Chapter 5 (Edited)

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The air hung heavy with a macabre silence as the police carried Alessia's body out. Whispers swirled through the crowd like frightened birds, a stark contrast to the carefree chatter of just moments ago. From what I'd pieced together, a girl in my class had stumbled upon the horrifying scene - Alessia, lifeless, surrounded by a crimson stain.

A cold finger of dread traced down my spine. "Who could have done this?" the question echoed in the hollow space of my skull. Alessia, for all her cruelty, didn't deserve this.

Suddenly, a sharp finger jabbed my chest. Pamela, one of Alessia's ever-present satellites, glared at me with a fury that sent shivers down my spine. "You!" she spat, her voice laced with venomous accusation. "I know you killed her!"

My jaw clenched. "Killed her?" I scoffed, incredulous. "What would I possibly gain from that?"

"Freedom from her bullying, maybe?" Pamela sneered. "Who knew you were serious about your threats?"

Threats? My stomach churned. I had apologized, just like Mum had said. A public apology, filmed by Kayode at my insistence. Yet, Alessia, the queen bee with a heart of ice, had responded with a cruel spray of water. In a moment of anger and humiliation, I'd pulled her hair, vowing it would be the last time I'd clean up after her mess.

"A warning, not a threat," I clarified, my voice tight with controlled fury. "I told her if she messed with me again, there'd be consequences. But killing her? That's beyond anything I-"

"Enough with the lies, Yemisi!" Pamela cut me off, her voice dripping with disdain. "We all know your type."

I glared at her, the saying "show me your friend and I'll tell you who you are" echoing in my mind. Pamela was a reflection of Alessia's cruelty, a parrot squawking out accusations with no understanding of the truth.

Just then, Kayode burst into the classroom, his face etched with worry. "The investigators want to see you, Yemisi," he panted.

"She doesn't need questioning, we all know she's guilty!" Adediwura, another member of Alessia's court, shrieked, her voice laced with venomous glee.

With a deep breath, I followed Kayode out of the classroom, a knot of apprehension tightening in my stomach. The staff room, usually a place of bustling activity, now held a tense silence. Two figures, their faces grim, sat behind a table.

"Good morning, Miss Yemisi," one of them greeted, his voice devoid of warmth.

"Good morning," I replied, my voice steady despite the tremor in my hands.

"We've heard some things, Miss Yemisi," he continued, his gaze unwavering. "Apparently, there was a threat made yesterday. I'd like you to answer the following questions truthfully."

The urge to defend myself, to scream that I was innocent, warred with the nagging feeling that every word I uttered would be misconstrued. I opted for silence.

"Can you describe your interaction with the victim the day before the incident?" he asked. "Did any disagreements or arguments occur?"

Taking a deep breath, I recounted the events of the previous day - the apology, the water spit in my face, the warning fueled by humiliation.

"Were there any witnesses to this confrontation?" he inquired.

"Everyone in class saw it, including my brother," I replied.

He made some notes, his expression unreadable. The interrogation continued, each question a prod, each answer a tightrope walk. Finally, with a curt nod, he dismissed me.

Relief washed over me, a wave so powerful it nearly knocked me off my feet. I found Kayode waiting for me upstairs, his face etched with concern.

"School's closed for the day," he announced, his voice heavy. "I grabbed your bag and called Mr. Johnson. Let's go home."

"Okay," I mumbled, fatigue settling over me like a lead blanket.

As we exited the building, a fleeting movement caught my eye - a shadowy figure slipping into the elevator just as the doors closed.

"Kayode," I whispered, pointing towards the elevator.

"I saw it too," he confirmed, his gaze narrowing. "Let's find out who it is."

Okay what is happening here?
Alessia is dead
So I need an urgent list of suspects.
I'm not going to update without seeing 5 suspects
Anyways thanks so much for the reads and votes.
Love yaa 💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️❤️

Yemisi's Dilemma: Unmasking the Class Bully's DemiseWhere stories live. Discover now