Babe, Marry Me

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"Alex... too fast... slow a bit... too fast..." I throw my head back. I can hardly breathe from Alex's forceful intensive thrusts.
every nerve of my body roaring in pleasure. I had missed being full of him inside me. this was the only right place for me.
"I can't stop, babe, I'm sure fucking you like this is still not enough in my life" Alex's speed and intensity became more and more frightening making me gasp and panted continuously. The attack from each wave of passion is stronger and stronger. This kind of thrilling pleasure, like the bites from a million ants is almost killing me. I really can't stand it...
"Fuck, babe," Alex groaned, collapsing onto me. He kissed me gently before burying his face in my neck, our chests pressing together as we caught our breath.

"Daddy, I'm hungry," Lisa's voice called from outside, making me almost jump off the bed.

"Don't worry, I locked the door," Alex mumbled carelessly, and I let out a relieved breath.

"Move away, I need to cook something for my daughter," I said, trying to push his body off me. Alex lifted his face and looked at me, his eyes narrowing.

"What?" I asked, confused by his expression.

Without saying anything, he moved a little away and grabbed his jacket. "What are you looking for?" I asked, watching him search his pockets. He pulled out a small blue box and looked at me. I raised my eyebrows questioningly. When he opened the box and I saw what was inside, my breath stopped. My eyes widened in shock.

"Babe, marry me," he said, pushing the box in front of me.

I stared at the ring in disbelief, my heart racing. It felt like time stood still as I processed what Alex had just asked me. Marry him? The thought echoed in my mind, overwhelming me with a rush of emotions.

The sight of the ring brought back memories of our past, both the good times and the challenges we faced together. It was a symbol of our love, a love that had endured despite everything.

But at the same time, I couldn't shake off the doubts and fears that lingered in my heart. Could we really make it work this time? Was I ready to take such a big step again?

"Alex, I..." My voice faltered as I struggled to find the right words. Thoughts raced through my mind, but I couldn't seem to articulate them.
I looked up at Alex, searching his eyes for any sign of hesitation or doubt. Instead, I saw nothing but sincerity and love shining back at me. His gaze was unwavering, filled with hope and longing.

Part of me wanted to say yes, to embrace the possibility of a future together. But another part was hesitant, afraid of what committing to him again might mean.
I could only see the vulnerability in his expression, the raw emotion behind his request. Despite everything that had happened between us, I couldn't deny the love I still felt for him.
His expression darkened as he noticed my hesitation. He took the ring and gently slipped it onto my finger.

"Alex..." My mind went blank as the weight of the ring settled on my hand.

"I'm not proposing marriage to you, so I don't need your answer. I'm telling you, this is just my first step, and we are going to register our marriage tomorrow," he declared, his tone final and commanding. I sat there in shock, speechless. He hadn't even given me a chance to respond.

"Put your clothes on, unless you want to be seen naked by your daughter," he said, tossing my clothes at me. "Why are you angry?" I asked in frustration, hearing the annoyance in his voice.
"It should be me who's angry because you're forcing me to accept you," I added. He exhaled deeply before fixing me with a sharp gaze. I swallowed nervously, feeling the intensity of his stare. Damn, he was fierce.

"Mind your words, Babe," he warned, leaning in closer. I held my breath as his lips brushed against mine.
"I'm not forcing you. You were mine from the moment I fuck you in that Fucking bathroom of the night bar for the first time. I know it's a little late to put a label on our relationship, but better late than never. I'm just giving it a name for the sake of society and for your peace of mind. Just remember, I'm your husband," he declared firmly.
I felt a surge of anger coursing through me.

"What if I don't..." I began, not really intending to remove the ring but wanting to provoke a reaction from Alex. But before I could even touch the ring, Alex seized my hand in midair.

"Don't you dare, babe. Don't try to push my buttons, babe. If you ever take off this ring or say another word of refusal, I'll shoot myself dead," he exclaimed, his voice booming with intensity. I gasped in shock at his threat.

"Why would you shoot yourself? Just shoot me instead..." I retorted angrily. Damn, I was furious. How dare he threaten me? But before I could finish my sentence, he silenced me with an aggressive kiss.

He gripped my head firmly with both hands and kissed me fiercely, leaving me breathless in an instant.

"Don't ever say that," he whispered between our kisses.

"Why can you say it but I can't? Can't I even choose my own fate?" I pushed him away angrily.

His expression softened, and he reached out to touch my face, but I swatted his hand away. "Don't touch me," I glared at him with fiery eyes.

He sighed helplessly and pulled me into his embrace. I tried to push him away, but he held me tightly, making it impossible for me to struggle.
"How could I ever harm you? You're my soul, and you know that only the body dies, not the soul. I couldn't bear to even hurt you a little bit, and you're asking me to kill you? I'd rather die myself than hurt you," he confessed softly.
My heart ached at his words. His tears fell onto my cheeks, and my breath caught in my throat at the sight of his pain.

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