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I stormed out of Leo's room and made my way to my car, seething with anger, frustration, and hurt. I couldn't fathom why it hurt so much; the pain was almost unbearable.

When Leo mentioned that we should stay away from each other's personal lives, I initially thought it would be a simple arrangement.

As long as he stayed with me, it shouldn't have mattered, or so I believed. But witnessing how broken he looked just now, I couldn't control my emotions. I had intended to play with his feelings, but he managed to turn the tables, leaving me completely defeated.

I climbed into my car, leaning back on the seat and trying to close my eyes for a moment of solace. However, I couldn't keep them closed, haunted by Leo's vivid, bloodshot eyes.

Who called Leo?  Why did his behavior suddenly change? 
Whoever called it must have hurt Leo badly.
Leo looked very scared of the person.  I have to find out.  I have to do it.  He won't tell me but I can try to find out about his fears.  If anyone has hurt him they must pay for their sin.
  I don't care who that person is.
He is mine now, no one can hurt him.  I started the engine and got out of there. 

I couldn't go back to Leo's room so I decided to go to my room.  On the way, I called Ethan and asked him to help me find Leo and his background.  He was an expert in this matter.

  After talking to Ethan for a few minutes I hung up and sped to my room but I was too worried about Leo. 

I pick up my phone to call Leo but suddenly I remember that I don't have Leo's number.  We were deep into this and I still didn't ask for his number.  I was so stupid.

Upon reaching my dorm, I swiftly messaged Ethan, urgently requesting Leo's phone number.

I knew Ethan would obtain it by any means necessary. As expected, he messaged me promptly, and I dialed Leo's number.

The phone rang, but Leo didn't answer. I called again, but it was the same—unanswered. Panic began to grip me.
Without a second thought, I dashed out of my room and got into my car.

"Damn it, Leo, answer your fucking phone!"

I yelled in frustration.
I pulled onto the road and sped up, continuously calling Leo, but every attempt went unanswered.

My heart felt like it was about to stop, consumed by fear and worry. I shouldn't have left his side. I had witnessed how panicked he was, yet I abandoned him.

It was the dead of night, so the road was nearly empty. I was so immersed in Leo's concern that I didn't notice a truck approaching from the other side.

As I attempted to turn my car, I collided with the truck. Before I could comprehend the situation, my car went airborne and crashed onto the road.

"Le... Leo"
Gradually, my vision faded into darkness, and I lost consciousness.

As I struggled to force my eyes open, the strong scent of the hospital filled my senses.

The discomfort was overwhelming, making even the slightest movement of my eyelashes feel like a Herculean effort. It seemed as if I had been in a deep slumber for an eternity.

"Call the doctor, he's waking up," I heard voices bustling in the background.

I strained to open my eyes, but they closed again involuntarily.
I made a considerable effort to pry my eyes open, yet it seemed impossible. I felt a gentle touch on my face, presumably from a doctor.

"Alex," then came the voices of my sister, my mother, my father, and my friend. But the voice I longed to hear didn't make a sound.

If only I could hear his voice, my eyes would open automatically. Slowly, my senses began to blur, and I drifted back into emptiness.

"Leo" only his face I was seeing in my emptiness.

I couldn't discern how much time had passed, but gradually, I regained consciousness once more.

This time, I managed to open my eyes, and though uncomfortable, it was nothing like before.

My surroundings were dimly lit, indicating it was nighttime. I moved my eyes around and saw someone sleeping on the sofa—it was Adrian and Ethan. Their presence made me smile.

Deep down, I knew that even if the whole world turned its back on me, they wouldn't leave me alone.
Glancing around, I noticed an oxygen mask on my mouth, rendering me unable to speak.

I tried to move my hand, but both were unresponsive. The same was true for my legs—I couldn't even budge them.

Fear clenched at my heart. It was a terrifying realization—I was paralyzed. I could sense it just by trying to move my body. Panic surged within me, and I exerted all my strength to move, but it was futile.

I moved my head frantically, making whatever noise I could manage. My distress caught the attention of Adrian and Ethan. Ethan switched on the bright light, and they hurried to my side.

"Alex," they both looked at me with concern shining in their eyes. Inside my oxygen mask, I managed to smile at them.

"I'll call the doctor," Adrian said, moving to press the bell for assistance. Within a minute, two doctors and three nurses rushed into the room.

"Mr. Alex, can you hear me?" one of the doctors asked, shining a light into my eyes.

I attempted to nod, to signal that I could, but my neck barely responded.

"He seems to be having difficulty moving," the other doctor remarked, studying my vital signs.

Adrian interjected, "He was trying to move, but he couldn't."

The doctors exchanged concerned glances and proceeded to examine me further, conducting various tests and assessments.

I could feel their touch, their attempts to elicit a response from my limbs, but there was nothing. It was as if my body had betrayed me.

After what seemed like an eternity of tests, questions, and poking and prodding, they finally stepped back, their faces reflecting a mix of worry and bewilderment.

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