Chapter 11

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I have been sitting in the exact same place since the moment I dropped off the call, focusing on the tiled floor as my mind ran wild with the remembrance of my father's words. Each sentence that I remembered speared my heart excruciatingly more than when I heard him say them to me. I didn't know if I was supposed to scream or cry at the situation I was in but what I did know was that the responsibility to make an escape plan were all in my hands.

I wonder what wrong had I done to deserve these occurrences. What I had done to deserve such horrid news a day after the greatest party that my father had ever planned for me. I guess the grand party was a symbol of his love before I fell into the hands of my supposed husband.

My father was an evil man, much more than any man that I knew as he hadn't considered to even inform me of the deal that was made years ago. He had so many opportunities to say every detail but he failed to do so and let me carry on my days as if there wasn't an impending doom that would soon follow. I wish he had given me the chance to consider my choices, to either run away as far as I could or to accept as to being a bride to a feared man.

I wiped my tears away with my dry dress sleeve, promising myself to never cry about my father's abandonment and reminded myself to prioritise the commandments that were given to me by my husband. I slowly stood from the toilet seat and walked towards the basin, ready to get rid of whatever messy condition I were in, in order to seem a bit neat to the guests.

The girl that I was faced with when I stood infront of the bathroom mirror wasn't one that I was used to. The usual clear, unscathed skin that were a result from the countless skincare products were blemished with the smudges of blood that came from my hand and the dried streaks of tears. The usual orbs that always had a twinge of excitement for the unknown adventures of the day were replaced with ones that were glassy and heartbroken.

I soon focused my attention on the running tap, unable to bear the sight of the rest of myself that were beyond disgraceful. I cupped my hands, watching as my hands became filled with water then began to wash my face until there was nothing but waterdroplets on my face.

I passed my wet hands through my hair and slowly led my strands into a tight ponytail. There wasn't more that could be done to my appearance as I had lacked clothes and shoes that I would be most comfortable in. Even if I had, it still wouldn't have mattered as I wouldn't try to look my best for a man that I hadn't loved or cared for in any way.

I grasped my phone and walked towards the door, ready to get this planning out of my way. It were a hindrance to my mental stability and I knew that it would be best to get it over with as soon as possible. I pulled up my pyjama pants with a loud yawn, humming some unknown tunes as I followed the familiar trail to the livingroom.

I plastered a faux smile when I walked into the livingroom to see two women who I presumed were the wedding planners, make themselves comfortable in the room. Placing different material and utensils in an orderly manner, their flip chart were checked thoroughly by one of the ladies, making sure that everything was still in the same condition it was lastly in.

It was only after they had settled everything had they taken notice of me, who stood awkwardly by the door. "Mrs Shin," one of the women greeted, slightly bending to pay her respects. She was a beautiful woman who had a physique that were obtained by runway models; tall and lean. Her long, blonde straightened hair complimented her pale, glassy skin and light green eyes.

"Please call me Minnie," I corrected, hating that I were to be referred to a name that I had no likeness to. I sighed when I looked around to see that there were no signs of my 'husband'. Although it comforted me that he wasn't nearby, I would've been appreciative if he was the person who gave input about the designs since it were his dream wedding and not mines.

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