All love was fake

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He pressed me under him, his kiss growing more eager. An indistinct sound emerged from my throat, quickly swallowed by the sound of Alex's ferocious sucking at my lower lip. He forced his way into my mouth, his tongue exploring every corner, leaving me breathless.

Soon, our clothes were discarded, and we were stroking each other’s hard lengths.

"Fuck... babe..." he moaned when I took his cum-dipping dick into my mouth and sucked it. It had been so long since I’d done this, and his arousal was overwhelming.

My mind briefly wandered to the woman I'd seen him with earlier, but I pushed the thought aside, focusing on the moment. His hands tangled in my hair as he guided me, his moans growing louder.

As I pleasured him, a mix of anger, confusion, and desire swirled within me. I could feel his body tensing, his breathing becoming more erratic as he neared his climax.

Alex began to move his hips as I increased my speed. I looked up at him, maintaining eye contact as I continued to move my mouth up and down, sucking his dick. He gave me a satisfied smile as our eyes met, his hands pressing my head to take him deeper, hitting the end of my throat.

"Babe, it feels so good inside your mouth," he said in a shaky breath. Just as he was on the verge of breaking, I abruptly pulled his dick out of my mouth and sat on the bed, staring at him intensely.
Anger surged through me, but fear held me back from asking the questions swirling in my mind. Alex was completely stunned when I stopped suddenly.

"Babe? What's wrong?" He reached to take my hand, but I threw his hand away, my eyes blazing with anger.

His expression darkened, realizing something was wrong. "Babe..."

I shot him an angry look, and he immediately fell silent. The room was thick with tension, the unspoken questions weighing heavily in the air.

"Let me ask you one thing. Are you planning to get married in the future or not?" I blurted out before I could stop myself.

"What? Where is this coming from?" He was confused.

He straightened himself and faced me. "Just answer me. You know we are both men. It's impossible for us to get married and have a child. So..."

I just wanted to be clear now so it wouldn't be painful later when he chose some woman over me. After meeting his sister today and seeing him with that woman, I realized that our future is so blurry.

He is the son of his family, and they will obviously want grandchildren. But I can't give them that; I'm a man. What if Alex also wants children in the future? What if, as his sister said today, he was just acting impulsively? What if he regrets being with me in the end?

"Don't you dare finish your sentence," he interrupted, his eyes burning with anger. He threw me on the bed and pressed me under him. I looked at him with an unwavering gaze. "Why? This is the truth. And we have to accept it..."

Before I could finish my words, he slammed his lips on mine, kissing me fiercely. I gasped for air as his anger fueled his kiss, making it harsh and desperate. When he finally pulled away, his eyes were terrifying, and his breath was ragged with rage. He grabbed my neck tightly, making it hard for me to breathe.

"You are mine. Don't even think that I'll ever let you go. What nonsense is going on in your head?" he yelled. I didn't struggle to push him away; I just watched him.

"Speak," he shouted when I didn't answer. This was the first time I saw him this angry.

"Nothing is going on in my head. I was just pointing out facts," I said slowly because his grip didn't loosen around my throat.

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