"Oh, I love banquets. It's the perfect excuse to wear the most beautiful gowns and dance all night with all the suitors who just tickle your senses," I tried to say enthusiastically but failed drastically as my words came out dry and annoyed. "Are we making a stop anywhere? I have to get dressed appropriately."

"The dress is in the back as well as the daggers and swords that you will need to have to execute the man." I turned my body to see that there was a large brown basket and two sheets that seemed to have been covering the swords that I would have to use. I reached my hands towards the swords, happy to unwrap them and find the swords that they found would be suitable for me.

Swords were something that thrilled me ever since my father gifted me a plastic one when I was 12. At that time, I found the plastic toy to be insulting as I had spent months showing my father the barbie house and car that I craved to add to my barbie collection. I needed the toy as it was the most talked about amongst my peers, but I warmed up to it when my father took the time to hire some teachers who spent their mornings teaching me some moves that would make me liable to have a real sword in my possession.

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