Chapter 18

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I never would have thought that I would have my wife looking into my eyes lovingly and giggling at the words that flew out of my mouth. It was an odd scene, as the curse of the Shin had been engraved on me since I was a teenager. My father had informed me that the people we would hold dear would be innocents who would later turn into broken individuals. My grandfather had shared of all of the women who married into the family and had fallen through the curse. He once gave an example of himself so that I could find sound evidence for their words.
My grandmother, Helda, was a devout Catholic Christian who knew nothing else but the church and her home. She had never wanted anything more, as she believed that those from outside would sever the relationship between her and God. She was right. My father was a devoted Christian as well; he believed in his religion most when he wanted a night of deals to go without a hitch. It seemed like it was fate when they had crossed paths and fell for each other at first sight; that was from the description that my grandfather gave as he drank his whisky in front of the cackling fire.
“She was not accepting of my love for her, but I had found a way,” he would say as he burped loudly, rubbing his arms to warm himself up even though it was 40 degrees. “It took a month to have her, and it took two to have tamed her.” He always shared a hearty laugh at the story, whereas my grandmother, who was listening to the tale, would let a few tears fall. It was a wonderful story for him, but it seemed like a nightmare for her. "Hwan, you must learn to tame a woman as soon as you can. You give them too much freedom, and they will have a knife lodged in your neck. We, Shins, have always loved hard, harder than anyone can ever imagine, and women who realise the intensity of our love will try to run to the hills or kill you. That is why you should tame them so the thought will never cross their minds."
The story of my grandparents was much too similar to that of my parents. It was almost identical, as if it were a remake of my grandfather’s life. I had seen my mother try to harm herself many times, as she wanted to run away from the relationship that she was bound into. It pained me to see my mother getting tortured for wanting her old life back, to the point that I made a promise to myself to not hurt anyone in that manner.
It was only after I had seen her for the first time did the promise of mine fly out of my mind. I had to have her by any means necessary. It was difficult to have her, as her family members were adamantly waiting for her to turn 18. Each time that I looked at her, my heart burnt. It felt like I was one with the stars, so peaceful, and without her, I felt like the dirt beneath the feet of my worst enemies.
I was overjoyed when she pulled me towards the dance floor, guiding my hands to her hips and placing hers around my neck. Her smile reached her eyes as she moved towards the beat and laughed when I didn't seem to catch it. I was like a fish out of the bowl, but it all didn't matter as she had found amusement through it all. I would do anything to keep that adoration in her eyes for the rest of her life.
I turned my head away from hers when I felt a pair of eyes following through each movement. It was not like most who stared at the newlywed couple with adoration but rather a stare of malice. It shook me to the core, and when I made eye contact with a man who sat in the furthest corner of the room, sipping champagne and passing a teasing smile, It unnerved me that I hadn't known a single thing about the man. His face was unfamiliar, and it made me wonder if there was something bad that was to happen.
“Why don't you talk to your friends for a while?” I suggested to Minnie as I slowed down our pace. “I just need to talk to someone really important.” She turned in the direction that I stared in and gave me a nod when she saw the man.
"I'll come back a little later. I need some water,” she responded as she separated from me and walked in the direction towards her friends. I straightened my jacket, making sure that the creases that developed when I danced were cleared, and made my way towards the man.
“Shin Hwan,” I introduced, stretching my hand towards the man.
“I guess legends still have the decency to share their names even if everyone is well aware of it,” he chuckled as he stood up from his seat, straightening his suit jacket as I did mine and jointing his left hand with my right. “Jack Dupont, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” I shook his hand and tried to scrape my brain for any familiarity, but failed.
“I thought that I could visit an unfamiliar face,” I began as I pointed out that he could have a seat. “Who are you? What are you doing at my wedding?"
“I belong to the Archilles gang that is situated in Mozambique. I have been sent here to form an alliance with you. You are currently owning almost the whole of South Africa, and it would be foolish not to form an alliance with someone who would make dealings a lot easier and more fruitful.” I laughed at the arrogance of the man before me. I heard of the gang a few nights ago; they brought an alarming attraction when they came in and killed multiple leaders of the small gangs that were scattered across the country. Their killings of all the small rats hadn't meant that they would be granted the chance to work hand-in-hand with me.

“I have heard that your gang stirred some trouble a few nights ago in Pretoria. You had the mayors scattering around like fools as they tried to cover their faces. Your group has nothing more than a bunch of brats who are bloodthirsty. Your lack of control made you guys pathetic, and the fact that you have nothing more than that makes it sad. You shouldn't have come here. Go home and try another person, maybe a gangster that has a little bit more power for you."
“Don Hwan, you have many enemies, am I right? Enemies that are, at times, much too difficult to control. Let me help you. I can get information about any group with a wink of an eyelash. I'm fresh meat; nobody has had their claws on me or have informed themselves of who I am. Give me a chance, Don. I will do whatever I can to have your protection."
“There’s a man named Jason Mbatha; ruin his operation and bring him to me. If you can do that, I will accept you under the Shin dynasty."

It was a short chapter but I hope that you all have enjoyed it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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