Chapter 16

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Yemisi’s POV

Two weeks since Alessia’s mum was sentenced to five years imprisonment.

I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

I wouldn’t say life has returned to normal.

Ireti’s parents were back, so she was gone.

I really missed her presence.

I heard a knock on my door.

“Are you going?” Kayode entered and asked.

He was obviously referring to the invitation Mr. Bailey or ‘dad’ as he would like us to call him had given to us.

He wanted to spend some time with us.

I didn’t want to go, the whole thought was disgusting.

“Look I understand how you feel” Kayode said interrupting my thoughts.

“This whole wanting to ‘bond’ after 14 flipping years, is just hilarious” he continued

“But looking at this from another perspective or let’s say Ireti’s perspective, you might get something that might help in this Alessia’s case investigation” he added

I thought about what he just said.

The case was been swept under the rug.

From what I heard, there were no leads. Alessia’s fake results were just school error
But I wanted to believe it was more than that.

“I’ll think about it” I finally said.

“Please do” he pleaded

My phone vibrated on the nightstand, yanking me from a restless sleep. The dreamscape – a jumbled mess of accusations and flashing police lights – faded as I reached for the phone. It was Kayode.

"Hey," I answered cautiously, my voice hoarse.

"Why are you calling?" I asked

"Have you decided? Dad wants an answer about the visit."

"The visit?" My stomach clenched. "To his place?"

"That's why you called at 11pm" I stated
"You crazy?" I screamed

"Yeah," Kayode said, his voice low. "He's really pushing for it."

"Alright, fine," I muttered, the words heavy on my tongue. "We'll go."

"Good call," Kayode replied. "Operation Snoopy commences."

Two days later, we found ourselves pulling into the driveway of Dad's sprawling mansion. It was opulent, sure, but the coldness of the architecture mirrored the chill in our hearts. We were greeted by a housekeeper, Mr. Bailey noticeably absent. The air hung heavy with unspoken tension.

Once settled in our overly spacious "guest wing," Kayode and I huddled in my room.

"Alright," he said, his eyes fixed on a point beyond the window. "Tonight's the night."

Tonight, we'd be sneaking into Alessia's room. It was a risky move, considering I was the prime suspect, but the investigation had stalled. We needed something, anything, to clear my name and find out who took Alessia from the world.

The security detail Dad had employed made us feel like we were on a covert mission. Finally, we stood breathless outside Alessia's door, hearts pounding against our ribs. Kayode, ever the more daring one, picked the lock with practiced ease.

Stepping inside, a wave of Alessia's perfume hit us – a scent that now evoked only sadness. The room, a stark contrast to the sterile coldness downstairs, was a riot of pinks and whites, everything frilly and sparkly.

There was nothing here, nothing out of place, nothing that screamed "secret life."

"This is a waste of time," I grumbled, already turning towards the door.

"Hold on," Kayode said, his voice sharp. He was rummaging through a jewel-encrusted box on the dresser. "Look at this."

The box was beautiful, but it was a specific section that caught my eye. A small panel on the side seemed slightly ajar.

"There's something loose," I murmured, curiosity overcoming my initial dejection. My fingers brushed against a cool, leathery surface. With a gasp, I pulled out a small, bound book.

"A diary?" Kayode breathed, his eyes wide.

My heart hammered in my chest. This, this could be the key we'd been searching for. The truth about Alessia, about her final days, might be hidden within these pages. We might have just stumbled upon something that could change everything, something that could finally bring Alessia's killer to justice, and maybe, just maybe, clear my name.

Author's Note
Okay this was better than my previous writing.
I read my dictionary again and learned some new words
P.S: I no read my whole dictionary ooo
Alessia's dairy has been found
Let's hope our Yemisi finds information.
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Love to y'all

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