Chapter 14

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I groaned when I felt the burning pain on both of my shoulders. Hot tears ran down my face when I raised my arm to touch upon the areas that were in pain and felt even worse due to the intrusion on the open wound. I finally opened my eyes, and turned towards my shoulders, disgusted at the sight of dried-up blood and infected wound that I craved to treat. It was a disgusting sight but had been a reminder to the idiotic actions of mines that I had done to the most feared man in this region.

I had to admit that what I had done was out of impulse and purely idiotic. I should've taken heed to the many warnings that were given by both my father and his sister. I should've considered the fear of those who've been acquainted with the family to even evacuate the plan because no group would fear someone greatly unless they were in possession of great power. If that also hadn't been the case, then the threat of killing my father should've been the greatest blockage of them all. Although my father hadn't cared about my well-being, I still hadn't desired to be the very reason for his death.

I frowned as I came out of my thoughts to see the room that I was in. It hadn't had the sophisticated design of the room that I was initially situated in when I was moved into the home but was rather, dark, empty and dirty. I couldn't make out most of the room due to the limited light that entered due to the small window that was placed at the far upper corner to the room that provided light onto the bed that I was sleeping on. I screamed when I found a cockroach running across my body and flickered it off my bed.

I sat up from my bed, groaning at the back pain that I received from sleeping on a thin mattress throughout the night. "Where the hell am I?" I asked and shivered from the echoe of my whispered question. I bundled the dress in my hand and felt the walls in hopes that I would find the door or something that would give me an indication of the reason as to why I was here. I smiled when I felt the rough wood that belonged to the door. "Hello, is anybody here?" I shouted as I banged the door, hoping that there was someone but not at the same time due to the fear of it being the person who placed me here. "Somebody help me," I scream even louder, banging on the door like a madman until the wood of the door cracked and pierced the skin that covered my knuckles.

"Okay, okay, okay," I repeated as I tried to warmup my shoulders for the impact. From the many movies that I watched and from the different times that I've managed to lock myself up in my room, I knew that the only way that I could leave was to break the door off of its hinges. I wasn't quite sure with my petite built that wasn't similar to those muscular men would be able to break down the door, but I knew with enough speed and strength that I could manage.

"Here goes nothing," I said as I pushed my legs into the ground with greater force and ran towards the door. When I managed to reach within two feet, I shifted my body in such a manner that my shoulder faced the door and banged as hard as I could. "Fuck," I scream when I banged on the door and bounced back. My shoulder was already sore from the wound so the extra force that was placed on it made it even worse until I could hear ringing in my ears. I took deep breathes to try and calm down the piercing pain that I was going through.

I stood up once more and repeated the action. Each time I had done the action, my frustration grew as the supposed weak door hadn't budged from my weight. It made me want to pull all of my hair out due to the amount of effort that ended up to having no results. After the 20th collision, I finally gave up on the hope on breaking down the door. I slid down the surface of the door, sitting on the floor whilst crying at the predicament I was in. I bit my lip in pain from the wounds and tried to tear pieces of material from the dress so that I could stop the blood that flowed out of my body. Due to my spent energy and weakness from the excessive blood loss, my fingers failed to rip apart any material. "I can't," I repeated as I sobbed into my hands. I was mad at myself for lacking any survival skills. It was supposed to come easily to me due to the fear of death, but it clearly hadn't.

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